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Messages - Sstikstof

Just for the purpose of knowledge, I saw somewhere this post from bible.

The Bible never lists masturbation as a sin.

All the places that people use to show that it's a sin are conditional and easily refuted (and I will refute them upon request), in fact you have to pre suppose that masturbation is a sin before you can make many of these passages apply. This is why so many people try and associate masturbation with lust, because that's the only way they can biblically condemn the act.

At worst masturbation would make you ceremonially unclean, if you were a male Israelite soldier, according to the Livitical law (Leviticus 15:16-17).

Even for males masturbation is entirely possible without lust, just as you have described. One of the problems is that thoughts that usually cause one to want to masturbate are lustful. However this is easily overcome by just listening to your body, and provided it doesn't become a problem (doing it at inconvenient times, or just too frequently to where it takes up a lot of your time, see: 1 Corinthians 6:12), masturbating can relieve that tension that builds up over time and can therefore prevent some of those lustful thoughts that creep in from time to time.

Even if it is lusting that is the cause of you masturbating, or you accidentally lust while masturbating, the masturbation does not automatically become a sin, it's still the lust that is a sin. It's not like they become one in the same, lust and masturbation are two separate things that can be, and often are, done together. The lust remains a sin and the masturbation remains an act that is not listed as a sin in the Bible, nor is it condemned. Nevertheless, the same priciples of moderation and self control that govern the Christian life still do apply.

Compared to Joseph Islam's Expression on 'lifurujihin hafizun',

In verses 23:1-7, God describes successful believers as those that have humility in their prayer (23:2), they avoid vain talk (23:3), give zakat / engage in purification works (23:4) and those who 'guard their modesty' - lifurujihin hafizun. (23:5)

A more literal understanding of the word 'farj' (plural furuj) in the expression 'lifurujihin hafizun' is a reference to the private parts of both males and females. It is a reference to the 'pudenda' (sex organ) which is considered indecent to expose.

The argument here is that this is not merely a reference to sexual intercourse but to any sexual act.

The exception of wedlock is granted where one is not considered blameworthy (ghayru malumin) 23:6. However, whoever seeks beyond that has transgressed (ada) - 23:7

I do respectfully feel that this is an important reference and must be carefully considered.

I do respect that none of us would want to make unlawful which God has not forbidden, but equally we would not want to sanction something which on deeper reflection was not within the spirit of the Quran's teaching or overarching guidance.

Of course even in grey areas, the mantra 'err on the side of caution' is quite an apt consideration especially in religious matters.

My question is that>> is Joseph islam pointed specifically about bad thoughts/bad thoughts with arousal or arousal without thinking bad is also not under Quranic Warrent? Moderators please help me on this issue.
Salamun Alaikum, As im sure the intention behind your AMMA calling is not that what you meant of that verse, There is nothing wrong with it as long as your intention works perfectly. Remember in every aspects, intention is the main key. And just go easy on religious matters as if you freaked out, overloading behavioral circumstances may occur which harms the correct faith. It is not rocket science, GOD the Almighty knows our weakness & made Quran like that.
And LOL  ;D to that >>> we both call each other..."AMMA"
The question you asked was silly  :P. BTW, Let me give you a piece of advice. While reading the Quran, first and foremost primary thing thats coming into our mind, is correct/right assumption, Quran is revealed like that. Quran is already interpreted. All you have to do is to sit back, relax and read the Quran like a story book. thats all. If you want to go deep by confusing yourself, no result would come as it guides with general sense. So please dont hear others or ask others for interpretation. Because everybody got their own interpretation that's enough to make you confused & sometimes leave the religion. If you wish to find more interpretations from already interpreted perfect book, result will be abrogated like probability theory. If you don't understand a thing or term, then it would definitely be explained in other parts of the Quran. In this case, I advise to finish the full Quran first.

Remember this theory all the times>>> "And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS)." 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur'an is the Qur'an itself!

