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Topics - Deliverance

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Discussions / The Gospel
« on: May 20, 2014, 10:22:41 PM »
In the quran there is only one "INJeeL" mentioned ,which of the 4 Gospel is ment to be "INJeeL"?or is it an unpopular Gospel.?

General Discussions / Angels to the side or front/back?
« on: May 20, 2014, 05:18:56 PM »

It is the popular meaning of muslims to have angles to side,one to the right and one to the left,these angles record every deed and speech of the Person which they accompany down.In islamic secondary sources,you find names of the angles and it is also a belief that the salams at the end of the salat are dedicated to those angles.

Now i have read that god send us angles which are in the front and at the back(sorry i couldn' find the ayat where it is written)
If These angles are infront and back of us,then the salams at the end of salat are obsolet.

wa salam

Discussions / Imam Mahdi and Jesus return
« on: May 18, 2014, 01:24:03 AM »
Salam all,

There are times in life when you feel discontent with the Situation of the world,all the crisis ,wars and killing field and when you try to find an answer in religious field you will eventually come to the subject of Escatoligy(i hope it is written well,please correct me).And if you deal with the subject within Islam,by the way it is rather extensive,you will get to know that there are three mainfigure,who will play a certain role in the end of time according to islamic secondary source and past scholars who write about this subject,there will be a ruler from the Arabs called Imam Mahdi who will fight against the enemy of Islam,his enemy is identified as the Anticrist"Ad-Dajjal" who will finally be killed by Isa ibn Maryam,when he Returns.
I was confused while i was looking in Christian escatology because they have a similar cast of mainprotagonist,there is the Antichrist who gets help by the false Prophet and there is Jesus who will return a second time.

If you know study the subject you will notice ,that the description of Imam mahdi,how he will look like,where he will arrive and so on,is similar with the descrpition of Christian "false prophet" same with the islamic "Dajjal" who is descripted like Christian Jesus when he Returns.

Everything is twisted,just check it for your self.


General Discussions / Jusuf and his shirt
« on: May 13, 2014, 05:04:48 PM »
Salam all,

While i was reading the story of Adam and his spouse who were betrayed by Iblis(Satan?) and thous they lost their heavenly clothes,i remember to have read something similar whereelse.
In Sura "TaHa" it deals with a Piece of clothes,to be clear it is about the shoes/sandals Moses had to put off because he was ordered so in direct speech by the Allmighty,because it is a holly valley he was in.
But i am pondering about another Sura where a clothes is mentioned often,namely Sura Jusuf:One piece of clothe is passing through the whole Sura:The "Qamis"/Shirt.
In his young Age was thrown in the well,and his stepbrothers brought his "Qamis"with wrong blood over to his father.
In his mutual Age he was seduced by the wife of the King,his "Qamis" was ripped by her.

In an advanced Age he had a high Position in the land,he gave his "Qamis" his brother to gave it to his blind father.

Any idea what Qamis stands for?Qamis-blood

Women / Female Ruler
« on: May 12, 2014, 04:36:34 PM »
Salam Ladies ,

I am living in a Country where the head of state is a woman,which is a Progress in the strugle for women rights.50 years ago noone could'nt imagine to be ruled by woman,now it is normal only in the islamic countrys it is still impossible for women,to run for elections(except a few countrys).
Many Muslims reject democracy and they have a traditional patriarcally opinion how to rule a state
But in Sura 27:23 you find:
"Lo! I found a woman ruling over them, and she hath been given (abundance) of all things, and hers is a mighty throne. (23)"
And later he(Salomon)corospond with and when she arrived in his kindom,he treated her like a ruler.

How does this square with the mainstream Islam.


General Discussions / Escatologie
« on: May 12, 2014, 12:22:36 AM »
Every time when i hear bad News of an uprising crisis which could end into War,i fall in the an prossec of sorrow and i am worry about could happen.This mood brings me always to read sources of escatology which Messages is drawing about an escalation of the Situation which will lead to a worldwar.According to this prophecies Jesus will return after ther worldwar.

