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Topics - sharon

General Discussions / meaning of 79:29
February 23, 2017, 04:10:39 PM
Assalam alikum I was just wondering 1. what does 79:29 mean by day and night does this mean the creation of the sun and darkness or something else if this means the amostphere then how can the amostphere be created before the earth 79:30

2. Does 79:27-30 have anything to do with 41:9-12  and 2:28 or can 79:27-30 be completely different separated from 41:9-12 and 2:29 mean can 79:27-30 have nothing to do with these other verses
General Discussions / meaning of (wajaʿalnāhā)
February 23, 2017, 03:45:33 AM
Assalam alikum I was just wondering does (wajaʿalnāhā) mean (we have made it) or (we have made them) like does it mean more than one thing or not
General Discussions / animals senses
February 23, 2017, 03:42:02 AM
Assalam alikum I was just can animals see the jinn and angles
General Discussions / verses
February 22, 2017, 07:33:24 PM
Assalam alikum there is a verse 2:25 witch says stuff will look similar in heaven from earth so does that mean there won't be new stuff we haven't seen like the Arabs never saw cars but we have so does that mean in heaven everything will be set in the Arabs days etc 2 and there is verse witch mentions allah created animals some on there bellies and some on 2 legs and some on 4 legs but there are animals witch have more legs so why not mentioned them
3. Will we still be male and female in heaven our unique self's and biological self's
4. And doesn't 7:43 mean god will remove our emotions and doesn't that mean will be like robots like happy robots with no free will
General Discussions / adam and eve and parents 3:85
February 21, 2017, 09:22:43 PM
Assalam alikum I was reading some of the posts on evolution and I was just wondering if we said adam and eve had parents how do we explain 3:85 where it says adam was like jesus
General Discussions / hafs and warsh 18:36
February 21, 2017, 05:50:22 PM
Assalam alikum I was just wondering since the hafs says in 18:36 this garden and the warsh says these gardens and like with a verse it says warsh and the other says wipe dissent that mean that there are different versions of the quran  how do we explain this
General Discussions / meaning of bimaṣābīḥa
February 18, 2017, 08:29:57 PM
Assalam alikum I was just wondering does bimaṣābīḥa mean
1. Something witch produces it's own light like stars and sun
2. Something just glowing like the moon or meators witch doesn't have to produce its own light
3. Can 67:5 mean anything glowing in the sky that does or doesn't produce it's own light or does it mean it has to because if yes then 67:5 can't mean meators what causes problems with 15:18 because it says we can see it from the naked eye on earth with out a telescope
General Discussions / Islam martyrdom
February 18, 2017, 03:15:21 PM
Assalam alikum 1. is there anything higher than a mayter in islam
2. Are martyrs only people who die in the battle feilds or can you be a martyrs for something else
Assalam alikum I was just wondering
1. If a christian believes that jesus is separate from God and believes he is his son but not a god but his son does that make that christion a monthiest or polytheism 
General Discussions / meaning of 44:54
February 13, 2017, 04:55:15 PM
Assalam alikum
1. It says marry to companions does this mean remarry with our spouses from earth or does it mean we are married to new non human cretures meaning are houris us or something else
General Discussions / free will and Jin and soul
February 12, 2017, 06:06:42 AM
Assalam alikum I was just wondering
1. Will we have free will in heaven
2. Do jinns have a soul exactly the same as our I think we call our soul the (nafs) so do the jinns have this and did gid blow his spirit it to them as well like us
General Discussions / 24:41-42
February 10, 2017, 03:09:43 AM
41. "Have you not seen that unto Allah glorifies whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, and the birds with wings outspread (in their flight)? Each one knows its own (mode of) prayer and praise. And Allah is Aware of what they do."
42. "And unto Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and unto Allah is the ultimate return

Assalam alikum I was just wondering when it says (whosoever) 1. are these verses above only talking about living beings like humans jinns animals angles etc or 2. is it talking about non living beings as well like stars planets sun etc and if the answer is 2 then does that mean by verse 24:42 mean that the earth and stars and such be resurrected like us
General Discussions / aliens are use
February 03, 2017, 09:41:50 AM
Assalam alikum if aliens exsist does 45:13 And He has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. It is all a favor and kindness from Him. Indeed there are signs in it for a people who think deeply) mean that we are meant to use aliens like our slaves or something like there meant to be lower than us etc
General Discussions / laghaw
February 03, 2017, 04:57:55 AM
Assalam alikum I was just wondering what is laghaw because that could be anything like is me studying crime like killers laghaw or watching movies documentaries Like comedy having a laugh and such with friends
Assalam alikum does that verse mean we won't be able to hear the quran in heaven because it says we won't hear sinful speech so does that mean we won't hear about the story of pharoh saying I'm god and about other people's sins like luts town and how the prophets went to them to stop them
Assalam alikum brother joesph islam my question is I was read one of your answers and you put down that malice will be removed in paridise 7:43 but you put in ( the widest sense possible) I was just wondering what do you mean by that do you mean in a extreme sense like we we won't even hate sin do you mean we are not going to have any emontions of are own do you mean that we are just going to be happy like happy robots like we are all the same like we have had a lobotomy that we don't have are own unique emotions that we won't have are own likes and are own desires that we won't be are own selves different from each other are own unique self that we won't have the emontions to hate like we won't hate sin or hell etc
General Discussions / atharan
January 20, 2017, 04:03:58 PM
Assalam alikum I was just wondering can atharan mean results in English and caused by something like made
General Discussions / 18:108
January 18, 2017, 02:40:07 PM
Assalam alikum I  know this might sound weird but does this verse mean that we humans would never be able to leave heaven just to visit another earth to see how others live and learn like if allah creates another creature another earth does this verse mean we would not be able to do like what the angles do like visit of course the angles live in heaven but they come down here to help so does this verse mean we could not do like what the angles do when we get to heaven inshallah I know it's a weird question but just wondered
General Discussions / arabic and verse 89:9
January 16, 2017, 10:48:20 AM
Assalam alikum my by brothers and sisters I am a bit confused by a verse and a arabic word in the verse. The confused thing I have with the verse is 1. Is it saying what thamud used to do or is it saying what they have done in the valley what the Arabs could see because 2. If yes then it makes it sound like there buildings were still standing tall with nothing wrong with it but we can't see them today and 3. My problem is many translations don't use the al before rocks because if you put it there it make it sound like specific rocks you can see but when no al then it makes it sound like genral rocks 4.why do some words have the al there when you don't need it or it would make the verse sound weird like verse 2:36 it says satan but in arabic it says al satan the satan but why have that jazzakkallah 
Assalam alikum brother I have been going through your articles and I keep noticing when you talk about thamud you always but the nabateans next to them and I was just wondering why because thamud and the nabateans are two different groups or are you saying that 1. You think the nabateans are thamud if yes then the problem is thamud is meant to come way before abraham or 2. You think the quran is inspired so got it wrong and 3. Do you think the quran is saying those buildings in mada'in al saleh are built by thamud and if yes then that is wrong so how do we explain that jazzakkallah