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Messages - munir rana

Brother Wakas

I am convinced with Brother Joseph's response. You are also kind to forward me the links. I will go through it.

Discussions / Re: Rashad Khalifas 19
July 28, 2016, 02:28:13 PM
Brother eliiah


Hope, you already read the following article written by Brother Joeseph.
Dear Brother Joseph Islam

Peace be upon you.

Thanks for your kind response. From common sense, it is also logical to pligrimage one place. But the verse made me thinking . And specially, the warning encouraged me to raise the question. ("...but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.").

As I am not well adept in Arabic language, so i depend on several translations. And in the translations this verse appeared to me in present tense : " whoever enters it  (waman dakhalahu kāna āminan)". And probably the verb `istataat' is also in present form.

I think this verse and there are more instructions which should be read  more carefully. And I agree with you that we must try our best to visit the Holy Lands. (rather to pligrimage to one site again and again.)


Best regards.

Munir Rana
Dear Brother Joseph Islam
Peace be upon you

After reading your articles related to Hajj it is almost clear that Abrahamic rites were reinstituted at the Kaaba for the followers of the final revelation. But as it is stated in 3:97 that one should make Hajj to the Firts House, and this directive was not revoked by any other verse ( like you, I also believe that no verse of the Quran is abrogated), then should we to perform Hajj to two different locations? If not, then how do you reconcile these two different directives as Pilgrimage place? Is there anything else i missed to understand regarding this issue?

The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakkah: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings: In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage to is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.

Best regards.

Munir Rana

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173
July 17, 2016, 03:06:59 PM

As per my understanding  and according to Quran anyone is monotheist who submits to the One Allah and do good to others is a Muslim. Here it must be clear that the name 'Allah' is only an Arabic name for God. It is not an exclusive name for God.

(please see the related article by Brother Joseph :

As Brother Joseph also wrote in the article I recomended earlier:

"Muslims are those that submit their will to God and can be from the followers of the previous messengers and scriptures (Jews and Christians included)"

And in another article titled WHY IS THE TERM 'MUSLIM' HIJACKED Brother Joseph also wrote:

"From a Quran's perspective, even Jews and Christians can be 'Muslim's if they have solely surrendered their purpose to God. The term believers (Mu'min) is used predominantly for the followers and believers in the final scripture (Quran). Some of these can be from the People of the Book as well.  Please see article (2) below and in particular section (17) entitled "THERE ARE 'BELIEVERS' AMONG THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK".

In conclusion, a Christian or a Jew may be a 'Muslim' but not necessarily a believer or in the case where they believe in the veracity of the Quran, they may be a Muslim and a believer, but choose to follow their own laws (Shariah) revealed to them in their respective scriptures."

So far as I know, Brahmo Hindu or Unitarian Christians and many others like them are monotheist, means, they submit to One God and does not set any partner with Him.

Unitarianism is historically a Christian theological movement named for the affirmation that God is one entity, in direct contrast to Trinitarianism, which defines God as three persons in one being.

Brahmo is a monotheistic religion also, It denounces polytheism, image worship, and the caste system. They don't set any partners with God.

Please see also the the follwing article :

Hope, I made my point clear.

Discussions / printing mistakes
July 16, 2016, 05:36:44 PM
Dear Moderators and Forum Members


There are some `printing mistakes' in Articles and other places of this website. Earlier i overlooked those as merely slip of keys. But I think if we, the members of the forum, notice these matters to Brother Joseph or Moderators, it will be easy to correct those. Its not so important, may be, but as i love this website very much, i want it to be indefectible/accurate.

Here I just noticed one.


Here the reference verse 007:044 should be 007:144

General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173
July 16, 2016, 01:44:12 PM
Dear ilker

Would please read the article by Brother Joseph and then put forward your opinion about it.

General Discussions / Re: Hurs
July 14, 2016, 03:12:04 PM
Its interesting that lot of us, including me, are worried about the Hurs and etc. As if tickets are in our hands and we are in the cue and excited to know the details.
No hurt feelings, please. I also discuss these matters for a while with family and freinds. And as my hairs become gray, skin becomes wrikled i am getting more and more afraid whether i shall be thier or not? Now, sometimes I read those verses and it seems to me that I am a boy standing outside a cinema hall looking avariciously at the poster of a marvelous movie. And alas! I have not much money in my pocket.
Actually we must concentrate how to get the ticket.
Once again, no hurt feelings, please. This post is for myself.
General Discussions / Re: 7:172-173
July 14, 2016, 02:30:21 PM
Dear Yahya

Let it be to God to judge who are what- mumin, mushrik, kafir etc. We should follow relligion  according our understanding. Its not our responsibility for others matter. So let us not judge anyone else. This judgmental approach in the end creates fitnah which some muslim countries are experiencing badly.

