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Messages - Zack

This means that my religious identity (Which is not that important ultimately) is Christian.  However I hold to Biblical Monotheism, that is "There is no god but God" , and believe this is the message of the Injil, and of Paul.

This is in contrast to holding to the Catholic creeds which became law for CHristians between 320AD until 451AD. When understanding the that difference between these, the Quran makes a whole lot more sense. In fact, I would say that it is difficult to understand the Quran properly without having a basic understanding church history, because a part of the Quran is talking to Christians and post Bible developments.

Islamic Duties / Re: Is The Ritual Prayer a Nonsense?
November 21, 2013, 06:31:55 PM
Leaving prayer, be it ritual or spontanous, and viewing living under law as "your prayer"....

...... Is the path to living Islam as an empty shell. It is no longer taking the time to recognise that I am created, and submit to the creator. Salat  is the pattern taught by God to monontheists for thousands of years.

Living under law does not achieve this, as there is no conscious "time out" to focus..

Hello all,

I am new here, I introduced myself as a monotheist outside of Islam on another post. This question is interesting, to understand the intent I want to ask some questions in return...

- In your mind, who are you referring to as "Non-Believers"? Is it anyone who doesn't identify themselves formally as a Muslim? Or are non-believers those who embrace the eternal truth of "There is no god but God"
- Do you believe that the "People of the Book" (ie. Christians today) have a Kitab that is of divine origin as well?

The reason to ask is if you are approaching the question with "my book is of divine origin therefore yours is not", then there is roadblock ahead. For me, I have numerous copies of the Bible and  Qur'ans on my shelf, they are all grounded in one message.... The oneness of God. You have a great starting point there I think in the starting point being a continuous consistent message, rather than "Us vs them".
Thank you.....

More than overlap..... The Hawariyuun were muslims (small m) , continuing the one world religion of no god but God, the Hawariyuun made a decision in AD45  based on the Torah to be inclusive and include Gentiles so that, as the Injil says... the 2 will be 1....

From then until the Prophet Muhammad was a sad history of "Replacement Theology"..... , all this was confronted in Mecca......

So here we are, brother..!!


Just am new here and thought I would introduce myself. My name is Daniel, and am currently doing Post Graduate studies in Islamic Studies. I just wanted to say I am very impressed with this website!!

I am  from the "Christian Tauhid" belief, and have been studying with some Islamic scholars for over a decade. Basically my theology is Islamic, however I do not convert to Islam as I really do not view this as the purpose of Prophet Muhammad.

Look forward to chatting