Salamu aleikum brother Joseph
the drinking of blood was in many ancient civilizations custom, after being sacrificed. In Satanism, this is still practiced today. This remark was not meant as an interpretation of the commandment in the Quran, but served only (my part) as a possible explanation as to why it came to this prohibition. In the Ahadith, I have never read that the ancient Arabs have also been drinking blood or they thinked that the soul is sitting in the blood..
I have the info about the blood found in various Satanic magic books and books from the Middle Ages, and publications about ancient civilizations and their sacrifices. there is nothing mentioned about it in the Quran, what i know
The interpretation of the outflowing blood I have certainly not from the verse 5.3, but as you said, from 6.145.
Thank you for your help.salam.
the drinking of blood was in many ancient civilizations custom, after being sacrificed. In Satanism, this is still practiced today. This remark was not meant as an interpretation of the commandment in the Quran, but served only (my part) as a possible explanation as to why it came to this prohibition. In the Ahadith, I have never read that the ancient Arabs have also been drinking blood or they thinked that the soul is sitting in the blood..
I have the info about the blood found in various Satanic magic books and books from the Middle Ages, and publications about ancient civilizations and their sacrifices. there is nothing mentioned about it in the Quran, what i know
The interpretation of the outflowing blood I have certainly not from the verse 5.3, but as you said, from 6.145.
Thank you for your help.salam.