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Messages - anothersoulonearth

Discussions / Re: Is it possible to make a concordance
February 14, 2023, 01:48:39 AM
Dear brother HasanAFB,

Thanks for the support! It has motivated me to do it even quicker Lord willing.

Dear brother Joseph,

Thank you for the kind words of encouragement :)

Definitely, I appreciate all of the time, resources and money spent on keeping this website online for many years! May God's pleasure be with you for every second it was up. You have inspired me to fall in love with the Quran when I was a young teenager. I will forever be thankful to you and to God who is the only one who guides. And if He guides some through others, it's only His loving ways that bless and reward us all together.

May God bless us all in the pursuit of His truth and grace. I am busy with university this week, but I will update you soon on the status of gathering all the data.

Discussions / Re: Is it possible to make a concordance
February 10, 2023, 01:25:36 AM

Dear brother Joseph,

May peace be upon you :)

I know this is a very old post  ;D but I came across it as I was going through the forum a couple of months ago. I had an idea I would like to share which is related to this topic (that's why I did not create a new thread).

I have spent many years learning from your immense knowledge and wisdom that the Lord has bestowed on you Alhamdulillah through the many things shared by you on the main website, forum, Facebook posts, etc. Including all of the other knowledgeable people who contributed to this forum throughout the years.

I was always worried about losing this website, so I am trying to archive everything (I have archived all of the main articles and all of your posts on the forum). I have just started, but since I am a programmer I have developed custom automation tools to help automate the process and make it fast by the grace of God and His mercy. This way I think I can bring all of the articles, posts, etc into one database, each interlinked and indexed with one unified search engine.

For example, one idea I had was to show all the forum posts and Facebook posts that reference a piece of article in the article page itself. It would be useful to enhance the article with supporting arguments and answers to different questions people had over the many years.

Most importantly (the main focus), I want to make sure the whole archive would be downloadable with your permission and copyright, this way inshAllah the immense work you have done will live on and help the future generations as well inshAllah. I have been reading this website for many years but I was always worried what if one day it shuts down like some other websites. This way inshAllah anyone who wants can just download the whole thing so they can keep it forever. You can even keep the download link in the quransmessage website.

Please let me know what you think and if you have any more ideas we can add to this :)

Best Regards