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Messages - HOPE

Salam Nura,

Understanding sexual orientation is much more complex than we wish to admit.  Here is an interesting article by the author of "Imprinted Brain".

It is easy  to generate opinions on the keyboard yet it is another thing when you are faced with the problem in a family setting. for example.  Parents disowning children, cutting contact, suicides. .  The only logical explanation is to accept it as a test like any calamity or hardship which is relatively easier to confront the issue as a believer. Do I have the right to condemn the others who do not have the faith?  Many do haram things like lying, cheating, backbiting,  defrauding. 



Interesting interpretation.  There are many physical conditions  just like the abnormalities of the sexual function of the body.

How about people born with congenital abnormalities like congenital heart disease or blindness.  Should medicine be allowed to help them or should they consider it as a test and make the most of life?    Should conjoined twins that were fused together in the womb be separated afterbirth or not? 

Peace Truth Seeker,

I would like to add and remind the participants that the initial question posed by brother Sardar was "why do  some people say  that  He does not change His laws".  In my view there is one simple answer:  it is not the people but God Himself makes that claim.  Then I got lost with the four dead birds.  I cannot follow anymore.

Peace Sardar,

God says, 33:62  "Such is the way of God concerning those who have passed away before, and never shall you find in the way of God any change"

48:23 "(Such has been) the course of God that came to pass before; you will never find any change to the course of God."

We see many examples in the Quran the constancy God exhibits in how He deals with those who choose to ignore Him and His rasul in all ages.  Pattern ranges from sealing of hearts to destruction.  This is the sunnatullah.

Islamic Duties / Re: Shariah Law
May 11, 2013, 01:23:46 AM
Peace Sardar,

Sharia law is not coming to USA.  The idea is promoted as a scare tactic by the conservative Republicans.

Salaam Optimist,

"The claim of un-recited revelation to prophet is a fabrication."

Good post brother. 

" When you do not bring them a sign, they say, Why do you not invent one? Say, I follow only what is revealed to me by my Lord. This Book is an enlightenment from your Lord and a guide and mercy to true believers.  When the Quran is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace, so that you may receive mercy."  7:203-204

Peace Sardar,

QuoteBut can you tell me that Jesus was born without father & as per Allah's Will & Order?  Thanks

Brother, you, yourself mentioned the verse 3:59 before which says 'the similitude of Jesus with God is like that of Adam'. Both were created by the command of God , not through human procreation.  Can anything happen without Allah's will?

General Discussions / Re: Ayah 59:70
April 18, 2013, 08:30:59 AM

QuoteI am just asking if after repentense the  bad deeds will be transformed into goog deeds which means not only our good deeds are rewarded after repentense but earlier bad deeds are changed into good deeds

You mean killing two birds with one stone?  True repentance leads to reformation/transformation of beliefs and practices.  Your actions will prove your new, improved, repentant nature.  Then God cancels past sins and by His Grace you become pious, patient, steadfast, devoted servant.  You are making the effort !

General Discussions / Re: Ayah 59:70
April 17, 2013, 10:03:37 PM

25:70  those are they whose evil deeds God shall change into good one

11:114  Indeed the good deeds take away the evil ones

Yes, looks like there is transformation.  Isn't it the goal?  To create transformed believers?  The faults are covered by plenty of virtuous behavior.

General Discussions / Re: Ayah 59:70
April 17, 2013, 08:32:20 AM
Salaam Sardar,

Would you please recheck the verse number?
General Discussions / Re: Cracked moon and the Quran
April 12, 2013, 02:44:11 AM

Remember I'm talking about human reactions.

'' Chinese astrologers wrote of an eclipse occurring over 4 000 years ago. Historians and astronomers believe that this was an eclipse that happened on 22 October 2134 BC. Two astrologers at the time, Hsi and Ho, had apparently failed to predict this eclipse, and as a result were beheaded.

Another eclipse recorded in ancient history was in Mesopotamia (now Iraq and Syria), and was seen in the town of Ugarit. It is now known to have occurred on 3 May 1375 BC.

People tend to react to a total solar eclipse according to their cultural beliefs.

In ancient China, the Chinese believed a dragon was swallowing the Sun during an eclipse, and therefore they banged drums and symbols and shot arrows skywards to scare the dragon away.

The Athenians of ancient Greece saw an eclipse (solar or lunar) as being caused by angry gods, and therefore they were regarded as bad omens.
The last book of the Christian Bible [Revelations, Chapter 6, Verse 12] predicts that an eclipse will occur, accompanied by earthquakes.

Emperor Louis, head of the Frankish Empire of Western Europe, is said to have been so awestruck by the total solar eclipse of 5 May 840, that he died shortly afterwards."

By the way, as recent as couple of years ago, some Anatolian villagers banged drums and shot rifles skyward in the 21st century , for reasons unknown to me, chanting Allahuakbar!

General Discussions / Re: Cracked moon and the Quran
April 11, 2013, 10:45:33 PM
Salaam Optimist,

It seems I was not able to express myself clearly.  My focus was on people's reactions to the perceived phenomena from a psychological viewpoint. I would not know if there was a lunar eclipse at the time or if the prophet was challenged to produce a miracle or not.  Some believed he was and I still believe the first and second verses are linked together to make this point that even if a miracle to have happened, it would not have changed people's minds a bit as evidenced by the previous examples  listed in the following verses.  It is very difficult to discard old beliefs and habits to adopt a new outlook without going through awakening first. We like our comfort zones and will not easily give up.   

I believe I'm saying the same thing as you are but using different terminology.

General Discussions / Re: Cracked moon and the Quran
April 11, 2013, 02:42:15 AM
Hello Optimist,

QuoteCan you post a rebuttal to the following comments from brother joseph islam from his following article.  I respectfully submit I have  a different view for 54:1 but I do completely agree with his comments explaining 54:2.

There is no need for a rebuttal since there is no tension between my understanding and brother Joseph's article.  If I'm not misunderstanding his view, he states the first two verses are not tied together whereas I see a connection.  Maybe suggesting  the possibility of a lunar eclipse at the right time is my justification to ease the tension created from the assumption of lunar cracking.  Otherwise, as do millions believe, I have to come up with the conclusion that God caused the moon split for a short time to appease His prophet who has been challenged to produce a miracle.

We are presented with ayatullah in the nature all the time.  The problem comes when we do not recognize it as ayat and disregard its source.

General Discussions / Re: Magic or Tricks ?
April 11, 2013, 02:04:07 AM
Peace Mubashir,

The Arabic says "fit'natun" meaning we are sent as a trial for you not necessarily  a deception.

General Discussions / Re: Cracked moon and the Quran
April 10, 2013, 12:37:02 PM
Peace Optimist,

People usually experience stress when challenged with  new information that is contradictory to their long held beliefs.  Ego uses different defense mechanisms like rejection, avoidance, rationalization, to protect itself from threatening feelings or perceptions .  In the instance of the splitting of the moon, there certainly is a tension in the hearts/minds of the pagans.  I was pointing out that it is very natural for people to explain away the event as magical spell to neutralize the tension.  We all do that in one way or another, sometimes or often.  It is the human nature that we need to recognize and work on it.