The articles on this website may be reproduced freely as long as the following source reference is provided:  Joseph A Islam






Salamun Alaikum (Peace be upon you)









(No Facebook account is necessary to view posts in the direct links below. Exceptions provided)




944  2020 - May 24  The Balance of the Quran
943  2020 - May 5  Messengers Amongst You
942  2020 - April 4  The Pandemic
941  2020 - January 7 Website Access
940  2020 - January 5  Good Mental Health
939  2019 - June 24  Bees and Fruits
938  2019 - June 19  The Dilemma is Real
937  2019 - June 14  Is it Really Science?
936  2019 - June 12  Quora Feedback Request
935  2019 - June 11  Summarised Responses to 5 Popular Clams
934  2019 - June 10  The Quran and the Ahadith Were Not Transmitted in the Same Manner
933  2019 - June 6  We Expect No Thanks
932  2019 - May 26  The Life of this World is a Play / Pastime (29:64)
931  2019 - May 12  Connecting with Like-minded People In Your Area
930  2019 - May 7  The Jews and the Quran
929  2019 - May 6  Ramadan Kareem 2019
928  2019 - May 4  Beware of the Teachers of the Law
927  2019 - May 1  Choose Your Friends Wisely
926  2019 - April 30  Reliable Prophetic Ahadith or Salvaged History
925  2019 - April 29  Time-Bound Sunna
924  2019 - April 29  The Same 'Deen' But Different 'Shariahs' Prescribed
923  2019 - April 28  Verse 42:16 - Avoiding Unnecessary Disputes / Arguments in Matters of Religion
922  2019 - April 27  Verse 10:12 - Affliction and Ungratefulness
921  2019 - April 26  Verse 2:201 - Good in this world and the Hereafter
920  2019 - April 26  Sexual Relations with Minors - A Heinous Suggestion
919  2019 - April 25  My Humble Advice Regarding Arabic and Prayer
918  2019 - April 25  Was Ritual Prayer a Practice Invented?
917  2019 - April 24  The Assertion that 'The Quran Requires No Other Source For Interpretation' Without Exception is False
916  2019 - April 23  Facebook Posts with Direct QM Forum Links
915  2019 - April 23  The Weakness of Quran Focused Groups
914  2019 - April 21  Remaining Intellectually Honest with the Quran
913  2019 - April 17  Never Be Afraid of Asking Questions
912  2019 - April 16  Language Proficiency Poll
911  2019 - April 15  A Verse in Surah Fateha
910  2019 - March 24  Flat-Earth Theorists
909  2019 - March 24  The Unexpected Disappearance of a Post from My Facebook Wall
908  2019 - March 10  The Quran as a Filter, not a Sledgehammer
907  2019 - March 3  4 Categories of People
906  2019 - February 11  "A Conscience without God ..." - A Quote by Alphonse de Lamartine
905  2019 - February 8  Unplugged from the Matrix of Blind Dogma
904  2019 - January 19  No Thanks or Reward
903  2019 - January 7  Dear Lord...
902  2018 - December 24  Jesus - 'Peace is on me the day I was born ...'
901  2018 - December 17  Awareness of Historical Sources
900  2018 - November 30  Why Me?
899  2018 - October 26  What Does it Mean to Obey the Messenger?
898  2018 - October 25  Be Consistent in Critique (Christian vs Muslim Canons)
897  2018 - October 23  Quran-centrism
896  2018 - October 23  Techniques Deployed Against the Quran-Centric Position by the Traditionalist
895  2018 - October 12  Ameen / Amen
894  2018 - August 20  Hajj Mabrur
893  2018 - August 14  An Invitation to Have Your Sins Forgiven
892  2018 - June 29  Momentary Earthly Pleasure
891  2018 - June 21  Verse 4:82
890  2018 - June 20  "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought" ~ John F. Kennedy
889  2018 - June 5  Ending of Ramadan
888  2018 - June 12  Extreme Failure
887  2018 - June 8  Earthly and Heavenly Pursuits - How to Compare
886  2018 - May 29  Questions and Answers & The QM Forum
885  2018 - May 29  God's Plans are Better Than Your Dreams
884  2018 - May 18  Bonds Formed Through Marriage
883  2018 - May 15  Ramadan Mubarak
882  2018 - May 4

 Flat-Earth Theorists [Original Link Broken/Unavailable]

 Reposted 24th March 2019:  Flat-Earth Theorists

881  2018 - May 2  'The Day when deep / hidden / secret (thoughts) will be searched out / tested' 86:9
880  2018 - May 1  "And do not lose heart and do not grieve ..." 3:139
879  2018 - March 14  Stand Up For Truth & Justice
878  2018 - March 11  "Raise Your Words..."
877  2018 - March 5  Never Quit - Self Belief and Faith
876  2018 - March 1  Our Utterances and Shares
875  2018 - February 28  "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil..." - Quote by Albert Einstein
874  2018 - February 27  People and Things - Quote by Joshua Fields, The Minimalists
873  2018 - January 17  Quran vs Hadith - Travel and see or not?
872  2018 - January 8  Our Lord is Most Loving / Affectionate (11:90)
871  2018 - January 5  The Only Things We Can Take Away ...
870  2017 - December 12  Proverbs 28:6 - Better is the Poor if Righteous ...
869  2017 - December 4  Verse 49:10 - So Make Peace Between Your Brethren
868  2017 - November 16  Verses 23:55-56 - Wealth and Children
867  2017 - November 5  Verses 63:9-11 - Do Not Be Diverted With Worldly Matters
866  2017 - October 26  A Strange Paradox of Life
865  2017 - October 16  Follow Those That Ask of No Fee
864  2017 - October 13  The Ten Commandments in Surah 17 [17:22-37]
863  2017 - October 12  Oscar Wilde's Quote
862  2017 - October 11  Prudes
861  2017 - October 7  Parents Are Not Always to Blame for the Delinquencies of their Children
860  2017 - October 6  The Rising of the Sun
859  2017 - October 5

 Facebook Posts Link

858  2017 - October 5  "Produce four witnesses"
857  2017 - September 29  "...Verily (no doubt) in the remembrance of God do hearts find rest!..."
856  2017 - September 25  Failed Guides
855  2017 - September 24

 "Woe to every slanderer, backbiter / defamer"

854  2017 - September 23  "Do people think that they will be left alone because they say, "We believe" and that they will not be tested?”
853  2017 - September 20  An Approach
852  2017 - September 19   A Prayer to God Almighty
851  2017 - September 18 


850  2017 - September 15  Taking a Fence Down - Quote by G.K. Chesterton
849  2017 - September 11  Ask Forgiveness of Your Lord ... Verse 11:52
848  2017 - August 26    Opinions
847  2017 - June 18  God's Forgiveness
846  2017 - June 7  Remaining Humble and Outwardly Reserved About One's Blessings
845  2017 - June 1  Verse 57:20 - The World as Enjoyment and Deception / Delusion
844  2017 - May 30  Verse 2:200-202 - Praying for the World and / or the Hereafter
843  2017 - May 26  Ramadan Greetings
842  2017 - March 12  Do Not Follow the Footsteps of Satan (24:21)
841  2017 - March 7  Indeed to God We Belong and Indeed to Him is Our Return - 'Inna-Lillahi-Wa'inna-Ilayhi Rajiun'
840  2017 - March 1  The Highly Controversial Agenda of Deligitimising the Authority of Well Established Meanings of Arabic Words
839  2017 - March 1

 Prophet Solomon's Death

838  2017 - February 15  The Importance of the Traditional Five Pillars of Islam - Pre Quranic Sunnah
837  2017 - January 19

