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Messages - Seraphina

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Prophets and Messengers / Re: How many Prophets?
« on: November 25, 2014, 04:39:57 AM »
Greetings Good logic,
Your post drew my attention because I noticed you mention nowhere Adam, Hud, Saleh, Shuhaib, Dhulkifli, Yunus pbut. They are also mentioned as prophets in the Quran, maybe not in surah Anbiya, but in other surahs.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's nothing in Quran to suggest that only those prophets mentioned in surah Anbiya were prophets. There are other prophets mentioned in other Quranic surahs. Remember: "we hear we obey - we make no distinction between messengers" :)
God bless you, selam.

Prophets and Messengers / Re: How many Prophets?
« on: November 25, 2014, 12:44:11 AM »
Selam brother Ijaz,
I'm very excited you asked this question, and I can't wait for brother Joseph's response :) It's a subject I'm studing lately in my personal studies of the Quran. I still need to study more on this topic, but here is portion of the Quran I think might help:
"And We gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - all [of them] We guided. And Noah, We guided before; and among his descendants, David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron. Thus do We reward the doers of good. And Zechariah and John and Jesus and Elias - and all were of the righteous. And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot - and all [of them] We preferred over the worlds." (Al-'An'am, 84-86).
There is also another verse (I can't recall the surah and verse), where Allah says that there were many prophets sent before Muhammad, some of them will be mentioned in the Quran, some of them won't. My guess is that the ones that aren't mentioned in the Quran are only found in Bible. From what I've read, the Quran deals only with those prophets whose life-story or message was corrupted from people. As the rest of them, their stories and messages are in the Bible. Here's an example:
"Have you not considered the assembly of the Children of Israel after [the time of] Moses when they said to a prophet of theirs, "Send to us a king, and we will fight in the way of Allah "? He said, "Would you perhaps refrain from fighting if fighting was prescribed for you?" They said, "And why should we not fight in the cause of Allah when we have been driven out from our homes and from our children?" But when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away, except for a few of them. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers.
And their prophet said to them, "Indeed, Allah has sent to you Saul as a king." They said, "How can he have kingship over us while we are more worthy of kingship than him and he has not been given any measure of wealth?" He said, "Indeed, Allah has chosen him over you and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and stature. And Allah gives His sovereignty to whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing [in favor] and Knowing." (Al Baqarah, 246-247). The unnamed prophet here is Samuel, whose story is found in the Old Testament part of Bible. Allah wants us not to make distinction between messengers, and the fact that some of them are not named in the Quran doesn't make them inferior to those that were.
Anyways, can't wait for brother Joseph's reply.
God bless you all, selam :)

Prophets and Messengers / Re: Was Prophet Muhammad pbuh also a KhalilAllah?
« on: November 24, 2014, 09:29:24 AM »
I'm sorry I put you into so much work my brother, but thank you for the awesome response, especially the part about ordinary individuals reaching high ranks. I had given up the idea of a high rank being possible to reach for me, honestly, I wasn't even willing to try anymore.
It's a sad thing that people have exchanged the true & safe word of god for doubtful hearsay. But I'm beginning to see why - because when they want to do or believe something that is not supported or contradicted from the Quran, they have to dig for 'proof' in other sources to suit their actions/beliefs.
Anyways, thank you so much my brother Joseph, may God bless you the same way He blessed us through you,
Your sister Seraphina :)

Prophets and Messengers / Was Prophet Muhammad pbuh also a KhalilAllah?
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:44:15 AM »
Selam to everyone,
First of all, I apologize if I'm bringing up a subject which is over-treated. It's not my intention to waste anyone's time and effort. But, since this forum is the only place where I am given a clear, logical, Quran-based answer, I thought I will treat this subject here.
I've been reading the books of Amr Khaled for a while now, and, although I've noticed him being heavily-influenced from secondary sources, I like his books up to a certain point. Recently, I've been reading the "Stories of the prophets". There are many things which I disagree with, but I will focus on only one. During the story of prophet Ibrahim pbuh, he says that after reaching the rank of the Allah's beloved slave, then there is the rank of Allah's friend, but we (ordinary people) can't reach it, because that grade was only reached from prophet Ibrahim and prophet Muhammad pbut.
Now, I have read the articles of brother Joseph regarding the ranks of messengers, and I agree with him 100% (Ibrahim is the only prophet mentioned in the Quran as 'friend of Allah'), but still, I wonder if there's something I've missed. On what basis would a well-learned person like Amr Khaled make such a statement? Only on secondary sources? Would it be too much if I asked for your opinions, dear brothers/sisters?
Yazakallah in advance,
Selam alaikoum :)
Sorry if I disturbed

