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Topics - Alex_Abdullah

Dear Brother Jospeh,  :)

Asalamun Alaykum, First I highly respect your duty, effort and time put into this website & the work you produce I salute your work & efforts. Respect

I am 20 years Old from, London, UK. Been a muslim/mu'min for 2 years..

(1). What can I do "IF" my work does not allow me to pray ??
What alternatives are there speaking from your knowledge & experience?? It really upsets me I have realized too late, working in the west is going to be like this and guess I've got to accept it to have an income to support myself & family pay the poor due & so on! But as I say that, I feel to quit job until I can find a job that allows me to pray and friday or just the time off for jummah on friday.

(2). Is making wudu (ablution) at home then travelling to the mosque permitted if I stay clean of course??
I ask due to over crowded ablution rooms, attending late or unclean services (usually clean!)?

(3) What is your view on missing friday prayer (congregation) & are there exceptions using some of my reasons below (I don't intend to complain simply just concerns??

Some separate things which I missed it are::
Where I locally live, Many "masjids" (usually small) resemble social clubs, community centre's, it would be hard to describe them as a masjid built on righteousness for Allahs worship. The majority of the khutbahs, people's conversations/attittudes and priorities seem revolving around hadith, tradition, culture or some comedy session I dunno and somewhat a worldly materialistic life!? Each separate one with its own culture identity, sect, school of thought.. Anything but the QURAN and true islam.

I regularly attend East London Mosque, Regents park mosque, they are diverse masjids welcome everyone they're great and tick the boxes of being a righteous place worship for allah, clean, great other services.. BUT they are quite a distance from my house, and job in which I chose to miss jummah & instead try to pray with friends or just pray noon prayer myself

I understand its London not a warzone & perhaps I should attend anywhere & anyway.. But surely I should attend jummah standing in a proper masjid built on righteousness and be at peace in a place of worship devoted to Allah alone. (no hadith, culture,) only the quran

Additional information:

I start my new job next week 4th,February,2015, hence the "IF's". I hope to be prepared isnhallah and know the best solution/action to be taken, keeping duty to Allah best I can.

I have asked Allah for help & guidance and this site perhaps may be a source of it. Please pardon me if these questions may seem futile or not clear but this of importance to me!! I have felt somewhat lost and unsure of where I stand and what to do & do not intend to waste anyone's time.