 Quote by Blaise Pascal

836  2017 - January 3  "No snowflake in an avalanche ..."
835  2016 - December 18  Sins
834  2016 - December 16  "And be patient over whatever befalls you..."
833  2016 - October 2  Karbala Historicity
832  2016 - September 25  Restrain Thy Gaze
831  2016 - September 24  A Thought on Losing Faith
830  2016 - September 14  Jizya and Dhimmi Status
829  2016 - September 9  "A man is great by deeds, not by birth" ~ A Quote by Chanakya
828  2016 - September 7  Reflecting on God's Signs
827  2016 - August 24  One of the Greatest Blessings - Knowledge & Wisdom
826  2016 - August 23  Committing the Holy Quran to Written Parchments
825  2016 - August 19  The Wilfully Blind
824  2016 - August 9  Even Prophets Toiled and Suffered Hardships ...
823  2016 - July 30  Patience is Rewarded
822  2016 - July 26  Was Iblis (Satan) a Jinn or a Fallen Angel
821  2016 - July 8  Minor Sins Quote
820  2016 - July 6  Is the Quran Really the Starting Point in Resolving Islamic Differences of Opinion
819  2016 - July 1  Are Humans God's Most Preferred Creation?
818  2016 - July 1  Eid
817  2016 - June 26  The Ducks - Feeding Frenzy
816  2016 - June 26  Choose a Way to Your Lord
815  2016 - June 22  The Holy Lands and the Sanctuary at Makkah
814  2016 - June 19  God's Permission
813  2016 - June 18  Righteous Friends
812  2016 - June 17  "A Little Philosophy ..." A Quote by Francis Bacon
811  2016 - June 12  Transgression into Lewdness / Immorality
810  2016 - June 11  Tarawih Prayers
809  2016 - June 9  Muhammad Ali Answers a Question in a Spiritual Context
808  2016 - June 8  "An Error Does Not Become Truth ..." A Quote by Mahatma Gandhi
807  2016 - June 5  Ramadan Wishes from Joseph Islam
806  2016 - May 4  A Sincere Message
805  2016 - April 27  Our Lord Never Forgets
804  2016 - April 22  "Who makes us ignorant?..."
803  2016 - April 19  "We arguably became a lost community ..."
802  2016 - April 5

 "The Origin of existence is movement ..." ~Ibn al-Arabi

801  2016 - April 2  "How Strange and foolish is man..." ~ Attributed to Ali ibn Abi Talib and Others
800  2016 - March 25

 Pray not to be free of trials ...

799  2016 - March 22  "In the gardens of bliss. A number of people from those of old and a FEW from those of later times." 56:12-14
798  2016 - March 19  The Concept of Sadaqah (Charity) from the Quran
797  2016 - March 15  Today's Global Communications & Connections
796  2016 - March 15  "Circumstances do not make the  man, they reveal him"
795  2016 - March 13  "Protect Your Families ..." - Quran 66:6
794  2016 - March 12  Life remains a Struggle
793  2016 - February 22  What will Profit a Man ...? Mark 8:36
792  2016 - February 21  Burying the Dead - An Innate Practice?
791  2016 - February 8  Prophet Jesus is not God - The Bible Does Not Teach the Trinity
790  2016 - January 18  The Human Species
789  2016 - January 17  The Even and the Odd - The Polarity of Creation
788  2015 - November 25  "Many much-learned men have no intelligence" - Democritus
787  2015 - October 24  "Educate the children..." - Pythagoras
786  2015 - October 13

 A Prayer - Psalm Chapter 51, verse 1-2 (NIV)

785  2015 - September 27  "Learned we may be with another man's learning..." - Michel de Montaigne
784  2015 - September 22  You are Never Alone
783  2015 - September 16  The Hajj and Umrah According to the Quran
782  2015 - September 9  Amidst the Scrolls...
781  2015 - September 6  "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear" - An Ancient Quote
780  2015 - September 5  Misguided Religious Convictions - A Quote by Blaise Pascal
779  2015 - August 31  "When you find yourself on the side of the majority..." - Mark Twain
778  2015 - August 30  Slave to the Fallible Past
777  2015 - August 25  "If you would be a real seeker after truth..." - René Descartes
776  2015 - August 25  Aspects of a Prophetic Ministry
775  2015 - August 22

 Speak a Gentle Word

774  2015 - August 20  We Oft Forget So Many of Our Blessings
773  2015 - August 16  Spread Knowledge with Care and Wisdom
772  2015 - August 16  Remain Vigilant Against Those That Twist the Arabic Language and Effectively Create a New Reading of the Quran by Doing So
771  2015 - August 15  Free Sex with Slave Girls? - Not According to the Quran!
770  2015 - August 13

 If the Quran Had Been Transmitted and Compiled in the Same Manner as the Ahadith ...

769  2015 - August 9  Our Lord, Please Guide Us to Your Ways ...
768  2015 - August 8  The Ahadith Allegedly Explaining the Quran
767  2015 - August 1  The Beautiful Character of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
766  2015 - July 21

 A Book That Presents Parables ...

765  2015 - June 28  Can Menstruating Women Fast?
764  2015 - June 12  It is not Deviance, But a Right to Go Back to First Principles, the Source!
763  2015 - June 6  Led Astray By Fallible Sources
762  2015 - May 10  Self Transformation - Quote by Lao Tzu
761  2015 - April 19  Beware of the teachers of the law - Prophet Jesus
760  2015 - April 6  Haughtily Judging Others
759  2015 - March 29  The Exodus of Prophet Moses's People - A Quranic Perspective
758  2015 - March 15  Unnecessary Questions
757  2015 - March 11  Quote by Alan Watts
756  2015 - March 10  Quote by George Orwell
755  2015 - February 25  "...The eyes are useless when the mind is blind..."
754  2015 - February 18  The Middle Way
753  2015 - February 13

 "If I were purely a philosopher ..."

