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Messages - amar yaseen

General Discussions / Re: Relation of the Two Ayaath
March 30, 2015, 12:42:04 PM
Salam bro

Mind tell me who's Ghulam Ahmed? What is Nabuat? :)
salam bro&sis ;)

Thank you so much. I really appreciated with the statement.

General Discussions / Re: Relation of the Two Ayaath
March 22, 2015, 01:12:38 PM
salam bro

For the Prophets it has always been a law that whatever Command they receive from Allah, they have to act on it as a duty which they cannot in any case avoid. When Allah enjoins something on His Prophet, he has to accomplish it even if the whole world is deadly opposed to it. People in our age have given wrong interpretations of this verse and opened the way to a great mischief.

This one sentence arts at the root of all those objections which the opponents were raising in connection with this marriage of the Holy Prophet. Allah knows best why it was imperative to get the custom of ignorance rooted out at that juncture through the Holy Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace) rather than let it remain as it was. He knows that no other prophet would be coming after him in the future; therefore, if He did not abolish this custom through His Last Prophet, no other person after him would be able to abolish it for all the Muslims of the world for ever. Even if the later reformers would abolish it, no action of any one of them will have the permanent and universal authority behind it so that the people of every country and every age might -start following it, and none of them would have a personality endowed with that holiness and sanctity that an action's being merely his way (Sunnah) might root out every feeling of aversion and abhorrence from the mind of the people.

General Discussions / How To Understand AlQuran
March 22, 2015, 12:47:05 PM
Salam bro and sis

My question is how to understand AlQuran.
- thru reading and our mind?

This is due to a few of ayat Allah SWT does mentioned to us, "... The likeness of the two parties is as the blind and the deaf and the seer and the hearer. Are they equal when compared? Will you not then take heed? ..-chapter 11 verse 24

Thank you for your supports.



When we read AlQuran, we must always think of Rasulullah SAW because only His Messenger Nabi Muhammad SAW that purely understand AlQuran (His Commands). So, we as His slave and the follower/believer of ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW prays to Allah SWT to guide us all (siratul mustaqim) in understanding of His Commands (ayat).

Rasulullah SAW have a very very good character (akhlak) when come to communication with people. So, in your case with ayat 17:53 -

The believers have been enjoined to say only the best things even in their discussion with the disbelievers and other opponents of their Faith. They should neither use harsh words nor make exaggerated statements. They should be cool in their conversation and say only what is true and dignified in spite of the provoking behavior of the opponents. As a believer have been forewarned to guard against the provocations of Satan, as if to say, "While answering your opponents, if you feel that you are being aroused to anger, you should at once understand that it is Satan who is exciting you in order to do harm to your dispute, in which he wants to engage human beings for sowing discord between them."

Please read surah Al Anfal 8:46-48 (Allah SWT reminded us is about satan duties)

Wallahu'alam. I am maybe wrong and do forgive me in learning to understand Allah and Rasul.

Where does in AlQuran mentioned that our children can be presented as trials for their parents and others? Which chapter and verse?

How about if they (children) are not even reach their age then Allah SWT taking them away.

Please do forgive me by asking this.

Thanks bro Sardar Miyan.
Salam bro & sis

Very interesting topic. Please do mind me by asking this, Where does it mentioned in AlQuran that the statement will appear ? Any supporting verse and chapter?

Thank you.

p/s: just about to learn what is Islam all about.  :)
Discussions / Re: Antichrist Dajjal Laknatullah
March 02, 2015, 01:01:05 PM
Salam bro & sis

thank you so much mr admin, Joseph Islam for your acknowledgement.
what i understood that this forum is to discuss about Islam (generally). so, we may discuss any issue regards Islam. Not just AlQuran,rite? (muzakarrah)

It is true what you have mentioned the concept of dajjal laknatullah as a figure has not support in AlQuran. BUT remember, Islam is just like a pair of wings (kalimah syahadah-Allah and Rasul). If you wanted to know AlQuran, you are also must know Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW (hadith). Because AlQuran been sent down to the earth BECAUSE of our Prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW. No one have the understanding of AlQuran except our Prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW. So, are you telling me that dajjal laknatullah is NOT a form of figure? What about our Prophet said that dajjal laknatullah is a kind of us (son of bani Adam a.s)?