I know there is no proof of Jesus return in Quran but there are lot of ahadith which dealing with the subject of "the last Age we are living in" and about the signs of the endtime,and some of them are very convincible that we are living in the last Age.

It is a very old Story of an coming Saviour who will fade away all unjust und will help the poor People,it was belived by the old Egyptians ,in Mesopotamia and the Zoroastrians belived in such a Figur who is comin at the endtime.

Some say that Jesus was preaching the coming of the end of the world within his followers but i think this was propagated by Paul who corrupted the Picture of Jesus.

My question:All this stories of the coming saviour,who is fighting against his component and that we are living in the last Age,and worldwar3 is close to us.Is it just to keep the People not to do bad things and to pay their taxes to the synogogue,church,mosque etc. 

What advice could you give to People who are gullible and belive the end of the world is close.


General Discussions / Exile from Paradies
« on: May 11, 2014, 01:00:24 AM »
Salam all,

While i was reading the story of Paradies,i had to reject my belief that Adam and his spouse were the only one who had to go down to earth.
In 2:35-36 there is the use of the Dual for Adam and his female Partner,but in 2:38 when God said to them to leave ,here you find no Dual,and he is adressing to a gathering to go out of here.
I believe that he was adressing all beeings Adam and his spouse,Iblies and his follower of the other ghost and the Angles.
In 7:18 we see that Satan has to leave heaven and Paradies and follow Adam and his offspring.
In 7:27we read that Satan has followers of his kind of the Djinn,because Iblies is a Djinn see 18:50
And we know that the human is accompanied by writing-angles so the Angles where ordered to leave Paradies too.
Thats why the Angles will be questioned on Judgment Day see 34:40

So finally not Adam and Eve alone were expelled from Heaven alle beeings described above had to leave too.


General Discussions / "Nasara" derived from Nazareth?
« on: May 09, 2014, 11:17:24 PM »
I want to ask what does the arabic term "Nasar" mean and why is it used for christians.Is it because of the town of Nazareth where he lived,although some Historians claim that Jesus did not come from there.?

salam aleikoum

General Discussions / AD-Djabal and AT-Thour
« on: May 03, 2014, 06:03:25 AM »
I want to finish my Research about Noah with the landing of the Arche.
Maybe you´ve heard that some years ago turkish and chinese evangelists archaeologist have found some wooden structures on the Mount Ararat in the east of Turkey.This Mountain is over 5000meters high!
We find in the quran the passage that the Arche landed on"Djabal Djudi",some located this place near the Ararat,its a Hill and not a massiv Mountain.
No my question is,does "Djabal" mean Hill and "Thour" is the proper Translation of Mountain?


Islamic Duties / Nighttime activity
« on: April 29, 2014, 05:11:05 AM »

A few days ago i had a Dispute with my brother in law Topic of it was working in the night.I said to him that god dont want us to work in the night instead we should rest.He said there is no Prohibition in the Quran about working in the night instead he quoted an ayat were we are encourage to make "IBADa" in one part of the night .I said you can´t compare it with work with cost of living at the he came with an hadith where "the Prophet scolded one guy who was only sitting in mosque and listend to the Prophet whereas his brother hardly visited the mosque and the Prophet because he was working and the Prophet said that working brother is better than him"...
And then he said to me if everybody would think like you,the Society would collapse.

What is your opinion on working nights.


General Discussions / Passengers of the Arche
« on: April 24, 2014, 05:08:31 AM »
Salam to all,
I used to think that the People who followed Noah into the Boat where only his Family,most christians ,jews and also think learn that Story,that the Person who were saved are :Noah (pbuh)
                                                                              his wife
                                                                              his sons (Ham,Sam,Japhet)
In the Quran we read that one son of Noah died in the flood and the wife of Noah was described as equal to Lots wife 66:10(maybe she died also in the flood)but there were other persons with them.                                                                             
Sura 11
At length behold! There came Our Command, and the fountains of the earth gushed forth! We said: "Embark therein of each kind two, male and female, and your family except those against whom the Word has already gone forth and the Believers." But only a few believed with him. (40)

General Discussions / Noah´s Age
« on: April 21, 2014, 05:55:01 AM »
Salam to all,

I want to put the Age of Noah to discussion,did he really reached the "biblical"Age of nearly 1000years?