752  2015 - February 9  Two Crucial Differences Between the 'Quranist' (ism) and 'Quran-Centric' Approach
751  2015 - January 28  Is the Quran Simply a Revelation to be Understood and Applied on a Personal Level?
750  2015 - January 22  If there were no accountability or a hereafter...
749  2014 - December 18  The Ten Commandments Related by the Quran
748  2014 - December 12  A Basic Quranic Timeline Dealing with the Onset of the Final Hour and Resurrection
747  2014 - December 12  Schisms that lead to Violence
746  2014 - November 29  Psalm 139:23-24
745  2014 - November 27  Quote by Helen Keller
744  2014 - November 23  For the Sake of God
743  2014 - November 21  A Story Not So Far Fetched - Two Travelling Angels
742  2014 - November 20  The Known Universe
741  2014 - November 15  Children
740  2014 - November 14  The Quran's Lament
739  2014 - November 13  Quote by Aldous Huxley
738  2014 - November 10  Is the Punishment of Hell Eternal?
737  2014 - November 9  Quote by Abdul Sattar Edhi
736  2014 - November 8  Dear Traditionalist
735  2014 - November 8  The Weakness of Memory Recall and the Subjective Nature of Transmitter Reliability
734  2014 - November 5  My Beliefs and Practices in a Nutshell
733  2014 - November 3  Islam as a Community Based Religion
732  2014 - October 29  A Test for All Those of Faith Who Study the Book - Rely On Clear Matters
731  2014 - October 28  Verse Numbers of the Quran
730  2014 - October 26  The Unwarranted Infatuation With Seeking Knowledge of the Final Hour
729  2014 - October 21  Myopic Thinking
728  2014 - October 20  The Absence of Prayer Form - My Experience at Madinat al-Zahra (Al Andalus), Spain
727  2014 - October 20  How Prophets Dealt with Earthly Desires
726  2014 - October 18  Solace and Reassurance - The Quran
725  2014 - October 15  Quote by Fulton Sheen
724  2014 - October 13  'Familiarity' and 'Erudition' Remain Distinct
723  2014 - October 11  The Two Awakenings
722  2014 - October 10  "Don't raise your voice, improve your argument" - Quote by Desmond Tutu
721  2014 - October 9  A Simple Instruction Confounds Many - 'Establish Salaat'
720  2014 - October 8  Keep Remembrance of the Hereafter - Continuous
719  2014 - October 3  Summary Dashboard - October 2014
718  2014 - September 29  A Trial Based Blip of Time
717  2014 - September 29  Real Abundance - Wisdom
716  2014 - September 29  Prevention of Individual Thought
715  2014 - September 28  Truths are Not Handed on a Plate
714  2014 - September 27  An example of a Quran-centric approach - Wash or Wipe in Ablution?
713  2014 - September 26  Self Shackled Prisoner
712  2014 - September 26  Most memorised and recited, least understood
711  2014 - September 22  Understanding Trials
710  2014 - September 18  Does Prayer Need to be in Arabic?
709  2014 - September 18  The Ignorant appear Learned and the Learned are Considered Ignorant
708  2014 - September 17  Rely on Clear Evidence
707  2014 - September 14  "Tradition becomes our security..." - Quote by Jiddu Krishnamurti
706  2014 - September 5  "The Truth Will Set You Free..." - Quote by Gloria Steinem
705  2014 - September 5  The Human Race is Not Part of an Arbitrary Existence. We Must Know Why We Are Here
704  2014 - September 3  God's Active Role and Our Trials
703  2014 - August 30  Do Not Exult in What God Has Given You
702  2014 - August 29  Perverted Ideologies and Neutralising the Threat of Extremism
701  2014 - August 24  'Leap of Faith' - The Insignificant Phrase
700  2014 - August 21  Yajuj Wa Majuj (Gog and Magog)
699  2014 - August 20  The Heart of the Matter - The Two Sources
698  2014 - August 19  Are You Qualified?
697  2014 - August 18  A Strange Paradox - 'Moderate Muslims'
696  2014 - August 15  The Message
695  2014 - August 13  The Futility of Superficial Comparisons - Doctors vs Clergymen
694  2014 - August 7  Empty Rituals
693  2014 - August 7  The Mindless Slaughter of Innocent Souls
692  2014 - August 4  Know Who to Condemn and Why - The Palestinian & Israeli Conflict
691  2014 - August 4  The Destruction of Temples and the Children of Israel
690  2014 - July 23  Life in Occupied Territories
689  2014 - July 22  The State of the Ummah - Why are their Prayers Not Being Heard
688  2014 - July 17  Stop Blaming Others for your Own Disunity
687  2014 - July 15  The Concept of Hijrat - When it Becomes Compulsory from a Quran's Perspective
686  2014 - July 15  A Trustee Relationship with Your Means
685  2014 - July 12  Human Beings are in Most Things, Contentious
684  2014 - July 9  Why Did God Not Simply Place Us in Paradise Without a Trial?
683  2014 - July 8  Who Does God Love?
682  2014 - July 3  Ridicule and Taunts
681  2014 - July 1  The Mantra - "You Only Live Once!"
680  2014 - June 30  Reformers
679  2014 - June 29  Seek Moderation [Original Link Broken/Unavailable]

 Reposted 7th May 2019 Seek Moderation

678  2014 - June 28  Tarawih Prayers - Q&As with Joseph Islam
677  2014 - June 25  Hypocrisy and Double Standards
676  2014 - June 22  Why Take the Quran Seriously?
675  2014 - June 22  We Ask the Question
674  2014 - June 20  Sleepwalk
673  2014 - June 17  When You Ask for Guidance, Do You Really Mean It?
672  2014 - June 17  An Atheistic Worldview
671  2014 - June 16  Real Equality
670  2014 - June 16  Prayers (Du'a) are Very Important
669  2014 - June 13  The Quran - The Greatest Mirror
668  2014 - June 7  Never to Cease Asking Questions
667  2014 - June 5  The Walking Dead
666  2014 - June 4  Hypothetical Statements & Questions to Prophet Lot
665  2014 - June 4  We Must Recognise Our Real Priorities
664  2014 - June 3  Quote by Napolean Bonaparte
663  2014 - June 2  Mentality of the Human Masses
662  2014 - June 1  What if We Are Right in What We Say to You?
661  2014 - May 30  God Confers Honour Upon Whom He Wills - 'The Second of the Two'
660  2014 - May 27

 Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson and John Greenleaf Whittier

659  2014 - May 27  Different Players, Same Arguments
658  2014 - May 26  Perception
657  2014 - May 25  Bridging the Gap - From "A Christian who believes in the Quran's testimony"
656  2014 - May 22  An Open Quran and a Willingness to Scrutinise
655  2014 - May 20  What the Profile Image Depicts for Me
654  2014 - May 18  Understanding Different Worlds
653  2014 - May 17  "When the Debate is Lost ..." - A Quote Attributed to Socrates
652  2014 - May 16  Mansions & Palaces
651  2014 - May 14  Divergent
650  2014 - May 12  "My Lord!, Increase Me In Knowledge"
649  2014 - May 12  And Humans Don't Have a Purpose?
648  2014 - May 11

 Intellectual Laziness

647  2014 - May 11  Islam - What Kind of Religion Is It?
646  2014 - May 10  How Many Times a Year Are You Tested?
645  2014 - May 9  The Quran
644  2014 - May 8  You Don't Need Scripture to Tell You That God Exists
643  2014 - May 8  Whose Sharia?
642  2014 - May 8  What Makes You So Different?
641  2014 - May 7  The Cycle Repeats
640  2014 - May 6  Which Approach Does One Take?
639  2014 - May 6  Adam and Jannah - An Earthly Abode or Paradise?
638  2014 - May 3  Do I Follow the Sunna?
637  2014 - May 2  You Say You Adore the Prophet...
636  2014 - May 1  The Misery of Blind Rote Learning
635  2014 - April 30  The Betraying Eyes
634  2014 - April 28  Power to Dream
633  2014 - April 27  Peer Pressure / Group Conformity
632  2014 - April 25

 Bring Me Better Proof if You Are Truthful

631  2014 - April 24  Dear Atheist...
630  2014 - April 23  Not Making Use of One's Own Mental Acuity
629  2014 - April 23  Altering the Message - A Very Serious Matter
628  2014 - April 20  Evolution as a 'Process' Guided by God
627  2014 - April 20  Muhammad is Simply 'A Man'. Is He?
626  2014 - April 19  Modern Sensibilities
625  2014 - April 18  Wisdom from our Children
624  2014 - April 14  Honesty to Oneself and Others
623  2014 - April 14  The Potential of Humans
622  2014 - April 9  Parental Upbringing
621  2014 - April 9  You Cannot Guide Whom You Love
620  2014 - April 9  Wireless Communication
619  2014 - April 5  Doctrinal Extremes
618  2014 - April 5  What Kind of Signs / Portents Were They Demanding?
617  2014 - April 3  Facebook vs A Dedicated Forum for 1-1 Debates
616  2014 - April 2  'God Does Not Change His Ways'
615  2014 - April 1  Denying Miraculous Events
614  2014 - March 23  Peering into the Past
613  2014 - March 22  Metaphorical Readings in the Quran - A Misnomer
612  2014 - March 22  Studying the Bible as Another Source for Guidance
611  2014 - March 21  Beautiful People
610  2014 - March 20  The Precision of the Quran's Usage of Language - Prophet Noah's Long Life
609  2014 - March 19  One's True Identity Revealed
608  2014 - March 18  This is Where the Problem Starts from a Theological Perspective
607  2014 - March 16  Sleep
606  2014 - March 10  Poetry from a Quran's Perspective and a Historic Survey
605  2014 - March 7  The Gravest Foe of Truth
604  2014 - March 6  Disbelief (Kufr)
603  2014 - March 4  A Blip in Time
602  2014 - March 4

 No Time to Study the Quran?