Question: Is this belowmentioned has support in AlQuran?
"Allah gathered the whole of mankind and arranged it into separate groups according to their kinds or periods and gave them human shape and power of speech. Then He took a Covenant from them and made them witnesses concerning themselves and asked, `Am I not your Lord?' They answered, 'Most certainly, You alone are our Lord.' Then Allah said, `I ask the earth and the heavens and your father Adam to bear witness to this effect lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection that you had no knowledge of this. So note it well that none other than I is worthy of worship and that there is no other Lord than I. You should not set up any partner with Me. I will send to you My Messengers, who will remind you of this Covenant that you are Making with Me; I will also send My Book to you . At this the whole of mankind replied, "We bear witness to this: You alone are our Lord and our Deity: we have no other lord or deity than You."

Discussions / Re: Antichrist Dajjal Laknatullah
February 28, 2015, 10:38:00 PM
Salam and hello to all,

Thank you for your comments. Herewith some explanation about dajjal laknatullah (briefly).
Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (Arabic: المسيح الدجّال‎ Al-Masīḥ ad-Dajjāl, "the false messiah"), is an evil figure in Islamic eschatology (This is believed to be the final assessment of humanity by Allah, consisting of the annihilation of all life, resurrection and judgment). He is to appear pretending to be the Masih (i.e. the Messiah) at a time in the future, before Yawm al-Qiyamah (Day of Resurrection), and is the Antichrist and comparable to Armilus in Christian and Jewish eschatology, respectively.

This false messiah (dajjal laknatullah) will bring two things which are water and fire. At that moment, there will be no water and food. With no iman, we will drink the water and be his followers (leading to hell) but if we jump into the fire, our iman will be secured just like Prophet Abraham a.s  been thrown into the fire.

As a muslim that care for all, our beloved Prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW said perfect iman is to love your brotherhood (brother&sister). SUGGESTED our dry fecal (any shit or excreta) to be thrown at him (dajjal/antichrist) and don't forget to throw some into the water that he(dajjal/antichrist) bring along. So let those wanted to drink the water to think twice.
Discussions / Re: Antichrist Dajjal Laknatullah
February 28, 2015, 10:00:14 PM
Dear QM

I noted that. Thank you for your advice.

Thank you!
Discussions / Antichrist Dajjal Laknatullah
February 24, 2015, 12:08:36 PM

World is about to the end (Qiamat..Judgement Day). Before that is happen, our All Mighty God Allah SWT will sent his creature named Dajjal laknatullah or some of us call "Antichrist".

Therefore what we should do IF that happen?

IF you are giving a chance to slap iblis laknatullah or any his associates, WOULD you do so?

A tradition of Hadrat Ubayy-bin-Ka`ab which is most probably based on the knowledge he received from the Holy Prophet, is the best commentary or this verse. He says:

"Allah gathered the whole of mankind and arranged it into separate groups according to their kinds or periods and gave them human shape and power of speech. Then He took a Covenant from them and made them witnesses concerning themselves and asked, `Am I not your Lord?' They answered, 'Most certainly, You alone are our Lord.' Then Allah said, `I ask the earth and the heavens and your father Adam to bear witness to this effect lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection that you had no knowledge of this. So note it well that none other than I is worthy of worship and that there is no other Lord than I. You should not set up any partner with Me. I will send to you My Messengers, who will remind you of this Covenant that you are Making with Me; I will also send My Book to you . At this the whole of mankind replied, "We bear witness to this: You alone are our Lord and our Deity: we have no other lord or deity than You."


Thanks for your support. Do you have any ideas regards this whispering (from unseen)? Any chapter or verse (AlQuran and Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW) regards the disturbance on your ears (right/left) and nose too?

The Healer of any disease is ALLAH SWT (refer to below mentioned ayat). They (unseen whispering) disclaimed that ALLAH SWT DO NOT have the expertise. Please share this to all and dhua for all.

وَإِذَا مَرِضْتُ فَهُوَ يَشْفِينِ
And when I am sick, then He restores me to health
Surah Ash Syuara:80

General Discussions / Truth Seeker..tQ
February 18, 2015, 03:03:39 PM
With respect a covenant with Allah, meaning I make a promises to Allah SWT that I been disturb by this unseen voices which whispering to me all the time. And my duty is to delivered HIS Message (AlQuran) to the alamin (universe). Therefore I am just looking for Allah's pleasure (redha) and HIS Proctect..Stated in AlQuran with meaning; And if an evil whisper comes to you from Shaitan (Satan), then seek refuge with Allah. Verily, He is All-Hearer, All-Knower.  Al-Araf, Chapter 7:200.
So,  I told them (unseen voice/creatures – angels,jinn,devil or spirits) that Heaven was created by obeying AlQuran and sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW and by disobeying it, Hell will be placed.
They (the unseen voices) wanted to been known among us (human being)...? What is your comment about that?