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Messages - Truth Seeker

Discussions / Re: External Posts - Broken links
January 03, 2018, 07:46:14 AM
Salaam Student,

Can you please give me a few actual links that you are finding not to be working and I will specifically test those.

Discussions / Re: External Posts - Broken links
January 02, 2018, 12:19:29 PM
Salaam Student,

I have just checked this on 2 different devices and I can access the links fine.
Maybe you could try using another browser and that might resolve the issue.

Women / Re: Women's issues.. Again
November 27, 2017, 03:58:54 AM
Salaam all,

Being a female I thought that I would add my contribution here :)

It has become more prevalent within Muslim communities that men only marry one woman at a time. I also agree with others that over the centuries, many scholars have interpreted the Quran and jurisprudence through a narrow male viewpoint.

However when it comes to marrying more that one wife, I am of the viewpoint that it is indeed a permission given to men by God and I am have to accept this.
The reason being that I believe in the Quran in its entirety but also acknowledge that I can't understand fully the reasoning behind all of verses. It may be something to do with the men and how they function and think differently when it comes to women.

Whatever the reasoning though, I do not believe that a man should secretly marry another wife as this has become commonplace unfortunately and leads to all sorts of issues.

Surely this is against the spirit of what a marriage is in Islam. Also as a wife myself, I would  ideally prefer to be the only one!

Salaam Miracle 114,

You make an interesting point about 40 being a mature age as the Quran actually mentions this in 46:15:

"......[He grows] until, when he reaches maturity and reaches [the age of] forty years, he says, "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to work righteousness of which You will approve and make righteous for me my offspring. Indeed, I have repented to You, and indeed, I am of the Muslims."

It does make sense as by that time most of us would have grown wiser and have hindsight to look upon as we advance in years.
Salaam all,

Unfortunately this kind of labeling has become a common occurrence among Muslims. It really is shameful because it seems to be used with such nonchalance and they don't seem to regard it as being wrong or unpleasant.

Also many seem to 'look down' on those they deem to be unbelievers and also claim that they will be destined for Hell. This is only for God to judge surely and how much of the message they have received and understood.

Salaam Sharon,

We can never really envisage fully what heaven will be like but God does describe it to us. Not every detail is elaborated on so I do feel that you are asking Joseph for too much detail regarding this topic where the Quran doesn't expand on it.

He can only give you his perspective of the verses.

We know that we will be recreated in a new creation ( no detail is given) and that we will have no malice / rancour in our hearts.

This to me means we will not have the negative human worldly traits
anymore. After all heaven means existing in complete felicity and it would be a pure and tranquil existence.

I think you can have a credit card if you pay your whole balance outright within a month. This would mean you would not
accrue any interest.

If you feel that cashback could be paid from interest taken from other customers then you can just take a card which has no such offers.
Salaam Sharon,

I would take this to mean that amongst people in heaven,
there would be no sinful speech between them.
The negative characteristics we have in this World will not exist in heaven.
Salaam Anjum,

Many congratulations  :) Regarding the iron and calcium tablets, I am surprised that they are not options available that are suitable for vegetarians. In the U.K it is easy to find gelatin free tablets.

As you only have 1 month left, it may be better to try to get iron and calcium directly from your food instead.
General Discussions / Re: Sons>Daughters (?)
August 18, 2016, 07:06:33 AM

God, does not value one gender over the other as we are His creation.

In the verses where God is rebuking those who mock Him when they say He has female offspring etc ..they do it to deride God as those people think females are inferior and by making these claims, they feel they are insulting Him.

With verse 43.18 it seems that the subject matter is the male as per the verse previously and "ornaments" happens to be a genetive feminine noun. 


If we look at the situation relearning has put forward, the first wife is not happy if the man were to marry another woman.

In this case to keep the marriage intact, he could just live with the fact that they can't have children as we are told in the Qur'an that some couples are not to be blessed with offspring.

You said in your post:

QuoteDoes this mean that if I sell something to someone or buy something from someone, we will need a witness, yet the previous part says that a buying / selling transaction may not be recorded in paper? How can it be that a paper record is not required but a witness is required? Nowhere in this world does a person buy or sell something and have it purposefully witnessed by another person.

The verse doesn't say that a transaction may not be recorded on paper. It says:
"Be not averse to writing down (the contract) whether it be small or great, with (record of) the term thereof.

That means we should write it down, regarding debts and their terms. It goes on to emphasis the importance of it and tells us that it is the best method in order to avoid disputes arising.

Regarding selling merchandise a receipt would suffice in this day and age as it is written proof of a transaction as both parties are agreeing to the contract of sale.
General Discussions / Re: 49:11 women
August 12, 2016, 10:32:07 AM
Salaam Nura,

Thanks for your replies. I think that the conversation is veering off track and moving towards studies and surveys which is not the primary discussion.

There is a clear emphasis in the Qur'an on women regarding deriding others and a reason is not given as to why that is but it indicates that they have to pay particular attention to the verse.

We can surmise all day as to why but logic tells me they must be doing it more otherwise why single them out when they are already addressed in the previous verse.

General Discussions / Re: 49:11 women
August 12, 2016, 03:57:53 AM
Salaam Nura,

I in no way felt that you accused me of dissention so please don't apologise  :)

If the verses we are discussing is alluding to the fact that women are more prone to gossiping then I don't find it troublesome at all as studies prove that for example womens brains after wired differently from mens when doing  the same tasks.

The emotional part of the brain is more active in women in day to day functioning as compared to men. They also talk a lot more than men day to day. Of course there will be exceptions but it is a general observation.

The Quran when dealing only in financial transactions states that 2 male witnesses be present or 1 male and 2 females. The reason given is that if one female forgets then the other one can remind her.(2.282)  That doesn't mean she is less of a person.

I think that yes the emphasis has been more on men regarding homosexuality as can be seen by the story of Lot and other verses. I also believe that here are more homosexual men than women and studies do back it up. There is one for example in the UK conducted by the ONS in 2012 where twice as many men than women described themselves as homosexual.

At the end of the day God created us and He knows the differences between the genders best and it in no way diminishes us in terms of  the blessings received from Him.

General Discussions / Re: 49:11 women
August 12, 2016, 02:58:19 AM

All I am trying to highlight is that the same message is being repeated twice. Firstly to everyone, then specifically to women. Obviously it wants them to pay more attention to it like a warning almost.The reason why can be interpreted in many ways.

I am not trying to ignite gender wars but do you honestly believe men and women think and behave the same  when numerous studies prove otherwise. It does not mean that one is better than the other, just different.

When the Qur'an uses the term 'flesh of your brothers', it is masculine plural which includes both genders.

You mention war and mostly men fighting in them due to them being stronger which I agree with. But I also believe that they are more agressive than women due to their physiological differences.

There are clear differences  between the sexes and I think it would be dishonest of us to ignore them.