601  2014 - March 3

 The Story of Robert Davila - Nouman Ali Khan

600  2014 - March 2  Religious Knowledge Without True Application
599  2014 - March 2  Dr Adnan Ibraham - Screaming I Despise Human Monsters
598  2014 - February 28  The Internal Barometer / One's Innate Disposition
597  2014 - February 28  The Sabbath Breakers: Apes & Swine - A Metaphorical or Literal Reading
596  2014 - February 26  It is not the 'Language' That is Important, But the 'Message'!
595  2014 - February 23  Human Creation
594  2014 - February 18

 Silent Majority

593  2014 - February 16  The Potential Imminent Nature of Death
592  2014 - February 14  Truth and Minorities
591  2014 - February 14  Fighting Verses Illustrated
590  2014 - February 12  Do Not Judge
589  2014 - February 12  Walking Alone
588  2014 - February 11  Dichotomy of Practices
587  2014 - February 11  Facebook - Looking Back Video
586  2014 - February 8  When Denying God's Existence Becomes a Fashionable Trend
585  2014 - February 6  Who Made God? - Questions from an Older Child
584  2014 - February 6  Making Distinctions - A Serious Theological Matter
583  2014 - February 2  Modesty in the Heart or Attire?
582  2014 - January 31  A Scholarly Force
581  2014 - January 24  Controversy - Quote by John Henry Newman
580  2014 - January 23  Change
579  2014 - January 17  The Oft Forgotten (The Angel of Death)
578  2014 - January 15

 Celebrating Prophet Muhammad's Birthday

577  2014 - January 14  Absorbed by Perfection
576  2014 - January 13  Wisdom
575  2014 - January 11  Our Gift of an Intellect - Never Forgo Its Use
574  2014 - January 10  A Hypocritical Approach
573  2014 - January 8  Recognise the Truth - Belief in God is Important
572  2014 - January 7  Conduct is Key
571  2014 - January 6  Striving for Truth
570  2014 - January 4  The Truth That I Strive to Uphold
569  2014 - January 1  Is Hearsay Unquranic?
568  2013 - December 30  Allegorical or Literal Meanings to Biblical Stories in the Quran
567  2013 - December 30  Can the Quranic 'Sujud' Mean Physical Prostration in Certain Contexts?
566  2013 - December 28  Corrupting a Source that is Perfect
565  2013 - December 16  Challenging the Status Quo
564  2013 - December 13

 Blurring of the Boundaries

563  2013 - December 9  The Quran is my Lens
562  2013 - December 8  Religious Scholar and a Layman
561  2013 - December 7  A Less Divisive World
560  2013 - November 20  Struggle
559  2013 - November 4  Obeying Leaders and Men Blindly
558  2013 - October 31  They Keep Questioning But Do Not Ask the Details of Salat and Zakat - Why?
557  2013 - October 30  Possible Approach of the Earliest Muslims with Regards Islamic Sources
556  2013 - October 30  Salat and Zakat Outside the Ahadith Corpus
555  2013 - October 27  Produce a Surah Like It - The Challenge of the Quran
554  2013 - October 26  Falsehood with all its Sophistry
553  2013 - October 26

 Unknown Names and Towns

552  2013 - October 24  Pedantic Rituals
551  2013 - October 23  Fettered by the Words of Men
550  2013 - October 22

 Religious Zealotry

549  2013 - October 22  Full Circle
548  2013 - October 21  Being Taught the Beauty of Diversity
547  2013 - October 21  Consult
546  2013 - October 19  Greatness of a People
545  2013 - October 18  Guidance Most Straight
544  2013 - October 15  Obstacles Within Ourselves
543  2013 - October 15  Emphasis on Rituals
542  2013 - October 13  My Struggle
541  2013 - October 13  Social Depravity in the Name of Art
540  2013 - October 13

 Were all the Prophet's Utterances a 'Wahi' From God? (Divinely Inspired)?

539  2013 - October 12  Paradigm Shift
538  2013 - October 12  Pious Lies
537  2013 - October 8  The Quran-centric Position
536  2013 - October 8  A Dichotomy in Practice within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
535  2013 - October 7  Fetters of Blind Scripting
534  2013 - October 6  Exploiting the Sources
533  2013 - October 5  Mental Slavery
532  2013 - October 4  Tested in Secret
531  2013 - October 3  Daring to Challenge
530  2013 - October 2  Quranic Prayers
529  2013 - October 2  Errant Theologies
528  2013 - October 1  Engage
527  2013 - October 1  Inconsistency Regarding the Literary Record
526  2013 - October 1  External Post - Nadeem Akhtar
525  2013 - October 1  External Post - Nadeem Akhtar
524  2013 - September 30  Enemies Amongst Us
523  2013 - September 30  Little Knowledge vs Blind Belief
522  2013 - September 30  Contrived Authority
521  2013 - September 29  Voluminous Secondary Sources
520  2013 - September 29  External Post - Nadeem Akhtar
519  2013 - September 28  Greatest Challenge to Truth
518  2013 - September 28

 Late Fallible Sources

517  2013 - September 27

 External Post - Shaik Nasar (Login Required)

516  2013 - September 27  Being Well Versed with the Quran and Religion
515  2013 - September 26  The Disparity Between the Quran and the Ahadith Corpus
514  2013 - September 25  Shoehorning Unwarranted Doctrines Into the Quranic Verses
513  2013 - September 25  External Post - Nadeem Akhtar
512  2013 - September 24

 Reading the Book with Borrowed Eyes

511  2013 - September 24  Using One's Potential - Quote by Erma Bombeck
510  2013 - September 24  The Quran Must Be Allowed To Speak
509  2013 - September 22  The Confines of Divine Religious Boundaries
508  2013 - September 21  External Post - Selma El Mahi Ahlroth (Login Required)
507  2013 - September 21  External Post - Adam Sayid (Login Required)
506  2013 - September 21

 Whether 'Consent' is a Legitimate Basis for Authority

505  2013 - September 21  Propagating Error
504  2013 - September 21  Fallibility of the Compilers
503  2013 - September 21  The Hidden Islam in America
502  2013 - September 17  External Post - Nadeem Akhtar
501  2013 - September 17

 Our Limited Life

500  2013 - September 14  With a Piece of Chalk
499  2013 - September 14  The Ocean of the Quran
498  2013 - September 14  The Illiterate of the 21st Century
497  2013 - September 13  Pass Through
496  2013 - September 12  The Prayers of the Believers
495  2013 - September 12  Hearsay
494  2013 - September 12  Misplaced Obscurantism
493  2013 - September 11  Does Verse 65:4 Provide Consent To Consummate a Marriage with a Female Minor?
492  2013 - September 10  Marriageable Age
491  2013 - September 10  Charitable Intent
490  2013 - September 9  Desperate Times and Character
489  2013 - September 8  Resisting Changes - Rumi's Quote
488  2013 - September 8  Life is a Trial
487  2013 - August 31  Speaking the Truth
486  2013 - August 27  External Post - Shaik Nasar (Login Required)
485  2013 - August 26  Heinous Crimes Committed in the Name of God
484  2013 - August 25  Mark Twain's Quote
483  2013 - August 25  Asking Why
482  2013 - August 24  The Quran Exposes One's Shortcomings
481  2013 - August 23  God's Words
480  2013 - August 22  Real Victory
479  2013 - August 20

 External Post - Touhida Ferdous (Login Required)

478  2013 - August 18

 What is an Islamic Greeting?

