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Topics - Shahmatt

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Discussions / A video about where Muslims pray
« on: May 09, 2017, 12:35:25 AM »
Here is an interesting video showing about the various places Muslims pray.

Just sharing for general interest.

General Discussions / Question about the Islamic lunar year
« on: February 24, 2017, 10:41:46 AM »

I have noticed that in the Chinese and South East Asia region calendars the lunar year is reset every few years.

This has the consequence of causing celebrations like the New Year to fall within the January and February months and never stray into the later months of March. 

A similar pattern is followed in the Buddhist and Hindu cultures of Sri Lanka, India and subcontinental nations.

I believe that this practice has its roots in order to align with the harvesting seasons. It seems like this practice would naturally manifest in any society because the seasons would reset with the solar year of about 365 days and not in every 12 lunar months.

I would like to know if the Islamic method of strictly adhering to the lunar calendar has basis in the Quran or historical precedent.


Discussions / Typo in article titled "Gabriel"
« on: January 25, 2017, 02:35:38 PM »
Salaams. There appears to be a typo here (underlined):

"Therefore, it seems that is was not an angel that visited Mary in the incident covering the Quranic narratives in verses 19:17ff, but a 'Spirit'. If the Biblical perspective is accepted whereby Gabriel visited Mary to give glad tiding of a son, then the Spirit mentioned in the Quranic narrative would imply it to be Gabriel. Such a synonymy of Gabriel and the Holy / Faithful Spirit has already been noted in the Quranic verses cited above (2:97, 16:102 and 26:192-195).

However, in verses 19:17ff, it appears that the Quran deliberately avoids using the term 'angel' in the comparable narratives concerning Mary when it could have done so as in verse 3:45. This is 'possibly' with a view to depart from the Christian understanding that Gabriel was in fact an angel."

As always, thank you for the insightful articles.


This is a short essay written by a highly decorated American Major General who served three decades as a US Marine in the early 20th century. Much of what he has written is still relevant today.

Prophets and Messengers / Prophet Muhammad receiving guidance later in life
« on: November 10, 2016, 03:10:50 PM »
Assalamu alaikum,

I refer to the article "Exclusiveness" (see link below) and specifically the second point under "PROPHET JESUS'S (pbuh) EXCLUSIVITY":

Can Joseph Islam, or any other kind soul here, please provide reference to the statement that prophet Muhammad received guidance later in life?

Thanks in advance for any help.

General Discussions / Interlinguistic pun in the Qur'an
« on: July 01, 2016, 11:04:08 AM »

The above was posted on the islamawakened facebook page. I'm just reposting here for general interest.

General Discussions / On using leather products
« on: June 03, 2016, 03:51:50 PM »
I have read Joseph Islam's article on 'Slaughter' here:

I note that the method by which an animal is put to death is specified.

This is mostly done in the context of food, but I presume that it would generally be applicable to killing an animal for any purpose.

If such is the case then unfortunately much of the leather products in my household would likely have been extracted from animals killed in an unlawful manner.

General Discussions / On Fir'ouns body
« on: July 22, 2015, 12:41:42 PM »
In Quran 10:92 it is revealed that Fir'oun will be preserved in body as a sign to those after him.

In popular culture Pharaoh seems to be associated with Ramesses II, whose mummified remains are well preserved, seemingly consistent with what the Quran describes.

However I get the feeling that Ramesses II may not have been Fir'oun.

Ramesses II is described to have died at aged 90, past his physical prime and arthritic. Whereas Fir'oun appeared to be active, physically pursuing Moses until his demise (though I suppose he could have been carried or driven by horses). It just seems to me that Fir'oun was younger.

Is there anything concrete to suggest that Ramesses II was indeed the Fir'oun described in the Quran?

General Discussions / Typo in "UNDERSTANDING OUR TRIALS - WHY ME?"
« on: September 22, 2014, 03:14:37 PM »
Thank you for the new article.

I don't mean to be an insufferable pedantic but a minor correction here:

In order to create a canvas of human life where human souls can be trialled, oppression, wretchedness, illness, and calamities will be become the fabric of human existence.

Islamic Duties / On the use of family name vs father's name as a surname
« on: August 04, 2014, 11:22:02 AM »

My wife and I are expecting our first baby soon and we are pondering on  surnames.

I understand that the Quran recommends strongly that a child be identified through use of his or her father's name.

However I would like to know if the use of a family name is allowable, i.e. a surname identifying the family of father. In our case the intent is to use and establish my father's name as a family name.

I see some advantages in doing this and also some cons. The cons mainly being that each new generation of kids will not carry a father's name but only a name identifying family.

Would this be in violation of Quranic principles? I would greatly appreciate any opinions on this matter.

Discussions / On the Shabbir Ahmed translation
« on: July 10, 2014, 12:22:41 PM »
I've stumbled on the Shabbir Ahmed translation as one that's perhaps near to JI's views.

His translation is view-able on the website.

Also it is available in book form here:

Please do not take my word for this and exercise caution at all times.

General Discussions / On the purpose of religion
« on: June 30, 2014, 12:56:29 PM »
Greetings to all,

I have the following questions and comments regarding religion.

1. According to the Quran there will not be any injustice (atom's weight/hair's breadth) on any soul:

Does this mean that paradise is given purely on the basis of those who have done good and forbidden evil by their own souls regardless of religion (i.e. following  God's teaching it of what is good for it and bad for it)?

2. The purpose of the religions of the book are to make clear the nature and reality of life and the universe, a means by which a soul may seek relief and guidance in navigating life, and a prescription for individual and social best practice. Would this be near to the mark?

3. Not following the prescribed acts of worship, e.g - prayer, fasting, performing Hajj, is not in itself a sin and presumably not injustice, but rather implies the absence of seeking God's relief and guidance. On this basis is it that not following prescribed acts of worship does not automatically preclude paradise?

4. Could it be that the prescribed praying five times in a day, Hajj being prescribed as once in a lifetime etc., be regarded as upper limits to acts of worship in seeking God's relief and guidance? That is, the absence of these limits causing a true believer to spend much more time in worship than what is necessary?

General Discussions / Typo in article "PARAKLETOS OR PERIKLYTOS?"
« on: May 28, 2014, 07:14:24 PM »
"All Biblical instances of the term are found as 'Parakletos' (comforter) and not Periklytos. The word 'Periklytos' does note appear anywhere in the Greek New Testament or the Old Testament in Greek (Septuagint)."

Just pointing out a minor typing error.

Islamic Duties / On Jummah prayers
« on: August 16, 2013, 12:20:10 PM »
Greetings to all.
I have the following questions on the Jummah prayer.

1. It is common practice that the Jummah prayer replaces the Noon day prayer. Is this supported by the Quran? If no then would the Jummah prayer constitute a sixth prayer on the day of Jummah.

2. Is there any reason why the Jummah prayer is prayed at the time of the Noon day prayer? Would it be possible to pray the Jummah prayer at other times of the day?

Islamic Duties / On humans created out of clay
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:10:38 PM »
In 3:49 and in numerous other places the Quran refers to man being created out of clay.

My questions as follows.

1. Does the Arabic word used for "clay" literally interpret to that? Or can it also interpret to "something like clay"?

2. If a literal interpretation is what is intended, is the claim of humans being created from "clay" consistent with science? Clay, as I understand it, is primarily composed of Silicon, whilst humans are primarily Carbon based.

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