Salams Aijaz,
Thanks for clarifying, and sorry for the late reply. For 2:100, it is not the idea of throwing aside the covenant that is being negated. It is the amount that is being negated and then clarified. It clarified that it is not just "a party of them" but rather "most" of them.
As for the "bal" in 21:24, this is more indirect contrast being shown, where a thing is given symbolic distance from another, in order to illustrate a contrast found in the second entry for Bal provided by Lane. When this type of bal is used in the Quran, it often pairs something good with something bad, something expected with something unexpected, or a description that is underwhelming versus one that is appropriate.
21:24 (part): Say, [O Muhammad], "Produce your proof. This [Qur'an] is the message for those with me and the message of those before me."
With this, the logical conclusion one would take is that people will believe once they are given proof. Also, the Quran is mentioned as proof, and is symbolically a good thing. But then the verse ends with:
"But most of them do not know the truth, so they are turning away."
This clarifies that despite "proof" being provided, you should not expect them to believe as a reasonable person would expect. Moreover, its a "bad" thing and symbolically distant from what was mentioned previously. Another example of this can be seen in the beginning of Surah 50. I put (+) for positive and (-) for negative:
(+) 1: "Qaf. By the honored Qur'an."
Now we start with one object, a positive one, the honored Quran. Now we go to:
a) a different object of discourse, which...
b) also happens to be a negative party.
(-) 2: "But (Arabic: bal) they wonder that there has come to them a Warner from among themselves. So the Unbelievers say: "This is a wonderful thing!"
And as we go a bit further down....
(+) 4: "We know what the earth diminishes of them, and with Us is a retaining record
Again, we start with a topic, and here is Allah's superior knowledge, and the record coming with Allah. But on the other hand...."
(-) 5: "But (Arabic: bal) they denied the truth when it came to them, so they are in a confused condition."
Although Allah Knows, the disbelievers are confused. Not only is there an immeasurable gap in knowledge between the two (superior to inferior, showing symbolic distance), Allah is with the truth of the record, whereas disbelievers reject it (hence their confused state).
Grammatically, this form of bal doesn't really fit with the structure of 7:80-81, 26:165-166, and and 27:54-55 where Lut a.s. asks about approaching men besides women, which is why the primary definition provided by Lane is used. If you have a lexicon or dictionary entry that fits to what you are suggesting, it would be nice to take a look at it if provided. As with the 24:21 example provided, it should be noted that it is not "approaching men" that is being negated, it is the "besides women" (i.e. being gay) that is negated and clarified as not so, but rather something that transgresses beyond what was explicitly mentioned. Some translators include "transgressing [beyond Allah's bounds]" in brackets, because they are assuming homosexuality is being referred to and insert that bit in there, even though it refers back to what was stated in the text already.
Thanks for clarifying, and sorry for the late reply. For 2:100, it is not the idea of throwing aside the covenant that is being negated. It is the amount that is being negated and then clarified. It clarified that it is not just "a party of them" but rather "most" of them.
As for the "bal" in 21:24, this is more indirect contrast being shown, where a thing is given symbolic distance from another, in order to illustrate a contrast found in the second entry for Bal provided by Lane. When this type of bal is used in the Quran, it often pairs something good with something bad, something expected with something unexpected, or a description that is underwhelming versus one that is appropriate.
21:24 (part): Say, [O Muhammad], "Produce your proof. This [Qur'an] is the message for those with me and the message of those before me."
With this, the logical conclusion one would take is that people will believe once they are given proof. Also, the Quran is mentioned as proof, and is symbolically a good thing. But then the verse ends with:
"But most of them do not know the truth, so they are turning away."
This clarifies that despite "proof" being provided, you should not expect them to believe as a reasonable person would expect. Moreover, its a "bad" thing and symbolically distant from what was mentioned previously. Another example of this can be seen in the beginning of Surah 50. I put (+) for positive and (-) for negative:
(+) 1: "Qaf. By the honored Qur'an."
Now we start with one object, a positive one, the honored Quran. Now we go to:
a) a different object of discourse, which...
b) also happens to be a negative party.
(-) 2: "But (Arabic: bal) they wonder that there has come to them a Warner from among themselves. So the Unbelievers say: "This is a wonderful thing!"
And as we go a bit further down....
(+) 4: "We know what the earth diminishes of them, and with Us is a retaining record
Again, we start with a topic, and here is Allah's superior knowledge, and the record coming with Allah. But on the other hand...."
(-) 5: "But (Arabic: bal) they denied the truth when it came to them, so they are in a confused condition."
Although Allah Knows, the disbelievers are confused. Not only is there an immeasurable gap in knowledge between the two (superior to inferior, showing symbolic distance), Allah is with the truth of the record, whereas disbelievers reject it (hence their confused state).
Grammatically, this form of bal doesn't really fit with the structure of 7:80-81, 26:165-166, and and 27:54-55 where Lut a.s. asks about approaching men besides women, which is why the primary definition provided by Lane is used. If you have a lexicon or dictionary entry that fits to what you are suggesting, it would be nice to take a look at it if provided. As with the 24:21 example provided, it should be noted that it is not "approaching men" that is being negated, it is the "besides women" (i.e. being gay) that is negated and clarified as not so, but rather something that transgresses beyond what was explicitly mentioned. Some translators include "transgressing [beyond Allah's bounds]" in brackets, because they are assuming homosexuality is being referred to and insert that bit in there, even though it refers back to what was stated in the text already.