« on: May 18, 2014, 01:24:03 AM »
Salam all,
There are times in life when you feel discontent with the Situation of the world,all the crisis ,wars and killing field and when you try to find an answer in religious field you will eventually come to the subject of Escatoligy(i hope it is written well,please correct me).And if you deal with the subject within Islam,by the way it is rather extensive,you will get to know that there are three mainfigure,who will play a certain role in the end of time according to islamic secondary source and past scholars who write about this subject,there will be a ruler from the Arabs called Imam Mahdi who will fight against the enemy of Islam,his enemy is identified as the Anticrist"Ad-Dajjal" who will finally be killed by Isa ibn Maryam,when he Returns.
I was confused while i was looking in Christian escatology because they have a similar cast of mainprotagonist,there is the Antichrist who gets help by the false Prophet and there is Jesus who will return a second time.
If you know study the subject you will notice ,that the description of Imam mahdi,how he will look like,where he will arrive and so on,is similar with the descrpition of Christian "false prophet" same with the islamic "Dajjal" who is descripted like Christian Jesus when he Returns.
Everything is twisted,just check it for your self.