QM Forum

The Quran => General Discussions => Topic started by: Anjum on January 22, 2016, 03:28:48 PM

Title: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Anjum on January 22, 2016, 03:28:48 PM
As Salam Walaikum All...

Happy Friday...hope you are all fine...i have some new doubts..hope..you guys wont mind...helping me...

I have been reading about these ISIS people...well they make my day really bad..i fear a lot...and I read somewhere...Christians were writing that...ISIS...was already predicted in Bible...and...they said...they will win...bt a flood will take place...and...some other counties will also fight them...and they will be destroyed...is that true?...and some muslims were claiming that...Prophet Mohammed...already predicted this...etc etc...are all these things true?...will they really achieve?...wont they be defeated?...does Quran states something about this?...can you please clear this....they are really a threat to humanity...

Is prayer in the midnight compulsory?...like...we sleep and later we had wake up and pray?...i read it in a verse...so...shld we pray during midnight too?

Should we say...Insha Allah...to everyone?..like..well...i say Insha Allah...with my family and friends...but not at my office...so...should i say in office too?...is it compulsory...can u please tell.

And can we watch TV...or listen to music during fasting? Just for some relaxation...dont mind...sorry

Hope you guys will clear my doubts...thank you very much...:)

With Best regards,
Title: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Anjum on January 22, 2016, 03:53:17 PM
As Salam Walaikum All...

Happy Friday...hope you are all fine...i have some new doubts..hope..you guys wont mind...helping me...

I forgot to add one more question...that is why...i wrote this again...

I have been reading about these ISIS people...well they make my day really bad..i fear a lot...and I read somewhere...Christians were writing that...ISIS...was already predicted in Bible...and...they said...they will win...bt a flood will take place...and...some other counties will also fight them...and they will be destroyed...is that true?...and some muslims were claiming that...Prophet Mohammed...already predicted this...etc etc...are all these things true?...will they really achieve?...wont they be defeated?...does Quran states something about this?...can you please clear this....they are really a threat to humanity...

Is prayer in the midnight compulsory?...like...we sleep and later we had wake up and pray?...i read it in a verse...so...shld we pray during midnight too?

My mom saves some money with herself...to use it in need...well...she keep it secretly though...and she gives wen...there is emergency...or when one needs...so...today my mom said that...i may transfer some money to her brother...as he is in need...not a big amount though...but does not tell dad about it...even dad gives money to his sisters whenever they need...but..i wanted to ask...wat my mom is doing...is tat stealing?...i m not sure...can u please tell...

can i pray after doing tayammum?...there is no special arrangement for wudu either in office...so i may have to use...public toilet...and as it is winter here...we are wearing socks...so its kind of difficult to wash the feet...so..can we perform tayammum and pray?...

Should we say...Insha Allah...to everyone?..like..well...i say Insha Allah...with my family and friends...but not at my office...so...should i say in office too?...is it compulsory...can u please tell.

And can we watch TV...or listen to music during fasting? Just for some relaxation...dont mind...sorry

Hope you guys will clear my doubts...thank you very much...:)

With Best regards,
Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Seraphina on January 22, 2016, 05:35:55 PM
Alaikum wa salam Anjum,
Maybe I'm wrong but i feel a lot of disturbance in your writings. Seems to me you are coming in touch with many things which are not the same as they have taught to you, and I know it must be difficult to process everything at once, and maybe that you must be going through tough times - we all did, especially when asking the questions you ask :) trust me, it gets easier. You will get all your answers gradually, just be patient and remain calm.
Regarding your questions, here is some awesome brother's Joseph's works which I hope will help you:

About war/terrorism/jihad:

About the midnight prayer, seems to me you are refering to tahajud prayer. If that's the case, than no, it is not complusory. I mean, there is reward if you want to perform it but there is no sin in leaving it.
This particular prayer has only been mentioned once in the Quran and has been enjoined on the  Prophet. It has been enjoined to a singular person and from the context, it is clear that this command is directed at the Prophet. This is not for the believers as a specific prayer to undertake albeit believers can pray as much as they desire without any restrictions given by scripture except that one does not overburden oneself and keeps a balance (73:20).
“And pray in the small watches of the morning (Arabic: fa-Tahajjad): (it would be) an additional prayer (Arabic: Nafilatan)for thee (Arabic - Laka): it may be (Arabic: Asa)that thy Lord will raise thee to a station of praise and glory"(017:079)
[Source: Joseph islam - The five prayers from the Quran]

