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Messages - w3bcrowf3r

Quote from: Wakas on January 23, 2019, 07:41:12 AM

Quote from: w3bcrowf3r on January 14, 2019, 04:55:05 PM
11:114 talks about two prayers in the day and one when the night approaches. And 24:58 talks about three instances as well.

Before trying to understand the verse, ensure one has an accurate translation first.

11:114 states "...uphold the salat (at) two edges of the daytime and proximal/adjacent parts of/from the night..."

red = zulafan, Arabic plural, i.e. 3 or more

blue = min, partitive, i.e. parts in the night

Don't worry, you're not the first to make this error.

The article isn't very specific. I think he doesn't know the answer.

Please see from this post onwards for past discussion:

Same goes for anyone who thinks its 3 or 5 salat daily. The 5 daily view is riddled with errors/assumptions, 3 daily less so, but neither as sound as a minimum of two daily, for the mumineen of course.

I think 11:114 is talking about parts of the day and not the edges. And about the night prayer, i think there is the standard one, from sunset to darkness. And if you want to pray more in the night, you can pray longer. There are multiple verses about this.
Quote from: Duster on January 23, 2019, 07:16:57 AM
I am thinking for myself... I find the arguments I shared in the article ...  convinced me ... In the end ... I also find it comforting that I can err on the side of caution as they say... I'd rather think there are 5 based on evidence ....and then to find out there are 3 .... the remaining can be then taken as extra prayers .. can't see any harm in reading extra prayers for Allah  ... .RATHER than thinking there are 3 and there on the DAY of Judgement finding out there were actually 5 prayers... to then realise that I was missing prayers ... .

Just my take ... each to their own ...

Don't worry. We will be missing a lot more then just prayers on the day of Judgement. God is merciful.

I think it's important to learn from the Quran instead from others. That doesn't mean that we can't learn from others. Everything is in the Quran. We should try as much as possible to figure it out ourselves first. We should absolutely avoid copy and pasting doctrines of others blindly, without even trying to do our homework and analyses of the Quran.

In the end. We will probably miss some things, or for others, they may miss a lot of things. Does it matter? What matters is your good heart. Did you try your best. Nobody can buy paradise with hes deeds. We will always rely on God's mercy in the end.

Have a good day.
Islamic Duties / Re: praying
January 25, 2019, 05:34:39 AM
The part about the horse is just an example of what praying means. It can be everything instead of a horse. God, a prophet etc. take a look at the Quran and you will see the examples of praying and there are some verses which their context is very clear about praying being 'to follow something closely'.


I think it's better for us if we stop discussing Duster. To each hes own method of praying. I hope God will accept your prayers and may they be blessed. The most important thing is to have a good heart, love God, love your neighbor, love others as yourself. Peace.
I am watching a documentary and i wonder how you can enter Mecca. Please only reply if you know how to enter or if you have been there. Lets keep it on-topic. So the question is mainly about the checkpoints etc.
I don't compare 'learning Arabic' with 'knowing the so called science of the ahadith doctrines'.

All i am saying is, if you want to know the details of the Quran correctly, then learn Arabic. Reading the Quran on your own in the original form can't be compared with reading any kind of translation.
But you don't need to know Arabic if you want to be saved. I read the Quran, the Gospel, Psalms, the Torah etc. and the Message is and should always be 'love God, love your neighbor, love others as you love yourself'. You don't need to read a Book for that. Everyone already knows that already since it's in our DNA.

Anyways, i think the Quran talks about 3 prayers a day. So do other Scriptures. So for me it's a conclusion i base on the Books. But you are referring to these theories of someone else while the article he wrote isn't even telling in which verses these 5 daily prayers are being spoken of. He is even saying that it could be 3 as well... Do your own research. Don't follow others. You will be responsible for your own actions. So you can't blame others in the end.
I never said you need to read the ahadith to understand the Quran. You are assuming things about me now which are false.

You can't deny that you need to know Arabic if you want to grasp the details of the Quran. The Message is simple, and is probably translated correctly. But not all details are being translated correctly. And i want to know the details. So that's why Arabic is important. You don't want to assume things based on translations.

You don't need to read a Book or learn it's language to know what it's Message is. It's Message is 'Love others as you love yourself'. Everyone has this already in hes DNA. It's when you start following what people say, that you can be deceived and misguided.
Islamic Duties / Re: praying
January 22, 2019, 06:50:24 AM
Do you know Arabic? Study 4:103. And all other instances about verses which contain the word prayer in it. See my other post where i numbered all the verses i could find with the word prayer in it. There are like 100 of them or something. This will also help you with understanding the Quranic context of the word.