477  2013 - August 15

 How Many Embrace the Inevitable?

476  2013 - August 15

 External Post - Wahida Ferdous (Login Required)

475  2013 - August 14

 Following Traditions

474  2013 - August 13  External Post - Jason Wilson (Login Required)
473  2013 - August 11  Surah 102 and Worldly Distractions
472  2013 - August 9  External Post - Andy Singaporean (Login Required)
471  2013 - August 9  Why Have We Fasted?
470  2013 - August 9  External Post - Feel Deep (Login Required)
469  2013 - August 8

 My Religion is for God

468  2013 - August 8  End of Ramadan and Allegiances
467  2013 - August 6  Different Paths, One Purpose
466  2013 - August 6  Our Responsibilities
465  2013 - August 5  Search for Truth an Ongoing Endeavour
464  2013 - August 4  Defending Deep Held Convictions at the Expense of Truth
463  2013 - August 3

 Echoes of the Past

462  2013 - August 2

 The Power of Forgiveness

461  2013 - August 2  The Real Sunna of the Prophets
460  2013 - August 1  Fingers Point Back
459  2013 - July 30

 Quranic Myopia

458  2013 - July 27  Tawakkal Ala Allah
457  2013 - July 26  The Quran Itself is a Translation in Parts
456  2013 - July 25  A Better Argument
455  2013 - July 25  Softening of the Hearts
454  2013 - July 24  The Two Guides - The Quran and the Bible
453  2013 - July 23  Common Ground
452  2013 - July 23  A Wise Man
451  2013 - July 23  The Earliest Generations
450  2013 - July 23


449  2013 - July 23  Inner Balance
448  2013 - July 22  External Post - Ismail Lasun (Login Required)
447  2013 - July 22  Who Are 'Really' the Quranic Ulema?
446  2013 - July 21  Different Players and a Different Time
445  2013 - July 21

 Double Standards

444  2013 - July 21  Hope More Powerful Than Fear
443  2013 - July 21  Acute Fear
442  2013 - July 20  Do You Really Mean It?
441  2013 - July 20

 Nothing Has Been a Coincidence

440  2013 - July 19  Surrendering the Intellect
439  2013 - July 19  Asking Questions in Religion
438  2013 - July 18

 Pass It On!

437  2013 - July 18

 Sole Answerability

436  2013 - July 17  Those Who Divide Their Religion and Become 'Shi'ah'
435  2013 - July 17  Awaiting a 'Mahdi'
434  2013 - July 17  Sentenced Without a Trial
433  2013 - July 16  False Consensus
432  2013 - July 16  Replacements
431  2013 - July 15  Eliciting Finer Details
430  2013 - July 15  God Almighty
429  2013 - July 15  Relative Judgement
428  2013 - July 14  Powerful Advice Every Parent Should Give Their Child
427  2013 - July 14  External Post - Pouya Motavalli (Login Required)
426  2013 - July 13  Wisdom In-between the Lines
425  2013 - July 13  Infatuation with Titles
424  2013 - July 13  Coincidence or Contrived?
423  2013 - July 12  Holding Contradictory Beliefs
422  2013 - July 12  A Fresh Dialogue
421  2013 - July 11  Ramadan
420  2013 - July 11  External Post - Syed Ijlal Hussain (Login Required)
419  2013 - July 10  Seeking Knowledge from Someone Whose Intentions Are Compromised
418  2013 - July 10

 Skepticism to Re-establish Certainty

417  2013 - July 1  External Post - Ali Al-Abdul Wadud (Login Required)
416  2013 - June 17  Unavailability
415  2013 - June 17  Jannah
414  2013 - June 16  "Thus We Contrived..." - God Cannot Be Constrained
413  2013 - June 16  How Islamic Secondary Sources Can Lead to Hatred
412  2013 - June 14  Knowledge of the Ancients
411  2013 - June 14  Sexy Female Virgins For Men in Paradise - Really?
410  2013 - June 14  Herd Mentality
409  2013 - June 13

 True Enquiry Demands Consistency

408  2013 - June 13  The Jinn
407  2013 - June 13  The Walking Dead
406  2013 - June 13

 Is Such an Incident 'Theoretically Possible' from a Quran's Perspective? [Related Post: What Happened? - You Decide]

405  2013 - June 13  Can the Prophet Help You?
404  2013 - June 12

 Angels (Mala'ikah)

403  2013 - June 12  A Common Paradox
402  2013 - June 11  An Old Synagogue
401  2013 - June 10  Breaking Theological Barriers - 'Allah is Not an Exclusive Name for God'
400  2013 - June 10  External Post - Serajul Islam (Login Required)
399  2013 - June 10  NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden
398  2013 - June 9  External Post - Patrick Manilreyone (Login Required)
397  2013 - June 9  The Scale of the Known Universe
396  2013 - June 8  Comparing the Responses of 'Some' Muslims Today with the Responses of the Quraish (Mushrikeen) of Old
395  2013 - June 7  The Cave of Hira
394  2013 - June 7  The Night Journey - Isra and Mi'raj
393  2013 - June 7

 My Brother the Islamist - Video

392  2013 - June 6  When a Real and Final Catastrophe Should Befall Us
391  2013 - June 6  Verdon Gorge, Southern France
390  2013 - June 6  Rocks Through Which Waters Gush
389  2013 - June 6  Rebooting the Mind
388  2013 - June 4

 Teacher-Student Relationship

387  2013 - June 3  Following the Quran Alone - Dr. Shabbir Ally
386  2013 - June 3  Follow Those That Ask of No Fee
385  2013 - June 3  Inner Peace
384  2013 - June 3  Footprints
383  2013 - June 3  If Adults Can be Brainwashed, Then What Chance Do Some Children Have?
382  2013 - June 2  Roads
381  2013 - June 2  Diversity
380  2013 - June 2  Does the Quran Sanction the Enterprise of Historical Reporting?
379  2013 - June 1  Communities Like Unto Us
378  2013 - June 1  Why Does God Punish You for Your Sins?
377  2013 - May 31  One of the Oldest Church in England, UK (c.654 CE)
376  2013 - May 31  We Must Get Our Own House in Order First
375  2013 - May 30

 'Fitnah' - A Deeper Meaning Behind Our Trials

374  2013 - May 29  Obedience without a Covenant?
373  2013 - May 29  Zayd Ibn Harithah
372  2013 - May 27  The Oldest Standing Minaret in the World
371  2013 - May 27  Temporal Life
370  2013 - May 26  Unscathed or Tainted Reports? - Authentic or Salvaged History
369  2013 - May 26  What Does 214 Years Feel Like?
368  2013 - May 25

 "The Prophet Said"

367  2013 - May 24  Effective Altruism
366  2013 - May 23  Cumulonimbus Clouds
365  2013 - May 23  The Standards of Believers
364  2013 - May 23  Intellectual Suicide
363  2013 - May 22  We Don't Have to Agree on Everything
362  2013 - May 21

 When You Find Yourself in a Position to Help Someone...

