Quote from: Wakas on January 23, 2019, 07:41:12 AM
peace,Quote from: w3bcrowf3r on January 14, 2019, 04:55:05 PM
11:114 talks about two prayers in the day and one when the night approaches. And 24:58 talks about three instances as well.
Before trying to understand the verse, ensure one has an accurate translation first.
11:114 states "...uphold the salat (at) two edges of the daytime and proximal/adjacent parts of/from the night..."
red = zulafan, Arabic plural, i.e. 3 or more
blue = min, partitive, i.e. parts in the night
Don't worry, you're not the first to make this error.Quote
The article isn't very specific. I think he doesn't know the answer.
Please see from this post onwards for past discussion:
Same goes for anyone who thinks its 3 or 5 salat daily. The 5 daily view is riddled with errors/assumptions, 3 daily less so, but neither as sound as a minimum of two daily, for the mumineen of course.
I think 11:114 is talking about parts of the day and not the edges. And about the night prayer, i think there is the standard one, from sunset to darkness. And if you want to pray more in the night, you can pray longer. There are multiple verses about this.