About the meaning of the word:

ص ل و  = Sad-Lam-Waw = prayer, supplication, petition, oration, eulogy, benediction, commendation, blessing, honour, magnify, bring forth, follow closely, walk/follow behind closely, to remain attached.
In a horse race when the second horse follows the first one so closely that its head always overlaps the first horse's body that horse is called AL-MUSSALLI (i.e. the one who follows closely / remains attached).
Central portion of the back, portion from where the tail of an animal comes out, the rump.

musalla (مصلي) n. m. - 2:125

salat (صلاة) n. f. sing. - 2:3, 2:43, 2:45, 2:83, 2:110, 2:153, 2:177, 2:238, 2:277, 4:43, 4:77, 4:101, 4:102, 4:103, 4:103, 4:103, 4:142, 4:162, 5:6, 5:12, 5:55, 5:58, 5:91, 5:106, 6:72, 6:92, 6:162, 7:170, 8:3, 8:35, 9:5, 9:11, 9:18, 9:54, 9:71, 9:103, 10:87, 11:87, 11:114, 13:22, 14:31, 14:37, 14:40, 17:78, 17:110, 19:31, 19:55, 19:59, 20:14, 20:132, 21:73, 22:35, 22:41, 22:78, 23:2, 24:37, 24:41, 24:56, 24:58, 24:58, 27:3, 29:45, 29:45, 30:31, 31:4, 31:17, 33:33, 35:18, 35:29, 42:38, 58:13, 62:9, 62:10, 70:23, 70:34, 73:20, 98:5, 107:5
salawat (صلوات) nom. gen. n. plu. - 2:157, 2:238, 9:99, 22:40, 23:9

salla (صلي) vb.II m.
perf. act. 75:31, 87:15, 96:10
impf. act. 3:39, plu. neg. 4:102, plu. 4:102, tusalli (تصل) neg. 9:84, yusallee (يصلي) sing. 33:43, yusalloona (يصلون) plu. 33:56
salli (صل) impv. 9:103, salloo (صلوا) plu. 33:56, 108:2
musalleena (مصلين) pcple. act. plu. acc. gen. 70:22, 74:43, 107:4

LL, V4, p: 444, 445  ##

I learned from the Quran that the Quranic context of prayer/salaat means to follow something closely. Just as the root dictionary says as well. It means everything that makes you follow God closely. And the context of prayer can be found in 4:103 which means to read the Book at scheduled times (the prayer times). This is what exactly the salaat means. After reading the Book, i prostrate as i can learn from the verse about the believers who were praying with Muhammad by turn. After they prayed, they prostrated, and another group came, and Muhammad was leading the prayer while groups coming in and out. And according to the Quranic context i believe he was reciting the Quran to them and they were reading/listening etc. after that, they prostrated and moved on.
Atm we Arabs have a luni only calendar. I believe it should be a luni-solar calendar.

I am trying to figure out what it would look like. If i figured it out, i want to use it for myself.

Also a question i have. When should we start counting the four holy months. All we know is that they follow each other up. My logical conclusion is that we start with Ramadan, and i will stick with this decision to make it practical for myself. This would make the last 4 months be the holy months.
Every interpretation that is more truthful to the one that i have now is welcome.

I think a lot of people who try to follow the Quran don't ask these questions. They are complex though. Especially if you want to decipher the timings of the luni-solar calendar (when does a month start and end, and when does a year start and end etc.).

NOTE: Please reply only if you are doing any research about this topic. Lets keep it clean. Lets not respond just for the sake of responding.
Islamic Duties / Re: praying
January 20, 2019, 05:37:11 PM
Quote from: questionsislam on October 04, 2018, 03:42:00 PM
how would one go about praying in a car?

Praying means to follow something closely in the Arabic language. In the context of the Quran, praying means to read the Quran at specific times on a day, so that we can remember God and follow God closely with Hes commandments.

So how could you pray in the car? Well, turn on the Quran and listen to it. That would be the best way of praying in a car. You don't want to hold the Book in your hand at that time since you should focus on traffic as well.

It's better to pray in a place where u can sit and read the Book and where u can perform a bowing and prostration after reading. When i bow i make supplications, and when i prostrate i praise God.

I hope this method will help you. I learned it from the Quran. Nobody else did teach me this. If you want to know more, then say it, and i will post the verses that i use for this method.
Can you read Arabic? It's important to know Arabic if we want to understand context. Then show the 4th and 5th prayer time and explain it.
Well i disagree with you guys then. I can clearly find only 3 times in 24:58. God will inform us about how we prayed and if it was good enough etc.

We can always learn from each other when discussing other topics.
11:114 talks about two prayers in the day and one when the night approaches. And 24:58 talks about three instances as well.

The article isn't very specific. I think he doesn't know the answer.
There are 3 prayer times in previous Scriptures as well. I can see the prayer times being mentioned in 24:58.  An the second verse is about prostrating on the chin. According to my understanding, kneeling, prostrating is the same.

Anyways, good luck with your prayers. May they be blessed and be fruitful.
An English translation:

24:58 O you who believe, let those among you who are maintained by your oaths, and those who have not attained puberty, request your permission regarding three times: before the dawn contact prayer, and when you put off your garments from the noon time, and after the evening contact prayer. These are three private times for you. Other than these times, it is not wrong for you or them to intermingle with one another. God thus clarifies the revelations for you. And God is Knowledgeable, Wise.

17:107 Say: "Believe in it or do not believe in it. Those who have been given the knowledge before it, when it is recited to them, they fall to their chins prostrating."