About saying Inshallah - this word is said only when you are planning something for the future, and it doesn't have to be loud. You can say it in low voice if it's forbidden or something, God hears you and that's enough.
About fasting, the only forbidden things are eating, drinking, and sexual relations. Tv and music and any relaxing activity is allowed for as long as it doesn't contain any immoral or harmful content within itself, and for as long as it doesn't distract you from the true purpose of fasting, which is good and pure deeds, and more spiritual closeness with your Lord :)

As for the money issue and tayamum, let me do a bit more of research on them and i will get back in touch a.s.a.p. inshallah :)
Until then, let me know if answer helped, and if you need more clarifying,
God bless you,
Your sister Seraphina

Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Anjum on January 22, 2016, 07:44:46 PM
Dear Sis Seraphina

I thank you very much for your reply...ya...you are right...as i am new...i have lot of doubts sister...:)...and new questions keep popping up...that is the reason..i just post it here...i know..i m being impatient...i am really sorry for that...i will try my best to be calm sister..thank you very much for your kind words...:)...

I have already read these articles sister...again thank you for posting it me...:)...

I thank you very much for clearing my doubts about prayers and rest of the things...:)...Thank you once again...

I Hope..i shall get answers for the rest of the queries too...:)...

Thank you for your time...and may God bless you...:)

With best regards,
Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Seraphina on January 23, 2016, 02:04:38 AM
Dear brother/sister Anjum,
I'm glad to hear this optimistic tone in your reply :)
If you've seen those articles then I'm sure you understood that war is only permitted in selfdefence and against oppressors or aggressors, and even then, careful: do not transgress, and stop if they stop! Ask yourself how many of these conditions does ISIS fulfill? From what you see, could it be a war sanctioned by God in the Quran?

Now, regarding the savings of your mother, I don't know where do they come from: her work or a share of inheritance? Whatever the case, the Quran acknowledges the right of the women to earn and inherit, and nowhere does it mention that she needs the approval of her husband (or of anyone else) about the way she spends it (mahr included). Let me quote you brother Joseph:
"The Quran recognises the equal right to earn for both men and women. Let us note a relevant verse below.
"And do not covet (Arabic: tatammannaw) what God has bestowed some of you over others. For men (is) a share (Arabic: nasibun) from that which they have earned (Arabic: iktasabu), and for women (is) a share (Arabic: nasibun) from that which they have earned (Arabic: iktasab(na))  and ask God of His bounty (Arabic: fadlihi). Indeed! God is ever Knower of all things."(4:32).
Please note: As the verb 'tammanna' (desire / covet) has been used in Arabic, the gifts that are being referred to, are tangible worldly assets or wealth. This interpretation is also supported by the use of 'fadlihi' (bounty) in the same verse.
Therefore, it is clear from the above verse, that no differentiation is made between men and women with their respective rights to accumulate a share of 'wealth'. Neither is any differentiation made in the verse, as to how this 'share' (Arabic: nasibun) has been accumulated or acquired (Arabic: iktasabu). There is no inference that the 'wealth' of women differs from men and restrictively applies to that which they have received as inheritance, maintenance or as in gifts."

As for ablution, let us keep in mind that God doesn't want you to be overburdened. He himself says that He has not imposed any difficulties in religion and He expects us to keep our duties to Him as best as we can. Anyways, the tayamum is prescribed only when there is no clean water available, and your mention of public washroom tells me there is water available. I can tell you for myself: due to winter coldness I do ablution inside my workplace. I use a small spray bottle with pure water, inside the office, but i put a paper handkerchief under the bodypart - the minute waterdrops fall, I wipe the part with my palm, put the papertowel under the next part and proceed with the same. It makes the ablution during winter a lot easier.
Even if that fails, try doing ablution before you leave for work.
 I hope I was of help,
Your sister Seraphina :)

Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Truth Seeker on January 23, 2016, 02:45:42 AM
Salaam Anjum,

