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Messages - Seraphina

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Women / Re: Validity of Nikaah
« on: October 13, 2015, 11:18:13 PM »
May the Almighty reward you my brother Hassan, in all of my Quranic studies ive never come to the verse you shared with me :) the one about marriage proposals. I dont know about elsewhere but muslims of my country are very radical when it comes to opposite gender, proposing someone, or answering a proposal. I was fed up with people's views, i needed God's view so i posted the question here. And i enjoyed the answers, both yours and brorher Joseph's.
May Allah reward you always,
Your sister Seraphina :)

Women / Re: Validity of Nikaah
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:23:56 PM »
Alaikum selam dear brother Joseph,
Thank you so much for finding time to answer me :) although your wise answers satisfy my questions, I felt the need to clarify the part of "hanging out". I've been told by other 'muslims' that a couple without nikaah contract is not permitted to be in each other's company, be it public or in private, they're not allowed to speak to each other at all, let alone have a coffee or a walk together so to speak. By "hanging out" i meant simply that - geting to know each other and spending time together without transgressing the limits of chastity set by God.
I enjoy getting your advices and thoughts on these issues, which i think might be beneficial to other muslim youth as well :)
May God bless you,

Women / Validity of Nikaah
« on: October 12, 2015, 02:11:30 AM »
Peace be with you dear brothers and sisters,
I haven't been able to be here for a long time, so I pray you're all fine :)
I would like to ask you (and brother Joseph) regarding nikaah and its validity under some unusual circumstances.
1) Is nikaah valid if ceremony of nikaah between two adults is completed without parents being informed, or are informed but don't approve the union of their children?
2) Is nikaah valid if due to these familiar (and economic) issues the couple can't move in together immediately (meaning they will have to wait for sometime after nikaah before moving in together)?
2) If the couple decides not to consummate the marriage until they are able to move in together, is the marriage still valid? During these times, do they have the liberty to hang out, be alone, etc. from time to time?
To summarize the question: Is their union in nikaah sanctioned by God's law if their parents were not informed/didn't give consent, and have no intimate relations yet until they can move in together?
Looking forward to your answers,
Your sister,

General Discussions / Re: On Fir'ouns body
« on: July 22, 2015, 04:29:26 PM »
Assalamu alaykum Shahmatt,
I'm so glad you asked this question because this is a subject I'm very curious about. In my opinion we would find the Pharaoh of the time of Moses by finding out more about his queen. Quran tells us that his queen was put to death because she accepted the God of Moses. As far as I know Ramzes II's wife was never mentioned as being executed. If someday a discovery would be made about an egyptian queen who was put to torture and death from her husband the Pharaoh, than that would be the royal couple from the time of Moses. But to my knowledge, no such discovery has been made to this day.
Let's see what brother Joseph and others have to say,
Your sister Seraphina ☺

Discussions / A Ramadan with ease and blessings
« on: June 17, 2015, 11:41:38 PM »
Dear brother Joseph, moderators, and the rest of brothers and sisters,
I know I'm probably not allowed to post anything other than questions/answers, but I just felt it in my heart to congratulate my family in faith for starting the Ramadan and wish you an easy fasting with many, many blessings. God is my witness that you're in my prayers and I thank Him all the time for guiding me here among you.
May God bless you all and accept and ease your fasting,
Your sister,
Seraphina Rosa

General Discussions / Re: Why Allah says " Wal Ardhu Sutihat"
« on: June 17, 2015, 06:54:21 PM »
Peace be with you,
"And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming." (21:33, Sahih International).
" At the equator, the circumference of the Earth is 40,070 kilometers, and the day is 24 hours long so the speed is 1670 kilometers/hour ( 1037 miles/hr). This decreases by the cosine of your latitude so that at a latitude of 45 degrees, cos(45) = .707 and the speed is .707 x 1670 = 1180 kilometers/hr." (Source:
Even though the earth is round, to humans it appears spread, whatever position they're on (walking, working, sleeping, etc), which facilitates moving and interacting, considering the way we are created. Even though its rotation in this speed, the humans don't feel anything moving, for example, under their feet or under their bed. In surah Ghashiyah God is telling us that there is more than meets our eye, but He has made it appear and suit our needs.
"Then do they not look at the camels - how they are created?And at the sky - how it is raised? And at the mountains - how they are erected? And at the earth - how it is spread out?"(Ghashiyah, 17-20). The camels were the most important transport mean of the 7th century, they were used to travel in long distances in hot desert without you having to worry they're thirsty or sick from heat. The sky appears to be as a blanket above us, but in reality there's just space above us (I guess you saw the satellite images outside earth). Earth appears to be spread and static to us simply to be in harmony with our needs for a peaceful environment and safe move, although its form is round and it moves. And so on :)
So, God is giving us some reasons to be grateful about. In the end, it's just my opinion from my personal studies of the Quran, I'm not an expert.
Your sister Seraphina

