The articles on this website may be reproduced freely as long as the following source reference is provided: Joseph A Islam






Salamun Alaikum (Peace be upon you)








Some Popular Questions




About Missed Prayers


Absence of Salaat Details in the Quran and the Need for Hadith


Can Women Pray and Fast During Menstruation?


Can Women Lead Mixed Congregational Prayers?


Determining Times of Prayer (Example: Asr)


Do I Have to Pray in Arabic?


Does God Answer All Our Prayers as in Verse 2:186?


Does passing wind from the anus invalidate wudu?


Does the Salaat End with a Prostration Based on Verse 4:102?


Does Salaat mean prayer?


Friday Prayer


Head Coverage During Prayer


How Can One Offer 'Salat' if they Only Follow the Quran Alone?


How Can Quran-Only Muslims Pray?


How Do Birds Do Salaat?


How Do I Pray Ritual Salat from the Quran?


How Do I Repent?


How Do We do Sunnah without Referring to Hadiths?


How Does One Pray Where the Sun Never Sets?


Is the Friday Khutbah Obligatory?


Is There a Requirement for 3 or 5 Prayers in the Quran?


Questions About Ritual Prayers from a Quran's Perspective


Prayers to use in Salaat


Praying at Mosques which Idolise the Prophet


Praying and Fasting During Menses and Covering the Hair


Praying with Difficulty


Questions About Prayer / Salaat


Regarding Salaat in Quran - 5 or 3 times


Salaat and Surah Fateha


Salaat Practices / Ritual


Salaat - To follow Someone Closely?


Salaat ul-Istakhara


Saying Darud in Prayer


Shortening of Prayers


Synagogues, Churches or Trading Places?


The Remit of 'Dhikr', Invocations to others in Prayers and Tashadud


Waking Children up for Salah


What is the Salaam (Tasleem) at the End of the Prayer?


What to Recite During Prayers


Where Does the Quran Teach You How to Pray?


Why do we say 'Qul' (say) in our Prayers?


Why Rituals Don't Work


Will praying for the dead help them?


Women Leading Prayer


Women Praying with Men


Zoroastrian Influence on Salaat




Joseph Islam