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Women / Re: Birth control/Family planning/Contraception (Birth spacing)
« on: August 18, 2016, 10:01:22 AM »
Salaamun Alayka,
Brother Joseph,

Thank you so very much for addressing my query. I've read your views and all relevant articles and posts on the subject and I still feel it has room for misinterpretation and deriving (potentially dangerous and) wrong conclusion. Before I list down my questions I sense some misunderstanding in my asking so let me clarify that I'm on same page and in full agreement with your view on abortion being impermissible. There's no doubt in my mind nor do I've any questions on this sub topic. Kindly see my primary concern and dilemma which revolve around these:
  • 6:151 prohibits parents in (present) poverty who would otherwise kill, is it correct?
  • 17:31 prohibits parents fearing (future) poverty who would otherwise kill, is it correct?
  • So, isn't this covering the 2 extreme points the rich the poor and everyone in the middle?
  • Were those parents killed their children out of poverty and associated fear or is it for thrill kill?
  • If it's not for thrill, would they've still allowed childbirth and then kill or would they choose humane and safe birth control pills and procedures if they were to live now?
  • What would any young Muslim couple who limit the number of children to 2 or 3 at the most (generally) say if asked for primary reason?
  • If the reason given is cost of quality education, cost of quality of life (health, comforts and enjoyments) then does Quran allow such premise to control/plan family size?
  • If the reason given is hard work rearing more children then does Quran allow such premise to control/plan family size to take easy route and escape trial?
  • Does the word "Rizq" limited to food provisions only? Or Does it cover wide berth of meanings according to the Quran?
  • If these couples were to born at revelation time, would they have resorted to the same horrific method in absence of birth control methods?
  • Does the permanent and irreversible birth control methods such as implantation, sterilization, surgery not contravene the ayah 4:119?
  • Which of the methods listed on are within the permissible boundary drawn by the Quran?
  • What was naturally available to people since ancient times is still available then abandoning them without sacrificing pleasure and/or exerting self-control can we still use lame excuses in the light of spirit of Quran?
  • ...have sexual intercourse with them and seek what Allah has written for you...(2:187) "وَابْتَغُوا, seek" is alluding to what in the immediate context of the ayah?
  • Your wives are your tilth (2:223) you've noted in your article and other posts the beautiful analogy between husband and farmer both of whom desire beneficial produce. Which farmer would make his land barren and then still continue to seed and water it and hope and expect the crop not to grow?
  • One of the traditionally learned person gave me long ago a similitude which kind of engraved on my mind which is: If someone kills an innocent person outside the city or inside it or in his home will he not be charged for the murder and held liable for the punishment? Then how killer of a child after birth, during pregnancy (abortion) or at the conception (spermicide) is differently treated?
  • Allah swt has mentioned Aulad as a means of test "Fitna" then limiting it to manageable means in one's view is not compromising the spirit if not the letter of the Quran?
  • If in 2:187 وَابْتَغُوا مَا كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ means children (or provisions including children) He's written for all of us then why not trust Him completely and exercise Taqwa by exerting abstinence, self-control and sacrifice pleasure if one were to think he's not able to cope the burden?

Of course, all of the above is exception to women if pregnancy becomes life threatening not in their own view but assessed/warned/prescribed after thorough diagnosis by their gynecologist. Also, I think around 12:47 passage the state has authority/responsibility to plan and ensure it provides for its subjects so if a state (such as China) adopted and enforced birth control as state policy then I reckon individuals have no choice but to comply but then again we've other verse 4:97 guiding believers to migrate where observing religion becomes difficult.

Hope this gives you clear picture of subject I've in my mind and eagerly looking forward to your well-thought out and wise clarification, as I am expected of you - always  :D . I sincerely feel a comprehensive and dedicated article on the subject is dearly missing and I really hope you'll concur and bless me and all of your fans Inshallah with the gift :D

General Discussions / Re: Moses and the Calf-Worshippers
« on: August 15, 2016, 01:18:00 AM »
Salaamun Alaykum,

Brother Joseph your immense and deep academic knowledge of the previous scriptures coupled with (of course God-gifted) wisdom simply gives new hue to what would otherwise be difficult to interpret Ayahs such as 2:54, which are hedged and hinged and built up on the Books from before.

Thank you for treating me with the wonderful pleasure  :D Jazakallahu Khairan Kaseera!

May God bless you and increase your Imaan manifolds!