It is nice to have you on our forum and we welcome your questions.
Seraphina, many thanks for extending your help and guidance to Anjum, it is much appreciated. :)
Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Seraphina on January 23, 2016, 03:39:20 AM
You're welcome my sister Truthseeker, I'm just hoping I'm being helpful :) Your kindness is appreciated as well :) God bless you!
Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Wakas on January 23, 2016, 07:40:30 AM
In addition to the above:


Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Star on January 23, 2016, 10:30:14 AM
The Quran talks a lot--like a LOT--about hypocrites. ISIS members are hypocrites. This shows how perhaps the Quran "predicted" people like ISIS members, by educating us about them in advance.

Please don't ever start believing that ISIS represents real Islam. I'm not saying you believe this, of course. I just want to explain this to everyone.

Let me give you an example. ISIS cites verse 9.5 to justify its insane wrongdoing. Verse 9.5 is talking about a war that occurred 1400 years ago, against a specific group of people who broke their peace treaties and attacked first (see 9.13 for explanation).

As you can see, terrorists like these take Quranic verses out of context, warp their meanings, and use these "new and improved" verses to justify their lunacy. The sad thing is that they believe they're doing the right thing.

ISIS and Al Qaeda members kill everyone who disagrees with them (majority Muslims), rape little girls, and train young boys to murder. They say that they're doing it for God's pleasure. They've deluded themselves into believing that they will go to heaven for their own sins. Their hypocrisy has fooled themselves, if you get what I mean.

God will get rid of them. Hopefully soon. In the mean time, we should try to prevent them from entering our countries.

And I totally get your distress. I live in the kind of place where ISIS is discussed 24/7. Namely America. I never hear the end of it. Terribly frustrating.

Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Qadada on January 23, 2016, 10:52:16 AM
of course not. It doesn't talk about everything that's nonsense. Is eating lions haraam? doesn't say its not in the Quraan and there is no science prove it hurts people.
Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Duster on January 23, 2016, 03:20:44 PM
Shalom / peace......eating lions is haraam.!

Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Anjum on January 27, 2016, 03:13:22 PM
Salam Walaikum Sister Seraphina,

I thank you once again for your reply..:)...I am happy that u find me optimistic...:)...thank you very much...:)...
Yes sister...its clearly stated when you should wage war...and its clear tat...ISIS...are shaitans who are using the name of Islam...

As for my mother...she saved it from...maintenance...so i guess...she has done nothing wrong..:)..thank you very much sister...:)...

It seems easy...the way u mentioned to perform wudu during winters...and one more thing is...i m not sure...should we wipe our feet or should we wash it...?..m not sure of it...can you please...

THank you very much sister...:)..

With best regards,
Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Anjum on January 27, 2016, 03:15:55 PM
Salam Walaikum sister Truth Seeker

I thank you very much for your warm welcome and guidance..:)...everyone are patient and...polite in clearing my doubts sister..:)..m very much happy and satisfied...thank you very much...:)..and sister seraphina...also helps me..whenever needed..i thank her too..:)..Thank you for accepting me...

With best regards,
Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Anjum on January 27, 2016, 03:17:42 PM
Salam Walaikum brother Wakas,

I thank you very much for your links..:)...it is clearly mentioned what is jihad and all other things..:)..thank u very much..:)...

With best regards,
Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Anjum on January 27, 2016, 03:22:06 PM
Salam Walaikum sister mia,

Once again thank you for your reply...:)..yes sister...they are killing...whoever oppose them...they enemy to the humanity...they are the shaitans in the form of humans...i really feel sad...while reading those news...and kind of feel fear..i jus wish that...God may finish them as soon as possible...:(...

Thanks and best regards,
Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: Anjum on January 27, 2016, 03:23:24 PM
As salam Walaikum brother Qadada and Duster...

ah..thank you for your links and questions..:P..

With best regards,
Title: Re: Does Quran state anything about ISIS?
Post by: ilker on July 07, 2016, 05:39:30 AM
Maybe yes.


"When it is said to them, ‘Do not cause corruption in the land,’ they say, ‘We are only putting things right,’ but really they are causing corruption, though they do not realize it."