Islamic Duties / Re: First Ramadan (Revert)
« on: June 12, 2015, 06:53:01 PM »
Peace be with you my dear sister (or sister to be) Hannah,
I've passed the road you're currently walking on, so I know exactly what it's like, how it feels, and what crosses your mind. And it's normal to worry and to have a lot of questions, don't be scared of that! Look at us other members of this forum - we've been muslims for weeks, months, or years, but still have questions to ask here! Even our Prophet pbuh was instructed by God:"...and say: My Lord, increase me in knowledge!" (Surah Taha, 114). Being a muslim doesn't mean having all the answers and no questions - it means having the right answers to basic and important questions, and to never stop looking for the rest of answers/knowledge. Being a muslim means seeking knowledge constantly, even if you think you've learned enough :) So, If you're familiar with brother Joseph's articles, I think it will be easier to understand and grow and deepen your knowledge. The moment you get to know Allah and his attributes, that moment you will understand why He commanded us some things and forbade us some others. And when this moment comes, you will love your creator. And once you love something/someone, you'd do anything for them :) you'd abstain from anything that hurts their feelings and you'd be willing to do anything that would please them :) in this case, you'd be willing to find 5 minutes to pray, you'd be willing to abstain from food and drink and rough talk and bad manners during one full month. That's what fasting means my dear, not just staying hungry and thirsty :)
Please be aware that God doesn't expect perfection from us. He knows the capacity of any of us. And so He only expects us to do the best we can, within our possibilities, without overburdening ourselves. Here's a response from brother Joseph on the matter of fasting difficulties which I thought you might find helpful, although you're not pregnant:

May God bless you,
Your sister Seraphina

Women / Re: Can a woman get the child custody in case of divorce?
« on: June 11, 2015, 04:57:30 AM »
Salam Truthseeker,
Thank you so much for your reply, I truly appreciate it. I'd love to have brother Joseph's opinion as well, but your answer helps as well.
May God bless you,
Your sister Seraphina

Women / Re: Can a woman get the child custody in case of divorce?
« on: June 09, 2015, 11:35:29 PM »
Salam wa aleyki my sister Zara,
Thank you for your kind words. I have tried my best and I will keep on trying inshallah. We are women, both you and I, and seeing the suffering of muslim women, I've come to realise that most (if not all) suffering that befell us muslim women is because we are not aware of our rights, we have no idea what our rights are. So I estimate it to be of a great importance to know our rights in any situation: in case of divorce, in case of becoming captive of war (we live in times when war can come unexpectedly), in case of inheritance/property share, and so on. We muslim women need to learn and inform ourselves of our rights, not the ones so-called mullahs impose on us, but the rights the Almighty One granted us in his divine constitution. Once we know our rights, once we know justice of God is on our side, nothing and noone can oppress us or maltreat us, no matter how powerful they are. That's why we women need to gain knowledge, the most powerful weapon of all. That's why my most frequent prayer is: "My Lord, increase me in knowledge" (20:114).
So, let's read in the name of our Lord, who created...let's read, because our Lord is the most generous, who taught by the pen that which man knew not :)
Your sister Serafina :)

Women / Re: Can a woman get the child custody in case of divorce?
« on: June 09, 2015, 12:39:09 AM »
As-salamu alaykum,
I've been waiting for an opinion or a response on this question for so long, but since noone has an answer, and I am unable to remove it, then all I can say is I'm sorry for any possible disturbance I ever caused with my frequent posts or questions.
God bless you all,
Your sister Seraphina Rosa

Discussions / Re: Antichrist Dajjal Laknatullah
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:57:38 PM »
Salam alaikum brother :) I get where you're coming from. Believe it or not, nearly everyone in this forum was in your position, so while researching we found brother Joseph, and then each-other (in this forum). Perhaps I'm wrong but it seems to me you haven't read the articles under the sections "Prophet Muhammad pbuh" and "Hadith". Here are three of them that might be useful to start with:
And in the end, let me remind you that we are muslims as well. I mean, we are neither Quranists nor hadith rejectors. We just want every single hadith to have support from Quran. After all, our Lord would never advice us to follow the example of a man who violated his laws/message, right?
Go through articles and you'll see what I mean.
God bless :)
Your sister Seraphina Rosa.

"To err on the side of caution" -Absolutely the best position my brother :)
God bless you too, have a nice weekend :)

Thank you brother Joseph for your eye-opening answer. That's what I've been trying to do all the time, and it's a great comfort to hear you confirming it.
Thank you others who posted as well.
Salamun alaikum :)

Yes sister Nura I have come accross those articles, and I have the same struggle with animal derived ingredients in soaps and shampoos. "100% herbal" products are very expensive, and you can't be clean without them. And, most of processed foods are not labeled "halal", and those that are, are more expensive than others. With economic crisis and high unemployed rates in many countries, knowing these answers for sure would ease us a lot, if not at expenses at least at choosing.
Hope brother Joseph manages to answer,
God bless you,
Your sister Seraphina ☺

With brother Joseph as khalifa and with Quran as constitution, yes, it would be possible :D
Excuse me for my sense of humour, now becoming serious - there is quite a bit of possibility if we'd have rulers who have studied the Quran and captured the correct way of applicating some laws which, to be honest, have been missinterpreted to suit the convenience of the rulers throughout the history. Take for example the concubinage, which was based on some quranic verses taken out of context, which allowed those rulers to have harems with hundreds of concubines.
But a ruler with Quran-centric approach and with Quran as constitution would be sucessful just like the state during our prophet Muhammad pbuh.
May God bless us all,
Your sister Seraphina :)

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