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Messages - munir rana

General Discussions / mumin and muslim
January 27, 2015, 03:33:45 PM
Dear brother Joseph,

Salamun Alaikum.

I have read your article on the difference between mumin and muslim. It is pretty convincing. But after reading a verse a question arises in my mind. That is  3:102.

`O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except as muslims.' (3:102)

As i understood from your article, believer is a better position. you said, `For example, one may be a Muslim but may not yet be a 'Mu'min' (believer) as true faith has not yet entered their hearts.' This is also supported by Quran.

My question is, why Allah asks believers to `die not except as muslims.'

Take Care.

Best Wishes for your here and hereafter.

Munir Rana
Quote from razorrahmo : and Angels have no free will.

IF Angels have no free will then how did they ask to God, `Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood....' (2:30)
General Discussions / Re: Quran Touching
September 26, 2014, 06:55:54 PM
Dear Brother Joseph


Thanks for the link. I agree with you.

Best Regards.

Munir Rana
General Discussions / Quran Touching
September 25, 2014, 08:05:30 PM
Brother Joseph


Most of the muslims claim that those who do not have ablution (including the women who are in a state of menstruation) should not touch the Quran.

They refer to 56: 79 (None touch it except the purified.)

Do you think it is correct? Or the meaning is different?


Best Regards.

Munir Rana
Islamic Duties / Re: Reciting Quran in Prayer
August 01, 2014, 03:59:36 PM
Brother Wakas


The verses you mentioned are useful. thanks a lot.

Best wishes.
Islamic Duties / Re: Reciting Quran in Prayer
July 22, 2014, 04:28:27 PM
Dear Brother Joseph

Salam and Thanks for your kind responses.

Just a side note. One of my freinds said that its nice to write `in sha allah' separately. Otherwise it could be meant differently. Is he right?

Best wishes.

Islamic Duties / Re: Reciting Quran in Prayer
July 21, 2014, 05:23:20 PM
Dear brother Joseph,


Thanks for your kind response. Its always helpful. (And, by the way, I use your posts frequently in relation with some of my facebook status. Hope you wouldn't mind.)

`From a Quran's standpoint', you said, `there is nothing wrong with reading or reciting passages from the Quran as best practice.' I agree. But when someone doesn't know the meaning what he recites, then wouldn't it be wise to utter something what he/she understands.

One more thing. In salat one have to say a lot to God. Sometimes the verses doesn't cover all the issues he want to express. (May Allah forgive me if I cross the limit). Then, is it ok if he/she says his own words alongwith recitation of the holy book. In that case (for own words) would it be mandatory to utter in intermediate voice, though it is not recitation.

One more to ask. Is there any problem if i recite diferent parts/verses of Quran (which all are prayer) at a stretch in one rakah.

Sorry, if I'm taking too much time.

May Allah grant you peace here and hereafter.

Islamic Duties / Reciting Quran in Prayer
July 20, 2014, 04:02:30 PM
Dear All


One more question I would like to ask you.

All the necessary guiding aspects of prayer are mentioned by the Quran and  there is no mention to recite surah/ayat from Quran. Then why do we recite Quran in salat in a mandatory way?


Best Wishes.
General Discussions / Re: Meaning of AR RAHMAN
July 20, 2014, 02:45:14 PM
Dear brother Joseph


Thanks for your response.

Best wishes.

munir rana
Dear All


From a response of Joseph Islam (to Wazir) I came to know that it would be nice to avoid uttering `Qul' before reciting suras like Ikhlas in ritual prayer. Very Logical.
My question : Is there any problem if i recite diferent parts/verses of Quran (which all are prayer) in one rakah.


General Discussions / Meaning of AR RAHMAN
July 02, 2014, 05:46:50 PM
Dear All


Recently read an article in about the meaning of AR RAHMAN. The writer proposed that according the usages in the Quran the meaning of AR RAHMAN should be and is THE MOST POWERFUL. Generally we read it as MOST GRACIOUS.

Here is the link

What's your opinion.

best regards.

General Discussions / Re: preservation of scripture
June 29, 2014, 05:41:27 PM
Dear all


Thanks Good Logic and Anwar for your responses. But i might have failed to make you understand the query.

Question was, why Allah did not preserve the previous scriptures as Quran is preserved through recitation and other ways. Why Allah allowed/intended those to be corrupted or mixed up with other things.

And if `the need for various revelations in parallel with human progress across the ages was always necessary' then the question comes, is the human progress stopped? Or will it be soon? whats about a few centuries later?

I dont want to be engaged with superfluous query. but as the question came to me, i just put it forward to you.

best regards.

Munir Rana

General Discussions / preservation of scripture
June 27, 2014, 06:20:08 PM
Dear Joseph

Assalamu alaikum

One of my freinds asked that why Allah did not preserve the previous scriptures like He preserves the Quran? Were not those His favorite? Then why He allowed those to be corrupted? I answered that Allah knows the best. And perhaps time was one factor. As the civilization advanced those scriptures lost relevancy. So the final scripture arrives.
But I myself is not fully content with this answer.

Do you have any explanation regarding this issue.

Best Regards.

Munir Rana
General Discussions / regarding the ayat 7:172
May 05, 2014, 05:06:21 PM
Dear Josheph


I have a question regarding the ayat 7:172.

How do you understand this ayat.

If  I cannot remember what i did testify in my previous life then how can i be responsible for that.

As Allah says it, so it happend undoubtedly. But i want to understand it as much as possible. if you already made any post regarding this issue, would you please give me the link.

munir rana   

Islamic Duties / prayer
March 16, 2014, 06:35:04 PM
Dear Brother Joseph


According to Quran we must recite in prayers in a intermediate way. (17:110)

But most of our imam recite quietly in Dhuhr and Asr. Is there any problem to follow them? Shall i be responsible for that?

Best regards.