Student :)

Islamic Duties / Re: Inheritance laws (4:11, 12, 176)
« on: August 01, 2016, 04:20:33 PM »
Walekumus Salaam,
Brother Joseph,

Thank you and Jazak Allah Khair for the clarification sparing your valuable time, indeed. I apologize in advance for not making my question clear upfront. I understand the inheritance is executed as laid out in the will by the testator and in absence of that will (wasiyat) the distribution defaults according to the method laid by the Quran, is my understanding correct so far?

What happens in the following scenarios:

  • When there's no will (however, I think your flow chart assumed presence of will in mapping and piecing the puzzle together), meaning who gets the remainder of the wealth after default Quranic distribution as I see lot of heir relatives in the end-points (boxes) getting less than 100% share?
  • Will (wasiyat) is completely and categorically un-Quranic, for example in favor of one son or daughter ignoring or discarding all their siblings, spouses, parents etc

While you're at it, may I also earnestly request you to spare few more minutes of your valuable time to address my concern (this is by far more pressing and practical implication in my life than the above):

Thank you, and looking forward to your valuable insight and wisdom inshallah!

Discussions / Re: Rashad Khalifas 19
« on: July 30, 2016, 09:47:41 AM »
Who is Rashad Khalifa?

Since hundreds of years, Muslim scholars have looked for the numeric miracles of the Koran. They counted its verses, its chapters, its letters and its words. Yet, their calculations often faced some inaccuracies because of the difficulty of the matter.

If we follow the writings, which deal with this subject, produced since Ibn Araby and the counting of the ‘ letters for numbers’ ( djummal), up to the era of Rashad Khalifa and his hypothesis concerning the number 19, we ultimately find a lot of errors and misinterpretations that are far from being logically scientific.

This man has taken some numeric realties found in the Koran as a favour, that of the number 19, and he has considered that Koran is built all in all on this number. However, what he has claimed has been wronged and his results have been denied. Thus, the numbers he has chosen for his book The Miracle of the Koran are not exact at all.

Some of the most important examples he has mentioned in his research is about the first verse: ‘ in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful’ ( the Bassmalah) being repeated in the Koran 19 times. This saying is not accurate.

He says the first word ‘ bism’ ( in the name of), instead of ‘ism’ ( name), was mentioned 19 times, yet it was mentioned 22 times ( it is not a multiple of 19).

He says that the word ‘Allah’ was repeated 2698 (19*142), but this number is not exact too! ‘Allah’ was repeated 2699 (not a multiple of 19). However, what he has mentioned about the word ‘ arrahmane’ (the Gracious), being repeated 57 times, is true.

 ‘Arrahim’ (the Merciful), he said, is repeated 114. It is not true! It was mentioned 115. Therefore, Khalifa has given only one number out of four. This is how he deals with the other numbers he exposes. What he does is only mingling one true number with many wrong ones to give the idea of the truthfulness of his saying. Thus his hypothesis can be considered as a wrong theory.

Salaamun Alaykum,
Dear Team of Moderators and Admins,

May I ask you to point out/list and link any translations of Joseph Islam's articles in other foreign languages under taken by his students/fans/users rendered on a self-volunteering basis for the benefit of wider audience? As I read here and there that some has ventured into this area, which is commendable.



As for the Hafs/Warsh issue, my problem is, how do we know our version that we read and quote today is the correct one and all the others are the aberrations?? Please respond and thanks again
Let me assure you both Hafs and Warsh are correct and they have no bearing on the alteration in the meaning of the Quran, which is most important thing to consider and note. I firmly believe Quran has multi-faceted Miracles embedded in it and Mathematical numbers and codes is definitely no exception. Here's why I say this confidently:
  (My favorite)

But there are many on this site's main page:

And this one too:

And rest assured, none of them entertain 19 number miracle to the compromise and sacrifice verse 128 and 129 of surah 9. The first link in fact debunk thoroughly the number 19 as base code of the Quran theory proposed by Rashad Khalifa.

Make abundant Dhikrullah (whatever mode/method you know, the best however is La ilaha ilallah) and your heart will be at rest as promised by Allah swt in the Quran.

Take care,

Islamic Duties / Re: Inheritance laws (4:11, 12, 176)
« on: July 27, 2016, 04:27:22 PM »
Salaamun Alaykum,
Truth Seeker/Sister Anjum et al,

Thanks for your prompt response to my query. In my humble view in so far as my study of Quranic translations takes me I think giving to "relatives, the needy or orphans at the time of distribution if they are present" is voluntary as a token of good will gesture before or at the time of distribution just like but mandatory payment of "[the deduction of] any bequest he may have made, or any debt [he may have incurred]" before the inheritance distribution. I may be wrong, please correct me if so.

