QM Forum

The Quran => General Discussions => Topic started by: HOPE on December 29, 2012, 06:48:16 AM

Title: 52:24-28
Post by: HOPE on December 29, 2012, 06:48:16 AM
Salaam brother Joseph,

Would you please explain to me your understanding of the verses 52:24-28

Title: Re: 52:24-28
Post by: Joseph Islam on December 29, 2012, 07:12:11 AM
Dear Hope,


Maybe I can give a more pointed response if you could kindly share with me exactly what possible concerns you may have with the traditional understanding of these verses.

I hope that is OK.  :)

Title: Re: 52:24-28
Post by: HOPE on December 29, 2012, 08:34:15 AM
Please find below a quotation from an article:

 Although in Islamic doctrine:
- homosexual acts were seen as an aberration against God,
- homosexual desire was not condemned as harshly by the prophet, and was even viewed as understandable.

Jim Wafer, in his article "Muhammed and Male Homosexuality", states that because men caught in homosexual acts were not punished if penitent, Muhammed must have taken a "lenient attitude toward sex between males" (Wafer, 89). He points out that Muhammed must have understood the attraction of men for young males as paradise has young cup bearers as well as beautiful women, or houris:
Round about them will serve,
(Devoted) to them,
Youths (handsome) as Pearls
-- (Sura 52:24)


Verse 25: who are questioning who? Youth?  if so, why would they be concerned for their families?  Parents should be concerned if they became too involved with them to the point of neglecting their duties to God.
Title: Re: 52:24-28
Post by: Joseph Islam on December 30, 2012, 12:31:37 AM
Dear Hope,

Peace to you.

In my humble view, these verses are not intended to be of a 'sexual nature' unless one makes them. With respect, I find Jim Wafer's conflation of two sources (Quran and secondary sources) to infer what he has tedious at best.

The Quran clearly rebukes homosexuality as has been discussed in my article [1] and many times on this forum [2]. What Prophet Muhammad did or did not do is a subjective matter which requires one to place reliance on dubious sources often without context.

To take lean on verses such as 52:24 to infer male homosexuality is no different to argue for lesbianism based on verse 78:33. [3] It is wholly unwarranted.

One even wonders what relevance an earthly concept of ‘gender’ even has in a state of felicity in Paradise when God clearly informs us that we will be created a new creation (inshaan) (56:35) as virgins untouched (56.36) and of similar age (56.37). [3]

Verse 52:26 simply relays a fear some had whilst dwelling amongst their families. In my opinion, it is just a mutual enquiry. One fears most for their closest. It doesn’t surprise me that this has been shared in the narrative. Albeit one sentiment is shared by virtue of verse 52:26, the phrase ‘yatasaaluna’ in the preceding verse implies some sort of mutual questioning / discussion (possibly on many topics). See usage of the verb ‘yatasa’alu’ in verses such as 37:27 and 78:1.

I hope that helps, God willing.


[2] Is Homosexuality Punishable By Death?
Title: Re: 52:24-28
Post by: HOPE on December 30, 2012, 01:36:47 AM
Dear Joseph,

Thanks for your reply.  I agree with you in that gender is a physical attribute that belongs to the 3-D earth which will have no meaning there.  I am aware that the descriptions of Paradise are symbolic to the degree that we can relate to them like eating, drinking, appreciation of beauty.  My question is who would appreciate a handsome young cup bearer in this life who can relate to such an image; other than the ladies who cut their hands at the sight of Joseph, maybe?

Peace brother,
Title: Re: 52:24-28
Post by: HOPE on December 30, 2012, 02:35:05 AM
Peace brother,

Verse 52:26 simply relays a fear some had whilst dwelling amongst their families. In my opinion, it is just a mutual enquiry. One fears most for their closest. It doesn’t surprise me that this has been shared in the narrative. Albeit one sentiment is shared by virtue of verse 52:26, the phrase ‘yatasaaluna’ in the preceding verse implies some sort of mutual questioning / discussion (possibly on many topics). See usage of the verb ‘yatasa’alu’ in verses such as 37:27 and 78:1.

37:27  They will convey their thoughts reciprocally in talk, holding discourse of the why and the wherefore and of the how and when of life and past events relative to their actions, their responses, their reactions and their fate   [Al-Muntakhab]'s rendition of this verse explains my initial concern.

Jim Wafer used only 52:24 as a reference thus I had to read the narrative several times and I got stuck on the rest of the verses.  As I said before, we relate to things based on our experiences.  I have worked as a child protective social worker for a very long time. Any hint of sexual advances, youth/children and adults/parents combination in the narrative makes me very inquisitive.  That is all.  I'm glad it is false alarm.