Islamic Duties / Re: Which dua should I recite in order to get job
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:41:53 AM »
Dear Reshma Irshad,
I know you didn't address me personally, but I felt it in my heart to tell you these words, because I'm going through the same thing myself for nearly 4 years now. Imagine: I'm in my 20'es, I'm psychically and physically healthy (Alhamdulilah), I've finished university, and I'm struggling to earn my living! My mom has to sustain me (like your daughter with you). I don't know about other countries, but in my country there's is a deep crisis and a high unemployment rate. So, I understand what you're going through. But there are some things I do which I'd recommend you do as well: 1) everytime I get depressed and can't sleep, I open this forum, or beloved brother Joseph's articles (especially the ones regarding "God's love and mercy", and "the trials") . 2) At the end of each salat, open your heart to God, and pray to him to help you. Here's a dua which I like very much: "Allahumma la sahla 'ila ma ja'altahu sahlan wa Anta taj'alul-hazna, 'itha shitta sahlan" (Oh my God, there is no easy except what you make easy, and you make the difficult easy if you wish"). 3) Everytime you feel overwhelmed, remind yourself that God hasn't forgotten about you - He's seeing you, He knows your situation, and He will help you in the appointed time, just trust Him :) because "And there is no creature on earth for whom Allah hasn't provided for, and He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage. All is in a clear register." (Hud, 6).
Do the best you can to look for a job, strive to stay away from what he has forbidden, and put your trust in Him my sister, for He never lets down the ones who trust Him :)
Your sister,

I was waiting impatiently for your response, thank you so much dear brother, and especially thank you for your reference to fb post. As always, you're clear, logical, real :) may God bless you :)

Selam to everyone, hope you're all fine inshallah,
The article about whether the punishment of hell being eternal or not has drawn my attention ever since I read it for the first time, maybe because I had never heard a muslim before holding such an opinion. Deep down, I agree with it for many reasons, many of which were mentioned in article, and as I can conclude logically - while we are aware that He can't let the evil ones get away with the evil they've done, that punishment can't be never-ending; for ilustration: If a human parent (non-perfect, constantly sinning creature) is merciful enough not to punish his child forever for a crime, let alone a God who is perfect in justice, without evil, and most merciful.
However, there is a verse in the Quran that I didn't notice in honoured brother Joseph's article, a verse which is used to support the punishment being eternal: "And they say, "Never will the Fire touch us, except for a few days." Say, "Have you taken a covenant with Allah ? For Allah will never break His covenant. Or do you say about Allah that which you do not know?" " (Al Baqarah, 80).
What are your views on this, brother Joseph? I'd really appreciate your view (and other brothers/sisters views from the forum)
God bless you all.


This article has been transmitted a lot recently in my homeland, and in my native language, but I managed to find it in english for you.
It seems to confirm a hadith of our prophet pbuh, in which he says that there is fire inside the earth and sea under that fire, and it also seems to confirm a quranic verse. I can't recall the hadith exactly, but here's the quranic verse: "Allah is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the earth a similar number." (At-Talaq, 12, Yusuf Ali translation).
Dear brother Joseph (and other forum members), what is your opinion? I am aware of the Quran-centric approach, but I'm asking because this is often being used as a fact to prove the equality of the ahadith with the holy Quran: science confirms the facts mentioned in Quran, and it also confirms the facts mentioned in the ahadith, so ahadith are equally divinely authoritative as the Quran.
Selam :)

Discussions / Re: Best wishes for Eid Al Adha
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:34:59 AM »
Thank you for kind words Truth Seeker, it's a pleasure (and an honor) to be part of this forum :)
Thank you brother Joseph as well :)
God bless :)