As sister Anjum presented her living example, it does not make sense to give equal or in this case double the share of her and her sister combined (50%) to "others" who are not entitled while they share from 50% (Keeping in view the fact that property value runs into huge sums of money comparatively to other assets). I see this huge gap needs to be filled and some piece is missing here. Hope we hear from brother Joseph as I see him responding to few queries lately, which is always exciting thing and pleasure to read his views  :D

And no sister Anjum, you didn't intrude rather you added urgency and weight to the subject by sharing real life scenario and for that I'm grateful to you  :)

Islamic Duties / Inheritance laws (4:11, 12, 176)
« on: July 26, 2016, 09:13:04 AM »
Salaamun Alaykum,

Every time I read and come across ayats of inheritance a question pops up in my mind which remained unanswered (perhaps) even after reading Brother Joseph's excellent flow-chart and associated text preceding it on the subject. The question is what happens or who gets the remainder after the distribution to heirs is completed according to the Quran's guidelines? For example in the flow chart at end points it says:

"Sister takes 1/2 the inheritance" (who takes the other half?)
"She receives 1/2 the inheritance" (who takes the other half?)
"Daughters share from 2/3 of the inheritance" (who gets to takes the 1/3?)
etc.. for all end points.

Sorry if I completely miss out the obvious from the chart or the explanation thereof.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Women / Birth control/Family planning/Contraception (Birth spacing)
« on: July 11, 2016, 04:28:32 AM »
Salamun Alaykum,

From my limited knowledge, I see Quran expounds on the subject in few ayahs covering the matter:

 ...that you do not kill your children because of poverty — We will provide for you and them;...(6:151)
Hence, do not kill your children for fear of poverty: it is We who shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily, killing them is a great sin. (17:31)

In my humble view, we are in one of the two situations, either we're poor or we fear the poverty and regardless of one's financial condition the killing of the children is clearly prohibited. Now, the question is how does the pre-revelation Arabs (immediate 7th century audience of the above two commands) used to deal with their children (killing of children)? Is it referring perhaps to post birth killing?

And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked (81:08)

If so, had pagans avail ultrasound facility back then would they still have restored to the inhuman (monstrous) method of burying female infant alive? or would they rather go for the abortion after knowing the baby's sex? How about the male infants, did they allow them to live (considering them an asset for the future)?

On the same subject, are the following ayahs not meant for purifying or setting right one's intention before the intimacy?

...Now you may have sexual intercourse with them and seek what Allah has written for you...(2:187)
...Your wives are your tilth; go, then, unto your tilth as you may desire, but first provide something for your souls, and remain conscious of God,...(2:223)

From the over all grand picture, is there still a scope for "Birth control/Family planning/Contraception (Birth spacing)" barring natural methods (refraining from intimacy during high productive cycle, perhaps the analogy of a farmer with the field in 2:223 is made just for this purpose also?)

I've read this and I thought the discussion did not went down further covering the questions I've in my mind. Would like to know your esteem view on the matter as I've practical implication and seeking the answers in all sincerity (not just for the sake of knowledge)  :D.

Thanks and Jazak Allahu Khairan!

General Discussions / Re: Sacred Months?
« on: July 08, 2016, 02:48:29 AM »
Respected brother Joseph,

Hope you had a blessed month of Ramadan. I apologize if I violated terms and conditions of the forum by bringing outside discussion and making the comparison. I hope you'll forgive in that case and I would be greatly indebted to you if present your argument which invalidates 9-12 as holy months. I have not fulfilled my Hajj obligation yet and I intend to do at my earliest convenience outside official Dhul Hajja for many reasons. Hopefully another deed of mine stands corrected per Quran with many thanks to you!

Hoping to hear from you soon, Inshallah  :D

Thanks and Jazak Allahu Khairan

General Discussions / Re: Sacred Months?
« on: June 23, 2016, 09:52:51 AM »
Salamun Alaykum,
Brother Joseph,

Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family. Hope you're enjoying the blessed days of Ramadan. I'm relaying the response I got from the author of the article after I shared your twin articles with him just as I've shared his with you in the above originating post:

Salaam dear XXX,

I've been unable to answer several emails on my websites, but I took the time to answer yours.

The article you pointed at does not gather all the verses necessary to solve the puzzle and correctly identify the four sacred months of hajj, and this is why it doesn’t.

I think we both agree that “yawmul hajji al akbar” is the first day of the four months of hajj and that sura 9 was revealed as a result on the first day of the four sacred months, when God issued a warning to the disbelievers:

(9:2) Therefore, roam through the land [freely] for four months, and know that you cannot escape from GOD, and that GOD humiliates the disbelievers.

