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Messages - Sstikstof

General Discussions / Quran 24:30,interpretation
February 20, 2016, 01:09:38 PM
Can someone interpret the verse 24:30 with proper meaning? I need a good interpretation.
Islamic Duties / Is Iqamah before salat a Sunnah?
February 20, 2016, 12:40:53 AM
Is iqamah before starting salat a tawatur sunnah or a form from ahadith corpus? How authentic is it?
Please be notified that these punishments are advised for last stage of victim, not in normal sense or society norms. Universal punishment is that victim will be punished as society norm with evidence. But who spread corruption in lands and in extreme position of the crimes, don't even know what is called repentance then these punishment is administered.
Discussions / Ask Javed Ahmed Ghamidi> What is Humanity!
February 19, 2016, 04:24:52 AM
This is an article found in Javed Ahmed Ghamidi site>>> As for theft punishment,

"[As for] the thief, the male and the female, amputate their hands in recompense for what they committed as a deterrent [punishment] from Allah . And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. But whoever repents after his wrongdoing and reforms, indeed, Allah will turn to him in forgiveness. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." Quran (5:39-40)

JG's Commentary:
This is merely a punishment in this world. As far as the Hereafter is concerned, a person can only attain salvation if he repents and mends his ways. Repentance and the punishment of this world are not mutually exchangeable. Consequently, this punishment shall be administered even if a person repents and reforms himself, and after receiving this punishment in this world, he shall only be forgiven in the Hereafter if he repents and reforms himself.

What is just happened to Islamic Scholars? Even my little sister could interpret above verse with logical expression. Where is the wisdom of Unambiguous, easy, detailed & Clear Quran? (39:28, 12:1, 44:58 & 6:114)
General Discussions / Re: My humble apologies!
February 17, 2016, 04:44:40 PM
U got a good point, I myself got abused so many times during preaching the quran-centric views, but i didnt go that far. Muslims here are so emotional that they can do anything if something goes against their views.  :-X . And for moderated muslims here, they dont actually follow religion & got ignorant behavior.
General Discussions / Re: My humble apologies!
February 17, 2016, 07:58:29 AM
Quote from: mia666 on February 17, 2016, 07:45:27 AM
I don't understand this Javed Ghamidi person's viewpoints. He's kind of lingering between accepting hadiths and sunnah and not accepting them. He needs to make up his mind. It's quite clear from reading the Quran that hadiths and sunnah have no religious authority (although they can be studied to understand history and culture).
that's exactly what I was trying to say
General Discussions / masturbation on my personal view!
February 16, 2016, 10:35:52 PM
After reading the verses 23:5-7, with a cleared mind, my interpretation is as follows,
"Those who guard their private parts...." Question is to the spouse, what is the specialty about this private part guarding? It's not that wife makes you urinate that u can't do it by urself which becomes illogical. What does private part do with spouses? Urinating or sex or showdown? It is sexual arousal. And that sexual arousal is indicated in normal human sense. So in my view, verse getting cleared if we interpret like this,
"Those who guard their sexual urges/arousals except.....". Then it makes crystal clear. Sorry for direct words. Please give some feedback on it.
First of all see my signature about what Quran says. We translate Quran from lexicon, not from other sources. In lexicon dictionary, it says,

Please note the primary rendering of the word 'Khimar' in John Penrice's 1873 dictionary as 'a covering'. The lexicographer is also correct to note the most popular usage of the word as a veil of the head and face. However this is not the 'primary' meaning.

Information regarding what women wore at the time of Jahliyya (Period of Ignorance) or what their Khimar's consisted of, are only known to us by traditions and folklore often centuries removed from source and not the Quran. Many of these narratives are well known to be aggressive interpretations against women. The Quran is and undoubtedly remains the primary source of any interpretation of Quranic words. The word 'Khimar' or 'Khumur' comes from the root 'Kh-Mim'Ra' which means something which veils or conceals.

The last point to note is the Arabic word: 'yadribna' which is formed from the root word 'Da-Ra-Ba' which in this context means to draw or draw over (as in to cover).  This term does not necessarily or exclusively imply that it is to be drawn from a particular location such as the head.

Therefore, a better rendering of the specific part of the verse in question is as follows:

    "...And to draw their coverings over their chests" (24:31)

The focus is simply on the chest. If one is to remain true to the classical Arabic and the Quran itself, there is also no implication of 'hair covering' by virtue of the word 'bi'khumurihinna' which simply means 'a covering' in its primary sense. The 'head-covering' is just one example which has also become a popular example and often used to interpret the Quran.
That's what I thought. Thanks for clarifying  :)
General Discussions / Re: My humble apologies!
February 16, 2016, 01:16:17 PM
I agree on deeper reflections on Qur'an and I agree that javed ghamidi and Joseph Islam are having best interpretations ever. That's not my main argument. I gotta admit first of all I hate ghamidis student shehjad Selim because of his nonsense interpretations which even goes against ghamidis. And for deeper reflections everybody gotta take the limit of that of about how many deeper is reliable, aren't we going into alien interpretations or not? There is differences too. Quranic meanings can be found from other parts of it. It is a serious suggestive clue that we gotta bear into mind. May be this can lead us prevention of going that deeper. At the end of the day Qur'an is unambiguous scripture.
General Discussions / Re: My humble apologies!
February 16, 2016, 04:52:25 AM
Quote from: Hassan A on February 16, 2016, 01:31:58 AM
Salaam Sstikof,

You said:

QuoteThere are more differences between Javed Ahmed Ghamidi & Joseph Islam's view.

