General Discussions / Divorce laws
« on: May 28, 2012, 01:43:51 AM »
Why is divorce allow only twice? Both in Jewish and christan bibles that make no limited numbers on divorce on remarry. Despite what people said. Divorce and Remarriage arent a sin. Putting away is.
Shalach/Apoluo means putting away
Husbands would send their wives without legal divorce papers . So the. Wives would be legally marriage and when they remarry they have commit adultery. Only a legal divorce paper could allow the wives to be remarry to a another husband.
kriythuwth/Apostasion means bill of divorcement . Which is the legal right for a person to get marriage.
During the new testment women were allow to write bill of divorcement.
Shalach/Apoluo means putting away
Husbands would send their wives without legal divorce papers . So the. Wives would be legally marriage and when they remarry they have commit adultery. Only a legal divorce paper could allow the wives to be remarry to a another husband.
kriythuwth/Apostasion means bill of divorcement . Which is the legal right for a person to get marriage.
During the new testment women were allow to write bill of divorcement.