Who says that every Hindu is kafir. Do you know about Brahmo. They are monotheist Hindu. Their are unitarian Christians and many others. So let us not be judgemental. Even we do not know the inner view of every Hindu Buddhist etc who we seem to be a kafir. Only God knows. On the contrary a muslim-like folk can be mushrik in their relligious aproaches. Many from muslim community praise the prophet and other imams saints as His partner. How they can be different from a hindu worshiper of Devis, which we call mushrik?

Please read the following post by Brother Joseph. Hope it will help.

General Discussions / Re: meaning of `bal fa'alahu'
July 13, 2016, 01:35:27 PM
Dear eliiah

Salam. Thank you very much.


May God bless you.
General Discussions / Re: meaning of `bal fa'alahu'
July 12, 2016, 06:56:45 PM
Salam Brother Hamzeh

Thanks for your response. It helps. Actually I was thinking that if we take the meaning of `bal' as `rather' or `on the contrary' then it is unnecessary to say that the prophet lied. Though, I presume, in most cases, in translation of the word `bal' in Quran is `Nay'.

best regards.
General Discussions / meaning of `bal fa'alahu'
July 12, 2016, 02:35:52 PM
Salam Brothers and Sisters

21:63 He said, `Rather, this - the largest of them- did it, so ask them, if they should (be able to) speak.

I know this issue is already discussed in this forum. (titled Abraham lied three times) . I am agreed to a great amount with Brother Joseph's view that `What prophet Abraham was doing was to manifest a particular truth.' There was a wider plan and an end goal. so telling a `lie' does not matter. Its o.k.

But I just want to know the meaning of two words here. Some say that  `bal fa'alahu' should be translated as `Surely, (some doer) did it.'  fa'alahu -third person masculin singular perfect verb. so it indicates that some other one did it. Is it ok?

sorry, if i bothered you with a superfluous question.
Discussions / Its A Wonderful Journey
July 11, 2016, 06:27:37 PM
Its A Wonderful Journey

A few years back through Facebook I got in touch with Edip Yuksel and his reformist translation of Quran. Initially I was moved. But some of his arrogant approach and specially excluding 2 verses to fit 19 theory, i felt disturbed. But I kept continue to the end of the translation. In between I became to know about this site and Brother Joseph Islam. At first I e-mailed some questions and got answers immediately. He offered to join his forum. I entered and read the Articles, Q/A sections, his FB posts etc. It was amazing. I felt like Alice in wonderland. Before then I had some doubt about traditional approach to Islam. And I was confused about what to do. But this time I just got converted overnight, like the magicians of Pharao. Now I try to read Quran regularly to understand its meaning. Through me some of my relatives and freinds became familiar with the insightful articles of this site. Some became his FB freinds. Alhamdulillah, they also abandoned previous hadith based practices, and now they also try to follow only Quran. They are all joyful to have this connection and assistance. Though some of my relatives and freinds also rejected this approach, but we are in hope that in near future they also will be convinced, In Sha Allah.

Dear Joseph Abraham Islam, My Brother in peace, you will never know how much we are indebted to you for your support to bring us nearer to Quran. Please accept my salute and a warm deep hug to you. May Allah reward you here and hereafter.

And please pray for me and for my family and freinds. Pray specially, because, even knowing the truth sometimes I loose control over myself in various matter, commit something which i should not. I try to prevent and fail sometimes. And i feel deeply sorry. And now I understand, Knowing is not everything. Knowledge is power. But To be a good man in action is much better than to be a knowledgeble person. I am fighting to be so. please pray for me so that i can continue this wonderful journey to the end fruitfully.

Best Regards.

God bless you dear brother.
General Discussions / Re: Not sure...
July 10, 2016, 01:57:11 PM

Recently once again have seen the 90's movie named ALIVE, based upon a true story, where a plane crushed into the Andes mountains. When run out of food, after great debate, the starving passengers decide to eat the flesh of their dead companions in order to survive. Seeing the scene I remember the verse and its very clear.
"But if any is forced by hunger, with no inclination to transgression, God is indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." (5:3 part)
General Discussions / Re: regarding 38:34
July 04, 2016, 03:51:32 PM
Salam Brother Joseph

Thanks for your precious input. It clarifies and enlights.

Best regards.