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, in my opinion.

Our job as Muslims is to ALWAYS vigorously scrutinize/critically analyzing any and all views to see whether they're in accordance with the truth and with the general message of the Quran. It remains our duty as believers/Muslims to seek the best meaning from what we hear by scrutinize and evaluating all arguments/views (regardless of whom they're made by) and afterwards follow 'what is best' (39:18) (i.e. which argument presents the best possible evidence/facts and is compatible with logic and reason).

The Quran acknowledges that we (as mere humans) will/may derive different meanings from it, and states that those who have understanding are the ones who follow the best meaning in it:

"Those who listen to the Word and follow the best meaning in it; those are the ones whom God has guided, and those are the ones endued with understanding." [Qur'an 39:18]

As the above verse clearly insinuates: some meanings are better than others. And as humans we naturally will derive multiple meanings from each verse, but only the best are to be validated and followed—this will demonstrate righteousness of character.

So with respect to the views you've alluded to which brothers Joseph Islam and Javed Ahmed Ghamidi differ on, it remains your/our responsibility to vigorously scrutinize/evaluate/analyse each view then accept whichever view is in accordance with the message of the Quran (and in accordance with logic and reason). And then put our faith/trust in God.


By seeking best meaning, if we do burden the religion mentally & physically, what's the point of seeking that? In Quran it has also been told that we are weak in our own sense & nature. So, what is the point of having different interpretations as Quran clearly stated that it is an unambiguous scripture. While seeking to find best meaning, ain't we make this more in ambiguity? After all, we gotta admit that we ain't saints which reminds me verse 4:31. Aren't we complicating religion which is also against an article in this website? You gotta think about it bro. After all we ain't messenger of GOD to become perfect or saint. We are just trying.....
General Discussions / Re: My humble apologies!
February 15, 2016, 10:39:43 PM
There are more differences between Javed Ahmed ghamidi & Joseph Islam's view. Masturbation was one example. Specifically in some issues, both showed hard & logical expressions, that made me confused who to choose. For example, Please note,

1. For masturbation Javed says masturbation is neither prohibited nor undesirable. Because of silence of Quran. Verses that can be suspected of that, have actually another interpretations. Fahisha definition given by the Quran itself for (eg, 17:32, 29:28 etc.). But Joseph islam prohibited masturbation by seeking the best meaning of the Quran.

2. Head Cover Is must for Javed ahmed ghamidi. Because He interpreted khimar as classical arabic which means not only conceal but head cover. And for khimar, he interpreted it from another historical source as in 24:31, "Al" is included which means "tell these believing women", In historical source, women already wore head cover, thats why may be God told them to cover chest only. But Joseph Islam said, No, it doesn't matter from where the cloth comes from, only chest covering is good interpretation for this verse.

3. For capital Punishment, Javed Ghamidi said, if you commit any crime & you already repented, but authority finds you so many years later, you still gotta suffer the punishment. But in here, someone says, if you repent, no punishment, even if you are found after many years later, you wont be punished, thats why God says "Illa">except word.

4. Javed Ahmed ghamidi believes that as quran is last scripture, it always tells us about sunnah as part of deen to be obyed as right form. He believes that "fill in the gaps" in quran must be filled with tawatur Sunnah practices. But joseph Islam said Opposite of it.

5. Javed Ahmed Ghamidi takes help from other sources to interpret various Quran verses. Joseph Islam doesn't .

And there are lots more..........

At the end, I myself am a normal human being. After having these differences, I gotta see other commentaries although I dont want to listen to them >>> Sunni, Shia, Salafi Views, Zakir NAyek views, Sufi Views, Wahabi Vews, Quranist views, Tabligi Views, views, views and so on....

Sometimes I ask myself that is this a joke, or a Muslim Religion where i was born? At last I have decided to read Quran by myself & whatever interpretation comes in my head, God willing, I will accept without any question.
General Discussions / Re: My humble apologies!
February 15, 2016, 07:37:25 PM
Quote from: maverick83pk on February 15, 2016, 05:38:13 PM
Dear SStikof,

i agree with Ghamidi sb's point of view, with a little difference, sunnah is also subservient to Quran, and not equal to it.

Rest is 100% agreeable.
He showed evidence that masturbation is permissible. But in here, it ain't! Is that 100% agreeable?
Quote from: mia666 on February 13, 2016, 11:33:35 AM

I've checked through the threads listed on the General Discussions page and it seems like your thread about those verses has been removed or something. I checked several times and it's not there. Can you see it? If so, I'm genuinely confused, because I honestly cannot see it anywhere.  ???
May be it is hidden as i can still see that post. Just tell what do you want to tell in here or pm me.
General Discussions / Re: My humble apologies!
February 15, 2016, 01:33:31 PM
Today I have conversed with local IMAM about this issue. He agreed almost the things that have been shared here. He said the problem of most traditional muslims are facing is that they think whatever the prophet Muhammad did, is part of sunnah whether it is against quran or not & we must follow, that is the main problem of dividing. In this case for them, Scholar Javed Ahmed Ghamidi gives suitable solution to recognize what is actual sunnah & i prefer it to read with the view of traditionalists.