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Messages - Abdurrahman


I have read your post. Thank you kindly for taking the time to reply to my article.  Allah guide all of us to the straight path.

With peace and respect,
General Discussions / "...down from the skies water.."
October 10, 2016, 03:04:12 PM
Peace be with You All,
al-Anfaal", The Almighty says:
"wa yunazzala alayikum min as-samaa'i maa'an li yutahhirakum bihi wa yuzhib 'ankum rijzan li shayitaani wa li yarbit 'ala qulubikum wa yuthabbit bihi al-aqdaam".

"And he sends down from the skies water by which to cleanse you and remove from you the filth of shayitaan and make firm your hearts and your footsteps".

My question is;
How should we understand the meaning of this verse?
Which is clear "the water" means totally other thing here!

Thanks in advance

God bless you all and may He continue to increase you all in knowledge (and wisdom) of his scripture(s)
General Discussions / Virgin Birth & ALLAH's laws...
September 16, 2016, 02:16:38 AM
Allah makes Laws as He wills in the World of Command and
enforces them in the World of Creation i.e. the Universe (7:54, 85:16).
And then, He never changes them‼️
The grand empire of human learning, development, invention, science and technology would have failed to come off ground if Allah's physical Laws in the Universe were to keep changing. Pregnancy requires the union of the male and the female chromosomes.
Allah never changes His Laws.
Therefore, the idea of a virgin birth, although popular among the Christians and Muslims,
General Discussions / Re: Kaaba sanctuary
September 10, 2016, 12:31:26 PM
3:95 Say, "God has declared the truth. Follow, then, the Creed of Abraham,
the upright who shunned all falsehood. He was not of those who choose
authorities besides God."

3:96 He erected the First House (Sanctuary) appointed for all mankind,
at the blessed Bakkah. It is to serve as a beacon of light for all humanity
(in order to regain their lost unity).

[2:125. Bakkah came to be known as Makkah later. In the ancient Arabic dialect b was interchangeable with m]

3:97 Therein are clear messages (to achieve that coveted goal and recall)
how Abraham once took his stand (against all divisions of humanity and
was granted the leadership of all mankind 2:124-125).

Those who enter the System symbolized thereby shall find inner peace
and external security. Pilgrimage to this House is a duty all mankind owe to God,
those who have the circumstantial means to undertake the visit.
One who denies this command should know that God is Absolutely
Independent of all His creation.
[Pilgrimage = Joining the Hajj Convention. Mankind can realize the blessings
of unity by rallying around this Divinely appointed Center of Ideology. 22:25-28.
The idolaters are forbidden only to 'ya'mur' or administer the Masjid
for obvious ideological reasons. 9:17-18]

Jews and Christians are part of mankind
so are included along with everyone else:??!!
General Discussions / Kaaba sanctuary
September 09, 2016, 04:55:05 AM
Selam Brother Joseph, brothers and Sisters,
How can the Kaaba sanctuary today at Makkah serve the conditions of a blessing and guidance to all nations if true Muslims among the Hebrew Israelites, and Ahlul Kitab (the Jews and Christians) are forbidden from its precincts?

9:32 They seek to extinguish God's light (the Quran) by their utterances. But God will not allow this to pass, for He has willed to spread His light in all its fullness even though the rejecters may detest it.

9:33 He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the True Religion (The Divinely Prescribed System of Life), that He may cause it to prevail over all religions and systems of life, even though the idolaters may detest it.

The above ayahs seem to be very forthright and clear indeed.

If you don't agree that the whole world will one day be in the fold of Islam (as the above Ayahs indicate), kindly enlighten me & us
as to what you think is the meaning of these Ayahs?
General Discussions / Jinn?!
August 27, 2016, 04:49:08 AM
Salaam all

Could it be that jinn are our hidden selves, the side of ourselves that we do not like to show, because this side is selfish, unkind, greedy, unreasonable? We can control this side of ourselves but sometimes it gets the better of us.

Or have I got completely the wrong idea?

Esselamu Aleykum Brothers & Sisters,
Some how I never believed or still not believing/accept that
Muhammad SAV. an illiterate man ?!
I like to know your opinions please.
And I wish Allah cc makes us MUBAREK those MUBARAK days
Esselamu Aleykum brother Josef and all brothers sisters
Unfortunately I'm not speaking Arabic ,so I like to ask you if those words are same?
Or Different meanings like already written?!
(108:2:3) wa-in'ḥar, (31:17:6) wa-in'ha

let us remain humble. May God bless those working tirelessly in the service of faith, elevate their status, rectify their faults, and benefit others through them. Especially Ramadan days
General Discussions / Re: The Shariah Law?
May 24, 2016, 03:56:57 PM
Also please,
Islamic State is than a ideological state right?
So it's mean can not ruled by a non-Muslim?

4:58) Allah commands you to deliver trusts to those worthy of them; and when you judge between people, to judge with justice. Excellent is the admonition Allah gives you. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

(4:59) Believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and those from among you who are invested with authority; and then if you were to dispute among yourselves about anything refer it to Allah and the Messenger if you indeed believe in Allah and the Last Day; that is better and more commendable in the end.

For some scholars those verses for  the entire religious, social and political structure of Islam, and the very first clause of the constitution of an Islamic state. It lays down the following principles as permanent guidelines, In the Islamic order of life Muslims are further required to obey fellow Muslims in authority. This obedience follows, and is subordinate to, obedience to God and the Prophet (peace be on him)

Esselamu Aleykum from Istanbul again
Dear brothers, joseph,Hamzah, Zack, Anjum
Thanks for responding,
this forum could accomplish the task of making individuals truly understand the message and then be able to present that message in a coherent and convincing way to others, that would be a great service.
Than my next question is Islamic state? Again please references given from Quran only !!!
My opinion, I couldn't see any evidence to have a state you should call it Islamic state

Do we have really clear evidences from prophet Sav. medina/Mekka time?
Is it necessary to call it "Islamic state"?
In both way what is the situation of non-Muslims in an Islamic State ?
Esselamu Aleykum to All,
Many Muslims of today overlook/reject/turn their backs on the Kuran by believing more in old narrations and hearsay.
By doing so they cause a greater  insult and slander to Allah and his prophets than all the Danish and Dutch cartoonists together.
Thank you very much,

Carying the message to others and thus spread the true teachings of Islam.
we should safeguard it by putting it on forums/webs so that if not today then in the coming generation some one may gain from it. And then if some one begins to think and act on the way of Deen, then our footprints will at least give him the satisfaction that someone else too had walked on this path.

Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious:(16:125)
Hi Sardar,
Thats way I asked actually, I don't see Hadiths as an true reference.
I wanna know from Qurans view?!
Esselamu Aleykum everyone
Dear Joseph,
Esselamu Aleykum to everyone,
I love the way that you explain and introduce the points and sources.
Regarding many Hadiths we know how a Muslim look like and the character !
Especially with outlook and so on...
I'll be appreciate if you can explain with the verses from Qurans view?

With best regards
Allah may bless you and us