9:2 sets the final countdown for the disbelievers on day one of the four sacred lunar months (118 lunar days left to go).

(9:3) And [this is] a proclamation from God and his messenger to the people, on the day of the greatest pilgrimage, that God is no longer bound with the idol worshipers, and [neither is] his messenger. Therefore, if you repent, it will be better for you; but if you turn away, then know that you cannot escape from God; and warn those who disbelieve of a painful retribution. 

(9:5) So once the [four consecutive] sacred months are over, then kill the idol worshipers wherever you may encounter them, seize them, besiege them, and wait for them everywhere you can ambush them. But if they repent, observe the ritual prayer and pay the zakât, then do not stand in their way; Indeed, God is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.

The key verse is 9:28:

يايها الذين ءامنوا انما المشركون نجس فلا يقربوا المسجد الحرام بعد عامهم هذا وان خفتم عيلة فسوف يغنيكم الله من فضله ان شاء ان الله عليم حكيم

(9:28) O you who believe, the idol worshipers are impure, so do not let them approach the sacred Mosque after their [final] lunar year herein witnessed; and if you fear poverty, then God will enrich you with His bounty, if He so desires. Indeed, God is Omniscient, Most Wise. 

Since God is telling that the idol worshipers cannot go to the sacred mosque after (literal translation) “This lunar year of theirs” (بعد عامهم هذا : demonstrative pronoun hadha), it means that the four sacred months are all part of the same lunar year as when the sura was revealed, that is to say that they are all part of the same lunar year (again, 9:28, like the entire sura 9, was revealed on day one of the four sacred months of hajj). By definition, since they are continuous and that the last month of the year is Dhul Hijjah (unquestionably a sacred month of hajj), they are the last four of the lunar year (Ramadan to Dhul Hijjah = 9 to 12). There is simply no other possibility to reconcile and make sense of all relevant Quranic verses. 

In addition, and as I mentioned in the article:

- The month of Ramadan is mentioned amongst verses that deal with the hajj, which concurs with what I said:

(2:158) Indeed, [the knolls of] Al Safa and Al Marwah are among of the rites inspired by God. Therefore, whoever performs the Hajj to the [Sacred] House, or performs ‘Umrah, there is no blame upon him to go around the two of them. And whoever volunteers for more, then God is indeed Appreciative, Omniscient. (2:184) A definite number of days [are designated for fasting]: Therefore, whoever among you is sick or on a journey will make up for the missing days at a later date; those who experience great difficulty [fasting] can substitute a ransom feeding the poor;  whoever volunteers more, it is better for him; [but] fasting is better for you, if only you knew.(2:185) The month of Ramadan is the one during which the Quran was revealed as a guidance for mankind,  [providing] proofs corroborating that guidance, as well as the ability to distinguish [between right and wrong]. Therefore, whoever among you witnesses this month shall fast therein; whoever is sick or on a journey will make up for the missing days at a later date. God wants to facilitate things for you and does not intend any hardship upon you, so you may fulfill the prescribed period and magnify God for having guided you, and for you to be appreciative.

(2:189) They ask you about the new moons: Say: “They are starting points to determine time for mankind, including the pilgrimage (Hajj). It is not righteousness for you to enter homes from their rear; on the contrary, righteous is the one who fears God and enters homes from their [front] door. Fear God, that you may succeed.

(2:194) The Sacred Month belongs with the sacred month: Transgression shall be met by an equivalent retaliation. Therefore, whoever commits a violation against you, [you are then allowed to] commit a violation against him in a similar manner as he transgressed against you. Fear God, and know that God is with the [God] fearing. 

(2:196) You shall complete the Hajj and the Umrah for the sake of God, but if you are prevented [from performing them], then sacrifice an animal that you can easily afford; and do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its destination. But whoever lacks the means shall fast three days during the Hajj, and seven when you return, which makes it ten entire [days]. This applies for someone whose family is not in the precincts of the Sacred Mosque. Fear God, and know that God is severe in retribution. (2:197) Hajj shall be observed during the well known months. Therefore, anyone who is going on the Hajj during that time shall abstain from any intimate relationship, misconduct and quarrelling during the Hajj. And God knows full well any good that you do. And stock up on supplies, but, in reality, the most important thing that you need is righteousness. And fear Me, O you who possess intelligence!

- Finally, in 28:27 the word “pilgrimages” is synonym with “lunar years”:

(28:27) He (Reuel) said: “I wish to marry you (Moses) to one of my two daughters, in return of which you will work for me for eight pilgrimages; it will then be up to you if you complete ten; I do not wish to make it difficult for you. You will find me, God willing, righteous”.

