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Topics - Tausif Ahmed

SalamuAlikum - Peace be upon you

Questions regarding blasphemy have been discussed before on this forum however I want to ask from a slightly different perspective.

It is absolutely clear that Quran does not permit any violence or death penalty in response to blasphemy & mocking of religion.

And Quran states to say peace to the mockers.

And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say peace. (25:63)

However, some Muslims who have Quran centric approach claim on basis of following verses, that Quran states to tolerate mockery :-

And it has already come down to you in the Book that when you hear the verses of Allah [recited], they are denied [by them] and ridiculed; so do not sit with them until they enter into another conversation. Indeed, you would then be like them. Indeed, Allah will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers in Hell all together. (4:140)

And when you see those who engage in [offensive] discourse concerning Our verses, then turn away from them until they enter into another conversation. And if Satan should cause you to forget, then do not remain after the reminder with the wrongdoing people. (6:68)

These verses show Muslims must tolerate by avoiding being in such company temporarily.

Now of course this tolerance is not tolerance by happiness, however what if some sort of legal action is taken against blasphemers? Would that be a correct idea? or doing so would be wrong?

4:140 the context is regarding Hypocrites and God says in the verse that we would be like the hypocrites & disbelievers if we tolerate such community by being part of them when they are mocking our faith.

For example a group hostile to Islam, insults the Quran & has intentions to continue to do so, what should our reaction be?
Avoid & ignore, or take help from Law & judiciary?

Salamu Alikum -  Peace Be Upon You

Dear Brother Joseph,

You have stated in your article "THE FIVE PRAYERS FROM THE QURAN" that Dhuhr prayer is referenced in 30:18 & you made the wording used 30:17 as the basis for your claim.

You said:
QuoteEntering upon the evening is clearly a reference to the Isha prayer (prayer at night) and entering the morning prayer (Arabic - Tubsihuna) is a reference to Fajr prayers (dawn). These have been clearly indicated elsewhere in the Quran as times to 'establish prayer' (as in Maghrib - 11.114 and Fajr 24:58). The Arabic term 'Ashiyyan' in verse 30.18 is also mentioned as a time for prayer in verse 24:58. Therefore by virtue of 30:18 and the context given by 30:17, we note the reference of Noonday prayers (i.e. Dhuhr)

I could not find the arabic term 'Ashiyyan' in 24:58..... (sorry I can only read Arabic)

Can you also give some references to other verses where 'Tubsihuna' is referrance to Fajr prayer.

Thank You
Salam Alikum / Peace be upon you

I don't really know how to put this... and subject I gave to this question was hard to put as well..
I hope this hasn't been addressed before... I did try to find it..

I have been following Quranic approach to Islam as mentioned in Quran since a year or so now.. However I have had this thought in my mind before & recently I read it in a Turkish writer's book as well.

Can we know anything about Islam without hadiths or historical sources apart from Quran? I mean everyone of us, who only follow Quran have been following or are knowledgeable about hadiths & history of Islam particularly of Prophet Muahammad.

But what if there is a non-muslim who is given only Quran... how will he/she know that Quran was revealed in period of 23 years & different circumstances which are also talked about in Quran like migration to madina, or different battles, treaties etc.
How will they know that Prophet Muhammad was a man of 40+ on whom this Quran was revealed.. whereas Quran only mentions his name 4 times.Quran starts by telling this book was revealed on a servant of his... who is he talking of..? Muhammad? I don't know he is mentioned only 4 times in Quran...  Can a person know about all of this from Quran alone? If Quran alone is sufficient..?

What if someone has only Quran & is left on an Island alone where no other sources of history or knowledge exist... the understanding he will derive from Quran will be very different.

What if all of us who follow Quran alone... our memories are erased... will we then able to understand Quran?

Now one reply I can think of to this could be that Quran is sole source of religion and history(to a limited extent, keeping in accordance with Quran) can be read & explained.... but then that would negate the sufficiency of Quran..  :-\

I hope I could express my question properly
Peace be Upon All friends and readers.  :)

(1)Talking to God from behind Veil

I wanted to know that "talking with God from behind the veil" in Quran 42:51... what does it mean actually?

-> "And it is not for any human being that Allah should speak to him except by revelation(wahi) or from behind a partition or that He sends a messenger to reveal, by His permission, what He wills. Indeed, He is Most High and Wise". [Quran 42:51]

It definitely does not mean Wahi(inspiration by thoughts,knowledge,intuition or conscience) as it has been mentioned earlier in verse, so does that mean Allah literally talks with man, and he has a voice or something similar? from behind veil.

Prophet Moses(pbuh) talked to God from behind veil, so if I am not wrong this was literally a voice of God or something similar? I just want to be sure I am not mistaken regarding this.
God cannot be seen btw Quran 7:143

(2)Speaking to God through the Messenger

Obviously this does not limit to Messengers & Prophets of God, but could be a reference to Angels as well as Angels are also Messengers. Ref to 22:75

We already know Angels come and communicate in Human forms 2:102, 11:69-70, 11:77, 20:33-34 but I want to know has any Prophet or Messenger or any other Human in Quran talked with Angels who are not in human form but their original form?

p.s I think Question (2) can be a separate topic as well, whether Angels appear to humans in Angelic form or not.I could not find any thread so maybe it has not been discussed yet.

Thank You
God Bless All
I know this has been quite well discussed by Brother Joesph & on this forum, but I want to know that if there are and have been messengers who came after Prophet Muhammad & will come... do they know they are Messengers?
Or can this status of Messenger-hood attained? I mean, these messengers are not the same as 'prophets' so they are not messengers in a Prophetic sense, but due to their efforts for bringing people towards God & his scripture(Quran)...
So can We be Messengers in a sense..? in that way... because this seems the only explanation of this.
??? ???

p.s: Sorry I am new to forum & dont know much how to use forum, apologies for any mistakes
Salam Alikum Brother Joseph.

Can you help me with these supposed contradictions in Qur'an according to anti-Islamic websites such as rationalwiki & wikiislam.



I personally find the ones by wikiislam as vague & forced.
