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Topics - Doc

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Salaam all - Is it OK to wish someone happy X-mas or saying Happy Diwali or other greetings which may come from pagan origins? Doc.

General Discussions / Can Muslim women marry Jewish Christians men?
« on: May 30, 2012, 12:46:17 AM »
Salaam bro Joseph / all. - I noted a question on another forum below. I also had this question whether Muslim women can marry Jewish / Christian men? Thanks Doc.

Islamic Duties / Is prayer prescribed?
« on: November 09, 2011, 10:39:18 PM »
Aslamalaykum all,

I have a question so that I can help my own understanding better.

Is there any mention in the Quran that regular prayers in the day have been 'prescribed' for certain parts of the day or is it a recommendation for Muslims as in 'establishing prayer'? I am not sure if any punishment is given in the Quran for not establishing it.

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