361  2013 - May 21  Did Prophet Jesus Have a Wife?
360  2013 - May 21  Never Underestimate the Importance of Prayer
359  2013 - May 21  Babies
358  2013 - May 20  Ramblings
357  2013 - May 19

 Real Life Heroes

356  2013 - May 19  Niujie (Ox Street) Mosque, Beijing, China
355  2013 - May 18  Withdraw and Return
354  2013 - May 17  Wisdom is not Restricted to Scholarship
353  2013 - May 17  Akhirat
352  2013 - May 15  Complete Control in 7 Steps
351  2013 - May 15  The Dead Sea
350  2013 - May 14  Please Speak with Politeness and Wisdom
349  2013 - May 13  Ronald Davis
348  2013 - May 13  Explicit vs Implicit - What Has Greater 'Authority' as a Testimony 'In the Name of Religion'?
347  2013 - May 13  The Quicksand of Islamic Secondary Sources
346  2013 - May 11  What is 'Wasilah' from a Quran's Perspective?
345  2013 - May 10  Pot Calling the Kettle Black
344  2013 - May 10  External Post - Mubashir Inayat (Login Required)
343  2013 - May 10  The Righteous Caliphs
342  2013 - May 9  Obey God and the Messenger
341  2013 - May 8  Break Free
340  2013 - May 7

 Abu Simbel, Egypt

339  2013 - May 7  Suspicion
338  2013 - May 6  O Ye Children of Adam
337  2013 - May 6  The Current State of Affairs
336  2013 - May 6  Taunted and Ridiculed But Truth Never Dies
335  2013 - May 6  Prayers in General
334  2013 - May 5  Man Made Laws in the Name of Religion
333  2013 - May 5  Trifling the Quran
332  2013 - May 2  What 'Is' Really Important
331  2013 - May 1  There is no Death Unless God Wills
330  2013 - April 29  When One Protects the Sources, Then One Must Defend its Contents
329  2013 - April 29  Shackling the Mind - A Plea to Young Parents
328  2013 - April 28

 External Post - Andy Singaporean (Login Required)

327  2013 - April 28  Do Not Despair of God's Mercy
326  2013 - April 28  Hospitality to Strangers
325  2013 - April 27

 Good in All - Jews, Christians and Muslims

324  2013 - April 14


323  2013 - April 14  Brother Nouman Ali Khan - To Uphold the Quran or Not?
322  2013 - April 14  Science and Revelation are Not Necessarily Mutually Exclusive
321  2013 - April 14  Small Kindnesses
320  2013 - April 13  An Admission by Richard Dawkins
319  2013 - April 13  Why Is It Sinful If I Was Born This Way?
318  2013 - April 12  Islamic Ijm'a
317  2013 - April 12  Can Muslims Greet Non-Muslims with 'Peace'?
316  2013 - April 11  The Unseen

 2013 - April 10

 Illiterate Yet Profoundly Wise
314  2013 - April 10  Think For Yourself
313  2013 - April 10  How I Engage with the Sunnah and Wider Islamic Secondary Sources Such as the Ahadith Corpus
312  2013 - April 9  The Quran at the Helm
311  2013 - April 8  How Does One Reconcile Numbers with Prophecy?
310  2013 - April 8

 Orthodoxy Contempt

309  2013 - April 7  Mesmerising Murmurations
308  2013 - April 6  Thoughts by Joseph Islam
307  2013 - April 5  External Post - Arju Buwana Arifin (Login Required)
306  2013 - April 5  Chill
305  2013 - April 5  Sowing the Seeds of Hope
304  2013 - April 4  The Role of Story Tellers in Contributing to Islam's Secondary Ahadith Corpus
303  2013 - April 2  Paris Hilton in Makkah
302  2013 - April 1  Bassam Zawadi
301  2013 - March 31  Complicating Religion
300  2013 - March 31  God's Beautiful Creation
299  2013 - March 30  Jealousy
298  2013 - March 30

 True Learning Starts from the Home

297  2013 - March 29  Seeking Unity and Not Division
296  2013 - March 28  Anonymity
295  2013 - March 27  Circular Reasoning
294  2013 - March 26  What is Your View on Hadith?
293  2013 - March 26  Be this Guy (Login Required)
292  2013 - March 26  The Cart Before the Horse
291  2013 - March 25  The Role of Classical Mosques
290  2013 - March 24  Comments on the Infallibility of the Prophetic Sunnah - Food for Thought
289  2013 - March 22  Common Assertions
288  2013 - March 22  Prophet 'Hazir Nazir' Ever Witnessing and Present, Possessing Unseen Knowledge and Alive in His Grave
287  2013 - March 22  Harder to Create the First Time or Recreate a Second Time?
286  2013 - March 18  A Bitter Truth
285  2013 - March 18  We Are the Best Ummah - Are We Really?
284  2013 - March 17  Why Am I a Muslim? - Muhammad Ali
283  2013 - March 16  External Post - Adam Sayid
282  2013 - March 16  Was the Prophet of God Akin to a Postman Who Simply Delivers a Message?
281  2013 - March 16  External Post - Delwar Hossain
280  2013 - March 16  Taqiyya
279  2013 - March 13  External Post - Otutu Qudus Abolore
278  2013 - March 12  Endless Discourses
277  2013 - March 11  How Would You Even Know That the Quran was Preserved if it was Not for AHadith?
276  2013 - March 11  Please Tell Me Which is it? - Complete or Incomplete?
275  2013 - March 11  New Section - Question & Answers
274  2013 - March 10  Theodicy, God and Suffering
273  2013 - March 9  A Separation (2011)
272  2013 - March 8  Falsehoods
271  2013 - March 8  An Evident Reality
270  2013 - March 7  Atheists
269  2013 - March 7  Arnoud van Doorn
268  2013 - March 5  Forbes List Understates My Wealth, Saudi Prince Says
267  2013 - March 5  Are We Really Prepared to Question Our Priorities?
266  2013 - March 4  John the Baptist - Bethany Beyond the Jordan
265  2013 - March 4  Pamukkale, Turkey
264  2013 - March 4  From Europe's Summit
263  2013 - March 4  Consequences
262  2013 - March 4  Mindless Sectarian Violence Over Partial Histories
261  2013 - March 3  Sky Quakes
260  2013 - March 3  Two Hearts?
259  2013 - March 2  How Does the Quran Make Use of the Term Imam? (Login Required)
258  2013 - March 2  Sinkholes
257  2013 - March 1  Prescribing 7th Century Local Customs as Religious 'Sunnah' in Modern Times
256  2013 - February 27  Don't Preach it, Live it!
255  2013 - February 26  Breeding Hatred Where Love Should Suffice
254  2013 - February 26  A Text Version of Edward Lanes
253  2013 - February 26  A Muslim Name?
252  2013 - February 25  You Are So Beautiful To Me
251  2013 - February 21  Sir Ken Robinson - Do Schools Kill Creativity?
250  2013 - February 21  What do you 'really' want to do?
249  2013 - February 18  The Emphasis on Scientific Miracles in the Quran - Drawing Context to the Claim
248  2013 - February 18  Quran is the Best Hadith
247  2013 - February 14  Spiritual and Physical Health
246  2013 - January 21  Unavailability
245  2013 - January 21  How Different Souls Come to Certainty
244  2013 - January 20  Asking the Wrong Questions
243  2013 - January 18  Keeping Context By Acknowledging Common Ground
242  2013 - January 17  Earth-Centric
241  2013 - January 17

 Fingerprints of Authenticity (Follow-up)

240  2013 - January 16  Lack of Vocalisation of Early Quranic Manuscripts
239  2013 - January 15  Fingerprints of Authenticity
238  2013 - January 14  Popular Opinion
237  2013 - January 9  Understanding the Quran Through the Wrong Keyhole
236  2013 - January 9  My Humble Advice
235  2013 - January 9  A Clarification of Everything Necessary for Guidance
234  2013 - January 8  From First Principles
233  2013 - January 8  The One God - A Jewish Believing Brother Speaks
232  2013 - January 8  Immutable
231  2013 - January 5  Fear
230  2013 - January 5  A Case of Pick and Choose
229  2013 - January 4  Discussions on Quranic Preservation et al
228  2013 - January 3  Arthur Schopenhauer Quote - Stages of Truth
227  2013 - January 2

 Is Insurance Haram?