Discussions / Re: Layla Mandi – Spirit of a Pioneer
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:30:58 AM »
I came by this post accidentally, and I'm so glad I did, because I've been struggling with this issue for a long time now. To my knowledge, the pig's meat and alcohol are only forbidden to be consumed for food, but it was a huge surprise for me when I first read that any hygienic or cosmetic product containing pig fat or alcohol are forbidden, and that your wudu or salat (or both) are nullified (for example if while doing ablution you had deodorant containing alcohol in your underarms). While the Quran is clear on the point that these substances are forbidden for food only, I never saw in the Quran any prohibition for other uses of them (correct me if I have missed something).
As sister Hope has kindly shared, the pig and alcohol are almost impossible to be avoided altogether. I have always used shampoos, soaps and creams from worldwide popular lines in daily basis, trying to be as clean as possible, first of all because Allah says in the Quran that he loves those who keep physical cleanliness, and second, because it's almost impossible to know for sure if the ingredients are 100% pig-free or alcohol-free (the only exception is deodorant, where you can see the 'alcohol free' etiquette). What am I supposed to do? quit on creams? impossible, my skin is sensitive and in absolute need of them. Quit on soap and shampoo? Impossible, I can't be clean enough with water only.
So, the million-dollar-question is: Do these everyday products nullify my ablution or salat? If so, what do you suggest me to do?
Can't wait for response of brother Joseph and other forum members,
God bless :)

Discussions / Best wishes for Eid Al Adha
« on: October 03, 2014, 07:57:58 AM »
Salam alaikum QM forum moderators, brother Joseph, and all of brothers and sisters,
I just felt it in my heart to wish you a happy Eid - may Allah bless you with health, success and happiness you and your beloved ones, and may He guide us all to the straight path, to the path of those who have earned his grace.
May God bless you all :)

Islamic Duties / Re: Are blood transfusions sanctioned from Quran?
« on: September 26, 2014, 07:48:51 AM »
Dear brother Joseph,
Thank you so much! You're right when you say nowadays many ways of medications and treatment are available, (and just like the case of insulin, blood transfusions are no exception), so the cases where we have no other way rather than breaking the laws of God are becoming very rare.
That's what I love about your answers - they always make sense logically, are always in agreement with the Quran, and are always easy to be put into practice.
May God bless you,
Your sister in faith, Serafina :)

Islamic Duties / Are blood transfusions sanctioned from Quran?
« on: September 23, 2014, 09:42:58 AM »
Salam alaikum brothers and sisters,
I've been asked this question today from my sister, and I'm not sure about response. Here's why.
Many of you are familiar with serums and infusions. If because of any health issue we can't feed ourselves through our mouth as usual, we are 'fed' through our veins, so the body is provided with food materials that would normally come from mouth. This is also the case during massive blood loss in accidents, or other conditions - we are 'fed' with blood through our veins.
Although there's no verse in the Quran that directly forbids blood transfusions, I am aware that blood transfusions were not known to 7th century Arabia, and the only known way to get something inside your body was through your mouth. And eating blood (getting someone's blood inside your body) was declared unlawful.
And yes, I am aware that "saving a life is like saving all mankind", and there may come a situation that someone's life would depend from that transfusion. But think about it - if you would be in a difficult state, and a doctor would tell you that a daily dosage of alcohol is your cure, would you accept it, even if it is not through your mouth but through your veins? I agree that blood and alcohol are not the same thing, but they have both something in common: both of them are unlawful from entering your body .
What is your opinion of this, brothers and sisters? Brother Joseph, do you have any advice for this?
Selam, God bless you!

Prophets and Messengers / Re: New message ?
« on: September 20, 2014, 06:44:34 AM »
Peace be with you too Good logic,
I'm aware of what you said (the difference between a messenger and a warner), but from what i read there, that guy claims to have received revelations from God, so he's claiming to be more than a simple warner. Perhaps I'm wrong, but a person who receives revelations from God is a prophet, not a mere warner :)
May God bless you too my brother, thanks for the input :D

Prophets and Messengers / Re: New message ?
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:19:48 AM »
Many greetings brother Hamzeh and Good logic,
I took some minutes to have a look in that web, and honestly, I don't like what is shown there.
The claim that "Jesus is an angelical reincarnation" is one supported from Jehovah's witnesses, who claim that Jesus and archangel Michael are the same being. Archangel Michael entered the womb of Mary, in order to take a human life, which he'd give for mankind, in order to liberate them from the death and calamities that came from Adam and Eve's sin.
And I don't like the term this person uses for himself: "messenger of God". He claims to have received revelations from God! I don't know about the rest of you brothers and sisters, but me personally can't agree with this. The Quran is crystal-clear: "Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets; and God is ever Aware of all things."(33:40). No man will receive revelations from God after Muhammad.
Not another Rashad Khalifa hopefully.
Salam :)

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