« on: March 02, 2015, 01:01:05 PM »
Salam bro & sis
thank you so much mr admin, Joseph Islam for your acknowledgement.
what i understood that this forum is to discuss about Islam (generally). so, we may discuss any issue regards Islam. Not just AlQuran,rite? (muzakarrah)
It is true what you have mentioned the concept of dajjal laknatullah as a figure has not support in AlQuran. BUT remember, Islam is just like a pair of wings (kalimah syahadah-Allah and Rasul). If you wanted to know AlQuran, you are also must know Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW (hadith). Because AlQuran been sent down to the earth BECAUSE of our Prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW. No one have the understanding of AlQuran except our Prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW. So, are you telling me that dajjal laknatullah is NOT a form of figure? What about our Prophet said that dajjal laknatullah is a kind of us (son of bani Adam a.s)?
Question: Is this belowmentioned has support in AlQuran?
"Allah gathered the whole of mankind and arranged it into separate groups according to their kinds or periods and gave them human shape and power of speech. Then He took a Covenant from them and made them witnesses concerning themselves and asked, `Am I not your Lord?' They answered, 'Most certainly, You alone are our Lord.' Then Allah said, `I ask the earth and the heavens and your father Adam to bear witness to this effect lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection that you had no knowledge of this. So note it well that none other than I is worthy of worship and that there is no other Lord than I. You should not set up any partner with Me. I will send to you My Messengers, who will remind you of this Covenant that you are Making with Me; I will also send My Book to you . At this the whole of mankind replied, "We bear witness to this: You alone are our Lord and our Deity: we have no other lord or deity than You."