226  2013 - January 1  Is Gabriel (Jibril) an Angel?
225  2012 - December 31  External Post - Aydan Mahoney
224  2012 - December 31  Rape
223  2012 - December 27

 External Post - Youssef Abdalla (Salaat)

222  2012 - December 27  External Post - Youssef Abdalla (Fasting)
221  2012 - December 26  External Post - Azlanul Ta'zeem
220  2012 - December 24  In-Laws
219  2012 - December 24  A Noble Messenger Jesus
218  2012 - December 23  Varying Degrees of Truth
217  2012 - December 20  An Oft Inevitable Regression to Falsehood
216  2012 - December 19  The Majority
215  2012 - December 13  Protecting the Character of the Prophet
214  2012 - December 13  The Beautiful Character of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
213  2012 - December 12  Eating with Your Left Hand
212  2012 - December 9  Sir Patrick Moore - Rest in Peace
211  2012 - December 9  Unexpected Email Received from Edip Yuksel Today (
210  2012 - December 7

 Trapped by Dogma

209  2012 - December 4  A Personal Prayer
208  2012 - December 2  When Learned Arabs Set the Records Straight With Regards the Ahadith Corpus
207  2012 - December 2  'Where Words Fail, Music Speaks'
206  2012 - November 30  Do We Lose All Rationality and Abandon Our Intellectual Faculties in the Name of Religion?
205  2012 - November 25  No One Should Stand Between You and God
204  2012 - November 24  A Means to an End
203  2012 - November 23  Pondering at Raj Ghat
202  2012 - November 22  Mukhlasin
201  2012 - November 21  Cameras that Watch You
200  2012 - November 20  Differences in the Quran - Really?
199  2012 - November 15  External Post added to Timeline - Karin Conter Kilic
198  2012 - November 13  External Post added to Timeline - Jason Wilson
197  2012 - November 13  Approaching God with Our Hearts
196  2012 - November 13  The Trumpet is Blown or is it?
195  2012 - November 12  Facebook Posts - Direct Links
194  2012 - November 10  Knowing the Sources - Hadith Qudsi
193  2012 - November 8  Knowledge Without Application is Futile
192  2012 - November 7  Knowing the Sources
191  2012 - November 5  The Quran's Wisdom and Friday Sermons
190  2012 - November 4

 Guiding Light

189  2012 - November 4  Love and Empathy
188  2012 - November 1  Infatuation with the Histories of Men
187  2012 - November 1  In Memory of Dr. Richard Teo (1972 - 2012)
186  2012 - October 30  The Power of Love and its Ultimate Source
185  2012 - October 30  Shams Tabrizi
184  2012 - October 30  The Compilation of the Quran from a Quran's Perspective
183  2012 - October 29  Source of Guidance Made Clear for Mankind
182  2012 - October 28  Linking the Need to Sacrifice at Eid al-Adha with Prophet Abraham's Test
181  2012 - October 27  The Pitfalls of Ascribing Piety - The despicability of Jimmy Savile
180  2012 - October 26  The Concept of Hijrat
179  2012 - October 26  Serenity Prayer
178  2012 - October 26  External Post - Amr Abouelleil
177  2012 - October 25  External Post - Otutu Qudus Abolore
176  2012 - October 25  Wisdom Transcends the remit of Language
175  2012 - October 24


174  2012 - October 23  Sold to the memories of the past
173  2012 - October 19  You know who you are ;-)
172  2012 - October 18  External Post - Nadeem Akhtar
171  2012 - October 18  Amin Ahsan Islahi's Motto
170  2012 - October 15  Skydiver
169  2012 - October 14  Back to Basic Principles
168  2012 - October 14  External Post - Jason Wilson
167  2012 - October 13  External Post - Jason Wilson
166  2012 - October 13  Halim - Forbearing, Clement
165  2012 - October 9

 External Post - Jason Wilson

164  2012 - October 9  External Post - Yasin Riley
163  2012 - October 8  'Take what the Prophet Gives You' - Support for the Sunna
162  2012 - October 8  Alterations
161  2012 - October 6  Learning Salat Using Hadith is Impossible Admits a Traditionalist Clergyman
160  2012 - October 5  What Really Matters
159  2012 - October 4  Abrogation - A False Doctrine
158  2012 - October 2  Copyrights
157  2012 - September 30  The Innocence of Children
156  2012 - September 30  Our Shared Thoughts
155  2012 - September 28  External Post - Kartin Conter Kilic
154  2012 - September 27  External Post - Jason Wilson
153  2012 - September 22  External Post - Dawud Abdur-Rahman
152  2012 - September 21  What is the True Innocence of Muslims
151  2012 - September 19  External Post - Pedro Melo
150  2012 - September 19  External Post - Jason Wilson
149  2012 - September 17  External Post - Jeanette Davies
148  2012 - September 13  Unavailability
147  2012 - September 10  One Rule for You and Another for Me
146  2012 - September 9  My Facebook Usage
145  2012 - September 9  External Post - Karin Conter Kilic
144  2012 - September 9  External Post - Delwar Hossain
143  2012 - September 9  To 'Blindly' Follow any Human Personality is Wholly Unquranic
142  2012 - September 9  Slavery
141  2012 - September 7  Did Prophet Solomon Really Slaughter His Horses?
140  2012 - September 7  Did Harut and Marut Teach Dark Magic?
139  2012 - September 6  Does the Quran Prohibit Gold and Silk for Men?
138  2012 - September 5  Pharaoh - Lord of the Stakes or Pyramids?
137  2012 - September 4  Reflections
136  2012 - September 3  Change Comes from Within
135  2012 - September 3  What is a Muslim Name? - A Misnomer
134  2012 - September 2  External Post - Azrudi Mustapha
133  2012 - September 2  Who Said Animals Don't Have Souls?
132  2012 - September 1  Beautiful Psalms
131  2012 - September 1  We Must Separate What is Cultural From What is Essential - Jeffrey Lang
130  2012 - September 1  Divisions
129  2012 - August 31  External Post - Mohammad Shukoor
128  2012 - August 31

 Eat and Drink but Don't Be Extravagant

127  2012 - August 31  Questioning the Basis of the Arabic Language - A New Fangled Approach of 'Some' Quranists
126  2012 - August 30

 What Torah and Injeel Does the Quran Refer to?