Sura 29:13 "(13) We (once) sent Noah to his people, and he tarried among them a thousand years less fifty: but the Deluge overwhelmed them while they (persisted in) sin. (14) "

If we look in arabic we fin that there a two different words used for year "sana" and "aman",is it by accident that there is the usage of two forms or does the author want say that only one is meant as a normal time ?

In Sure 2  :96   People want to live 1000 years
    Sura 70:4    1 Day in Heaven=50.000 years on earth
    Sura 32:5    1 Day in Heaven=1000    years on earth
    Sure 97:3    1 Day better than 1000   month

Today we hear the youth when they want to descibe a Long period using 1000 like "...i waited 1000 years for you ;...i`ve said it 1000 times;...1000 People were waiting at the Counter"

So is the thousand in 29:14 to be understand like a Long period like "We sent Noah to his People,and he tarried among his People for a Long period until fifty years..."

I don´t want to doubt the possibility of a Long age given by God but if he was 1000 years among his People than the Ayat in sura 23:24 would not say that their ancestors did not hear about his Message.


General Discussions / Who are "We"
« on: March 03, 2014, 03:12:55 AM »
Salam at all,

Can someone explain who is mention with the pronoun "We"in the Quran which is often used.Is it meant for the angles or are humans also identified with it?

wa salam

Discussions / Corrupted Dreams
« on: February 12, 2014, 08:55:27 PM »
Salam all,

Im still in the process of leaving my islamic secondary education to find true understanding of Islam.Like me a lot of people grew up with a certain picture of the devil,that is drawing Satan as something who will led you astray if you dont follow the "Sunnah"/Quran.This is underlined by a hadith that is saying the Devil can´t immitate the Prophet,meaning if you dream about someone with Turban,Beard and Long clothing than this Dream is true and it is indeed the Prophet.
With this in my mind i always thought that Dreams can be corrupted by the devil which another hadith seemed to back up,which goes like this :if you wake up by a Nightmare or bad feelings in the dream than spit 3 times over your left shoulder with saying dua.
Now i was reading in the Quran that when we sleep our Soul is beein lifted up to the Lord like the dead persons with the exception that we (Persons who are sleeping)are coming back to "Life".And if the dream can be interferred by satan how could Abraham(pbuh)sure that his Vision about slaughtering his son is from the Allmighty?And the people in Sura Yusuf wouldn´t belive Yusuf(pbuh)after he had descibed the meanig of their dreams and it would gone bad for one of them.
Please share your thoughts.


General Discussions / Qatala in the Quran
« on: February 07, 2014, 05:37:43 PM »

The word qatala is used very often and mostly it is used for "to kill" while other meanings could be the stand for it because it has several meanings.

For example the Translation of vers 53 "Sura The Cow"(53) And remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Ye have indeed wronged yourselves by your worship of the calf so turn (in repentance) to your Maker and slay yourselves (the wrong-doers); that will be better for you in the sight of your Maker." Then He turned toward you (in forgiveness); for He is Oft-returning Most Merciful. (54) "

translated by Jusuf ali

the translation slay yoursel or in other translations kill the wrongdoers from you does not make sense if go on reading "...that will better for you...then he turned toward you;for he is oftreturning..."if you have killed yourself or the other wrongdoers there is no Need to turn toward someone who is already dead so a better Translation would be:

 "...and struggle yourself;that will be better for you in the sight of you Maker..."

This thread should be used for all the false qatala=KILL verses in the Quran feel free to search .


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