General Discussions / Re: arousal without thinking bad
February 26, 2016, 05:43:59 PM
Thanks :)
General Discussions / arousal without thinking bad
February 25, 2016, 08:36:20 PM
Salamun alaikum. I have a question. Can masturbation / arousal be done without thinking of bad in extreme circumstances? Will it be considered as sinful for just relieve fluids from ur own part in general sense? My apologies for this kinda question. But want to know exact boundaries.
General Discussions / Re: Interpret the verse 38:18
February 25, 2016, 08:33:38 PM
It seems to me like an idiom. Not salat periods. Not sure
Quote from: Wakas on January 15, 2016, 01:35:35 AM

Sstikstof, you did not offend me dont worry.
As a side note, Hicham9 is essentially pointing out what I did. You dont have to accept it, no big deal.

QM Mod Team, I understand your position. From now on if someone cites that article (with the implication that it is a satisfactory response) I will say something along the lines of "I disagree. If you wish to discuss it further please PM me as I'm not allowed to respond to it publicly on this forum".
Salamun Alaikum, Regarding the verse 30:17, I have acknowledged that these are in plural address and indicating continuity of the salat in general sense like in urdu (subha / sham), but not specific periods. you were right about this plural address not indicating the salat periods exactly, but some sort of continuity as idiom.
General Discussions / Interpret the verse 38:18
February 24, 2016, 01:37:56 PM
Can someone please interpret the verse 38:18? Is it a reference to salah or just sbh?
Quote from: Anjum on February 22, 2016, 12:58:24 PM
Salam All...

Hope you are all i was reading translated Quran..i came across this verse..."As for one who turns away from the remembrance of the Gracious God, we appoint for him a devil, who will become his intimate companion. Devils divert men from the right way, while they think that they are rightly guided."

What does this verse mean? it meant for the disbelievers or us the believers...who sometimes are not able to pray on time...?...can you guys please clear it..m not able to understand this...

Thanks and regards,
Salamun Alaikum,

It is nothing that serious as you are thinking. It is an idom. "As for one who turns away from the remembrance of the Gracious God, we appoint for him a devil, who will become his intimate companion. Devils divert men from the right way, while they think that they are rightly guided." It is indicated to those nonreligious prople who think that their blind justification is 100 percent correct. FOr example, you wont be able to win a debate easily with an athiest just because of their  hardcore baseless logic which made them think that they are in the right path. Same result goes for the ignorant people (who dont follow religion much) who dont care for religion. Remember Turns away from remembrance means to leave religion. It has nothing to do with missing salah. As for missing salah Quran tells that, do your duty to GOD as best as you can. If you missed a salah, I recommend to join that one to the next waqt/period of salat.
Islamic Duties / Re: Is Iqamah before salat a Sunnah?
February 21, 2016, 01:47:39 AM
Thanks for valuable reply. :)
Since I am not arabic specialist, I find hard to realize below grammatical concept which made me confused. Just want to be sure what is this preposition based on exactly to become omitted. Can someone with knowledgeable to arabic help on this issue? How true is it? If this has weakness, I need counter arguments.

In verse, 23:5-7, The preposition عَلَى (on/upon) does not collocate with حَافِظُوْن (those who guard) and thus there necessarily exists a tadmeen in this expression, and words such asعَنِ الوُقُوعِ عَلَى أَحَدٍ (from indulging with anyone) are suppressed after حَافِظُوْن. Thus, the object from which the exception is sought in this expression is not the ways of sexual-gratification: it is the individuals from whom a person can establish sexual relations.

Please note, There is a stylistic feature of Arabic language called tadmeen. At times a
verb is omitted and only preposition that usually goes with it works as
indicator to that. Mr Ghamidi says that hafiza 'ala is not the verb intended
here. It is waqa'a ala that is omitted. He has therefore tried to discover
the omitted part.
General Discussions / Re: Quran 24:30,interpretation
February 20, 2016, 11:24:14 PM
Thanks for a valuable interpretation which contains all answers in a breath. :)
Islamic Duties / Re: Is Iqamah before salat a Sunnah?
February 20, 2016, 01:15:10 PM
Quote from: Sardar Miyan on February 20, 2016, 10:27:35 AM
No body can answer this question since none of QM Forum members don't read or follow secondary source (Hadith) Iqamussalt is part of Salath to attract the Muslims to join the Salath.
where does it come from then? Hadith or tawatur sunnah practice?