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Messages - kabiru74


I really appreciate ur timely and detailed response. U left some questions in my second post unanswered.

1. Can ramadan fast be done outside ramadan month? Putting into consideration Hajj months and fixed time salat which can not be repeated once outside its specified months and time respectively. Could ramadan be different??

2. The problem I still have is dat the fayyasmuhu might not be reffering to the whole month rather the ayyaman maddudat that was already make mention of in the previous verse. Allah says one verse verify the other. The usage of the word during the hajj period seriously need to be looked into for verification of what dis in ramadan verse is reffering to.

Look at it criticallly, the months of Hajj are 4 in number and they are still counted days bcs we can actually count the days(120days) but yet Allah used ayyaman madudat and goes further to say minimum of 2days out of each 30days. This, brother joseph islam captured very well its usage in his Hajj article. He actually treated the usage of the word to my clear understanding even though he did not make reference to the ramadan verse wen he made reference to other verses of the Quran where the word was used.

The ramadan verse where this particular word was used fit to be compared more to that of the hajj than any other verse of the Quran(check it out pls). Is Allah not saying something different from what we now practice??

3. If u look at the jews(2:80). The hell is supposed eternity but yet d word was still used and another verse dat explained dis is dat they say just for a few day or part of a day which means they actually meant very small part of d time specified(eternity). And also that of yusuf been sold for a very few dirham bcs he was considered insignificant(notice dis). So for Allah to have used this in the month of ramadan I believed it has to be looked into keeping in view that Allah says if u missed out of the days u fast equal numbers of other days. The question is dat is it other days in the month of ramadan or outside the ramadan month?? Is fasting allowed outside month of ramadan???

4. Allah clearly says for killing unintentionally or taking an oath not touch ur wife, the punishment for atonement is for u to fast 2 consecutives months and or u feed 60days for those that took an oath(4:92 and 58:4). What is d point here?. It shows dat when Allah wants to tell u to fast for a whole month he can actually say dat clearly without any ambiquity. He is not short of words and He does not forget. The word ayyaman madudat used in the ramdan verse has a kind of implication dat needs to be studied. Allah knows best

5. Thanx for making reference to sighting the moon and witnessing the month. Most translations are still been affected by traditional settings and dis has been one of the greatest problem confronting us as a students of the Quran. Let us look deeply into the actual word used by Allah not what the hadith made us to believe. There is no mention of the moon at all in that verse so why the moon sighting?? This can translate into changing the word of God which is perfectly chosen and He says non can change His word.

For now I am still fasting the month, so  just trying to see what Allah is saying in these two verses(hajj and ramadan) that are similar and has to do with pillars.
Thanx once again for ur response.
Islamic Duties / Re: SALAT AND TASBIH
July 30, 2013, 08:19:13 PM
Salam and thanx once again for ur timly response.

Having this clear understanding that salat is quite different from tasbih, how come we now derive names of salat from tasbih verses of the Quran in conformity to the secondary source of guidance not authorize by Allah in His Book??

Allah clearly mention three salat(salatil Fajr, salatil wusta and salatil Isha) and there are only three periods of time for salat in the Quran while glorification differs clearly in this sense.  Allah  never told us the reason for naming the salat the Way He did but I have seen brother joseph telling us Allah does not name His salat but thru timing I don't know which part of the Quran he got that information from. And dis timing the present five salat are named after are taking from glorification verses in the Quran and dis can only be found in the secondary source of guidance(hadith).

If we are following Quran strictly I think we should be consistent in the way we approach it. Allah does not forget and His words are perfect and nothing can change His words. If the name of salat is not mentioned by him why do we have to derive it for Him and changing the well known salatil fajr to salatil subh and inventing new ones like zuhr,asr and maghrub.

Islamic Duties / Re: SALAT AND TASBIH
July 30, 2013, 06:33:23 AM
So Salat and tasbih are the same thing if I understand u correctly?
When u establish salat are u establishing glorification?

Is there any verse that specifically say we should establish glorification?

Does glorifying Allah needs ablution and facing a particular direction as it is clearly commanded to be done during establishment of salat?

I think the verses that talks about glorification differs from that that talks about the  establishment of  salat. Stand to be corrected anyway.

During salat u are expected to perform certain rituals while this is absent in the verses that talks abt glorification(tasbih). I believe in salat we perform hamd(praises) and glorification(tasbih) with the associated postures(standing, bowing and prostration and facing a particular direction qibla) while all dis are absent during tasbih which can be done or expected to be done at almost all part of the day and night(which could be more than 5times a day).

I believed strongly that these 2 terms are been mixed up as it is used in the Quran.
Establishing Salat incoparate tasbih, hamd,dua'a  and zikr while carrying out tasbih and others(hamd,dua,zikr) does not take care of salat(the ritual prayers) as commanded by God in the Quran.
Salam and thanx for ur timely response.
Islamic Duties / SALAT AND TASBIH
July 30, 2013, 03:42:09 AM
Salam brodas, pls kindly comment on these two arabic words(salat and tasbih) often misunderstood by so many viewing its usage in the Quran. Are they the same or two different things?
Salam and thanx for ur response.
The question is, if Allah mentioned in 2:184 dat the fasting is for certain days or few days as d word ma'adudat signify, why are we fasting for the whole month?

In 2:203 where such similar word exist Allah clearly mentioned 4 consecutive months for hajj  and yet he said for certain or few days. He further explain the ayyamu ma'adudat to mean mininmum of 2days and maybe maximum of 10days  in each of this 4months of pilgrimage. Why was dat for the fast of ramadan different?? I believe the ayyaman ma'aduudat should have d same effect on ramadan month. And also keeping in view in all the verses where ayyaman ma'addudat appear in the Quran, it signifies  very few days or years.

Can d missed fast be done in other months that is not ramadan just like hajj can't be
done outside the months specified for it. If few days in ramadan ranges from say minimum of 2days to 10days. Those who missed out of journey,sickness,difficulties etc can still make it up within the ramadan month. thanx broda.
Salam broda Jo!
Pls kindly comment on the following verses of the Quran with respect to fasting:

Ch2 V184 and Ch2: 203.

Putting the arabic word ayyaman ma'adudat into consideration.