The reason is obvious: Like 9:28, it confirms that the four month pilgrimage always takes place during the same “lunar year”, and certainly not over two lunar years like Joseph Islam and many others have guessed.

Consequently, Ramadan 1st is the “day of the greatest pilgrimage” and not the first day of Dhul Hijjah.

God bless you.


When you get a chance can you please take some time and comment on my request to you (in my above post) and question for you and for Pierre I wrote in response to his above email:

Walekumus Salaam
Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
Brother Pierre,

Thank you so much for taking time and giving preference to my inquiry, I indeed really appreciate it. Jazak Allah Khair. My mind and more than that my heart is inclined and leaning towards your analysis as both you and Joseph Islam made one pivotal point as non-Quranic or extra-Quranic text:

Pierre: (again, 9:28, like the entire sura 9, was revealed on day one of the four sacred months of hajj).

Joseph Islam: One simply cannot overlook the connection with the 3rd month of the calendar being described as Rabi which is also the last of the fourth sacred months starting from Dhul-Hijjah (12, 1, 2 and 3 in succession).

May I ask you this question on your assertion what's your source of information for assuming Sura 9 being revealed as whole? This is tall claim which needs to be strongly backed up with undeniable proof. Hope you understand my dilemma.

I've raised my question and shared your article with Joseph Islam earlier but haven't heard back from him. Inshallah between both of you may Allah swt guide me to the truth and may I fulfill this huge obligation with certainty and peace of mind.

Thank you once again, and Jazak Allah Khair for your time and effort.

Take care,

Discussions / Re: Ramadan mubarak! (tips for easier fasting)
« on: June 06, 2016, 02:27:08 PM »
Salamun Alaykum,

I live in Bay Area, CA and still unable to make an informed decision whether or not to start the Ramadan from tomorrow. Does Chile and Peru reports count? I know it's too vague and almost impossible to manage and help this kind of discussions but would love to know how local can we go from Quranic point of view for moon sighting?

At any rate Ramadan Mubarak to all Quransmessage family  :D

Take care,

Islamic Duties / Re: Salah in Jewish culture
« on: June 02, 2016, 04:50:38 PM »
Salamun Alaykum,
Brother Joseph,

I'm greatly indebted to you and relieved at the same time after your clarification from previous scriptures. Jazak Allahu Khairan Kaseera!

Thank you and Jazak Allahu Khairan brother Wakas for sharing your perspective too.

Ramadan Mubarak in advance to all forum members, hope to sight the crescent on Sunday evening inshallah  :)


Salamun Alaykum,
Dear Brother Joseph,

To my pleasant surprise I find my query was responded by you :) ;D Thank you so very much and Jazak Allah Khair! Also, accept my apologies for not doing my homework on the forum searching thoroughly and missed the thread you provided :-[

May I sincerely draw your attention and few minutes from your extremely invaluable time to throw some light on another subject - it's equaling pressing and practical question - my wife is not convinced fully and she and my daughter still skips Salah during their menses. Here's the thread wherein I sought your view based on your academic knowledge of previous scriptures:

Thank you in anticipation and always Jazak Allah Khair! :)

Islamic Duties / Fasting - begin and end - nautical or civil dawn?
« on: May 10, 2016, 02:43:09 AM »
Salamun Alaykum,
Dear forum members,

I'm completely sold to fasting until Night (of course to my utter shock, may Allah swt forgive and guide me and all of us) and begin from dawn. Absolutely amazing relevant articles as expected from brother Joseph. The only thing that I felt missing or didn't spelled out was: at which dawn shall I stop eating and drinking (Sehri), nautical or civil dawn? And likewise break fast (Iftar) at which dawn, nautical or civil dawn?

Let me be more clear and as practical as I can, let's say today was a Ramadan fasting day, where I live then it would be:

Mon, May 9 2016
First light at 5:33:37 AM
Last light at 8:37:16 PM


Mon, May 9 2016
Twi Nautical: 5:01am
Twi Civil: 5:36am
Sunrise: 6:05am
Sunset: 8:06pm
Twi Civil: 8:35pm
Twi Nautical: 9:10pm

So, at which time should I stop Sehri and at which time from the above should I do Iftar?

I've asked this question via email to brother Joseph but not as clearly and in detail, long time back but I know he's extremely busy and impossible to attend each and every email.  Since, Ramadan is around the corner with sense of urgency I seek all of your advise in all sincerity.

Thanks and Jazak Allah Khair!

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