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Messages - relearning

during the first revelation if quran used she instead of he in arabic it would be total waste of time as arabs would completely reject it at once and it would have no chance of spreading as it is now.
forcing science boundaries in order to prove one's religion is dangerous because you took science over quran as validator and once science tells something opposite of quran you have two choices either accept it or live a hypocrisy reject science when it is not usefull.
not top ten but for my understanding the most important one is interpreting quran without historical and geographical context. not to take into consideration of time and place thats the most problematic view of quran which caused many sufferings!
General Discussions / Re: To Whom It May Concern
March 20, 2019, 03:13:55 PM
Women / Re: women paridise polygamy forced
March 20, 2019, 03:13:07 PM
easy mohammad easy. please instead of feeling pity and showing emotional outburst come with logic. Quranic description of heaven mainly targets the arabs likening (mainly male) of pleasures. This is also stated in many thinkers book as i remember one is Matorudi. chill out!
Women / Re: women paridise polygamy forced
March 19, 2019, 08:01:53 PM
Quran is mainly male centric and the people quran first addressed lived in a type of society where male dominates above females.They were having as many wife as they want and divorcing whenever they want. Divorcing old ones and marrying young teens. So these kind of heaven descriptions also followed their way of living and nobody complained then. There was no problem at all. But in this time and age when we women are empowering in many fields and society changes we have difficulties understanding these descriptions of heaven which is just like a typical arab of that time would love to have, would love to die for, would love to kill for. So if we put quran in a time and historical frame and only derive universal ideas and treat quran in this context our next generations may be away from deism!
It is all down to human individually.It goes like this: Some muslims are good some are bad, some atheists are good some are bad, some people are good some are bad. That's exactly what it is. No way one group of humanity perfect whereas the rest suck!
General Discussions / Re: To Whom It May Concern
March 19, 2019, 07:51:54 PM
Mohammad if you have children please dont do such as not bringing them to doctors or avoid vaccination. Although i suspect you have any child remembering how many times they become sick and need medical attention!
even these trivial things are not stated explicitly and clearly and paving road to disagreement between the followers of islam. but quran says it is crystal clear then i guess something is wrong...
its islamic sufism and mysticism which advocates for this position for them the words of the quran (arabic words) are a source of healing and blessing both for body and the soul. But i think their point is a serious cause for many problems which is very prevalent in islamic societies because it draws people away from logic and critical thinking.
this question is one of the bugs in the idea of god.
General Discussions / Re: Right hand and not left
November 07, 2018, 08:23:18 PM
for arabs right always better and superior to left. thats is a cultural phenomenon which again supports the idea that quran must be evaluated based on a cultural and historical framework.
it would be easy if god sent holy books in all languages with his chosen servants. why make things complicated for his servants? and also it would be great to update them each one hundred year because by time  language also changes.
Women / Re: Husband can beat ( not severe ) his wife
November 07, 2018, 08:13:25 PM
why dont we accept quran has a historical and cultural frame? its addressee is a desert village residents whom has very low idea of women. why are you putting yourself into trouble by forcing every ayat as universal? Hence putting yourself into trouble of going great lenghts to hack the meaning of words?
it is good to hear. i hope all your problems are solved by its entirety and inclusiveness. if all people were like you there wouldnt be any creeds which a source of pain nowadays as it has been so throughout the history.