125  2012 - August 30  The Prayer of Saint Francis
124  2012 - August 29  The Good News of the Birth of a Daughter
123  2012 - August 29  Clergy Control
122  2012 - August 25  External Post - Abdul Rahman Al Afasy
121  2012 - August 24  How Can We Be Forgiven, If We Are Prepared Not To Forgive Others
120  2012 - August 24  Misuse of the Quranic Narratives by 'Some' Quranists to Legitimise 'Modern' Consumption of Alcohol
119  2012 - August 24  Nikaah al-Mut'ah - Temporary Marriage
118  2012 - August 22  Taking Jews and Christians as Friends
117  2012 - August 22  Ban on Face Covering in France - A Debate
116  2012 - August 22  A Religion of Peace
115  2012 - August 21  External Post - Aydan Mahoney
114  2012 - August 21  Arabish
113  2012 - August 21  Random Listening - Yanni (One Man's Dream)
112  2012 - August 21  Shi'a Doctrine and Questioning its Theological Precepts from the Quran
111  2012 - August 18  Burden of Proof
110  2012 - August 15  The Unfounded Agenda of Some Quranists
109  2012 - August 15  External Post - Usamah Qirbee
108  2012 - August 14  Unwarranted Prejudice Against Past Scholars, Compilers and Historians
107  2012 - August 14  Belittling Others
106  2012 - August 13  The Sleepers of the Cave - The Quran, Historical Sources and Observation
105  2012 - August 13

 Committed Believers

104  2012 - August 13  Was Ritual Prayer a Practice Invented Later?
103  2012 - August 13  Endless Online Debates
102  2012 - August 12  External Post - Imran Khan
101  2012 - August 12  External Post - Mutasim Rashid Hannon Talib
100  2012 - August 12  Ignorance Bordering Hypocrisy
99  2012 - August 12  The Ahadith Corpus as a Source for Religious Authority
98  2012 - August 11  External Post - Wahida Ferdous
97  2012 - August 11  External Post - Imran Khan
96  2012 - August 11  External Post - Azrudi Mustapha
95  2012 - August 11  Lailut-ul-Qadr - An Understanding from a Quranic Perspective
94  2012 - August 11  The Ahadith Corpus Challenged on Basic Principles
93  2012 - August 10  External Post - Touhida Ferdous
92  2012 - August 9  External Post - Abdul Rahman Al-Afasy
91  2012 - August 8

 A Stroll Through History

90  2012 - August 7  Zam Zam Water - Passing on Unwarranted Beliefs
89  2012 - August 6  External Post - Karin Conter Kilic
88  2012 - August 6  Reassessing Your Traditions in Light of the Quran - A Case in Point (To God We Belong)
87  2012 - August 5  External Post - Syed Ijlal Hussain
86  2012 - August 5  Problems with Locating God in Time, Space and as Part of His Creation
85  2012 - August 4  External Post - Abdul Rahman Al-Afasy
84  2012 - August 2  Misguided Islam at Times Pursued in the Name of Following the Quran
83  2012 - August 2  During the Games
82  2012 - July 31  Ascending Stairways
81  2012 - July 31  Sufficiency of the Quran is Not an Innovation
80  2012 - July 31  External Post - Khairul Azhar Abdul Rashid
79  2012 - July 29  Insatiable Desire to Criticise the Quran
78  2012 - July 28  Unwarranted Concepts
77  2012 - July 28  Purpose of Fasting
76  2012 - July 26  Poisoned Chalice
75  2012 - July 25  Ma Navu (Hebrew)
74  2012 - July 25  Beautiful Recitation of the Holy Quran
73  2012 - July 25  Love, Unity, Acceptance & Tolerance
72  2012 - July 23  The Quran Stripped Bare
71  2012 - July 22  Max Ehrmann's Desiderata
70  2012 - July 21  External Post - Mubashir Inayat
69  2012 - July 21  External Post - Elvira Maria Matthews
68  2012 - July 21  A Generous, Loving and Forgiving Lord
67  2012 - July 20  Suffering and Adversity
66  2012 - July 19  A Woman's Face Coverage
65  2012 - July 19  Love of Scholars
64  2012 - July 19  False Consensus
63  2012 - July 15  Followers of God's Word are One Big Community in Faith (Umma)
62  2012 - July 14  Case in Point: Salah
61  2012 - July 13  Finding the Middle Way
60  2012 - July 12  Why Covet?
59  2012 - July 11  A Prayer at Dusk
58  2012 - July 10  Culture and Traditions Should Be Understood and Not Simply Dismissed
57  2012 - July 10  Richard Branson When Asked About God
56  2012 - July 9  The Tradition of Prayer - An Old Practice
55  2012 - July 8  Conflicting Positions
54  2012 - July 7  A Vendetta Against a Beautiful Creature of God
53  2012 - July 6  Seeking Knowledge without a Basis to Discern
52  2012 - July 5  Ascribing Piety
51  2012 - July 4  Questioning the Absence of Recorded Contemporaneous Testimony
50  2012 - July 4  Misrepresenting Past Personalities
49  2012 - July 3  Shia-Sunni Collide
48  2012 - July 3  Speak A Gentle Word
47  2012 - July 3  Arrogance and Deceit - A Widespread Malady
46  2012 - June 30  Delusion of Blindly Basing Veracity on Inherited Beliefs
45  2012 - June 29  External Post - Kashif Mahmood  [QM FB Page]
44  2012 - June 29  What an Irony! - Double Standards
43  2012 - June 26  God's word is left Abandoned
42  2012 - June 24  Truth Peppered with Falsehood - Poisoned Chalice
41  2012 - June 22  Does the Qur'an Emphasize Reason in Our Spiritual Quest? - Jeffrey Lang
40  2012 - June 18  External Post - Delwar Hossain  [QM FB Page]
39  2012 - June 16  Personal - Celtic Panpipes - Ride On
38  2012 - June 16  Another Perspective - God's Power
37  2012 - June 15  Internal Schisms
36  2012 - June 15  Religion of Abraham
35  2012 - June 15  Endless Disputations
34  2012 - June 11  External Post - G. Waleed Kavalec
33  2012 - June 6  External Post - Rizwan Ahmad
32  2012 - June 4  Beautiful Psalms
31  2012 - June 2  The Biggest Stars in the Universe
30  2012 - June 1  Be Thankful for the Blessings We Have
29  2012 - June 1  Who to Follow  [QM FB Page]
28  2012 - May 31  Wealth and Children
27  2012 - May 31  Dr. Quantum - Double Slit Experiment
26  2012 - May 30  Develop Your Character - Javed Ghamidi (English Subtitles)  [QM FB Page]
25  2012 - May 28  Underwater Lake
24  2012 - May 28  Underwater Astonishments (David Gallo)
23  2012 - May 26  Islamic Secondary Sources - An unwarranted Conduit
22  2012 - May 25  The Life of the World is Just an Illusion - A Test
21  2012 - May 22  Dogs - Beautiful Companions
20  2012 - May 19  The Curse of man-made Shariah
19  2012 - May 19  Core Teaching in a Nutshell
18  2012 - May 17  Blind Following of One's Forefathers
17  2012 - May 16  Recent Article Publication Log
16  2012 - May 15  Personal - RainyMood
15  2012 - May 15  Man Made Shariah
14  2012 - May 14  Corrupt Doctrines
13  2012 - May 12  QM Video  [QM FB Page]
12  2012 - May 11  Blind Obedience to Authority
11  2012 - May 11  Charity
10  2012 - May 11  External Post - Aliyev Huseyn  [QM FB Page]
9  2012 - May 9  Alternative Scripture - A Dark Invention  [QM FB Page]
8  2012 - May 9  Group Conformity - A Powerful Force [QM FB Page]
7  2012 - May 9  The Known Universe [QM FB Page]
6  2012 - May 9  Mada'in Saleh (Petra's sister site) [QM FB Page]
5  2012 - May 8  External Post - Tanya Zafar [QM FB Page]
4  2012 - May 8

 External Post - Nilofer Khan Husain [QM FB Page]

3  2012 - May 8  Charity
2  2012 - May 8
1  2012 - May 7  I surrender to the Lord of the Universe [Profile]






Joseph Islam