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Messages - relearning

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General Discussions / Re: Doubts about 80:1
« on: August 16, 2016, 03:49:51 PM »
you can test your idea by answering the following question

to whom you think 80:6 80:10 verses addressing? the man who frowned and turned away? if it was not the prophet then quran talking to this man you think is the addressee? read it in this context then i think you will create more serious problems than you have in your mind just in order to fit prophet into the perfect image you have in your thoughts and beliefs.

General Discussions / Re:is quran crystal clear
« on: August 16, 2016, 03:33:18 PM »
a few points i want to address in the given replies.

Dear Wakas so at the end if it is subjective then it means it is not clear convincing proof then. so the claims in the excerpt short fall.

Dear good logic thanks for your answers. A messenger to clarify certain rites would direct you to sources other than  quran and it means quran is a historical document or needs other historical man made data to reach its goals. As i saw you willingly avoid answering if quran is bound by time and history. And the detail i gave wasnot the main theme of the question it was again an example to present that quran has a historical frame. But as i said above you avoid to give a clear answer to that assumption. By the way where does it say it is the last final message for the human kind? except for sayign the prophet is the last nabi (khatama nabiyana 33:40). Is this claim based on a quran?

For the "Ouli Al Albab" who are them can you point one? If you can point one then it means you are one of Ouli Al Albab. Because to point one you must be able to evaluate their level it means you are at least at their level.

Dear munir rana thanks to you also for your answers. "It would be more clear when  read it repeatedly and earnestly." is it a part of human psychology? the more you repeat the more you believe? like chanting your anthem? repeating something yourself in order to force yourself to believe it? is this the way to understand final message? force yourself to accept it read read read and keep reading untill your mind and heart and all human faculties surrender? Earnestly repeatedly... It doesnt talk to just anyone? Why? is it because it is a book for only guided? (2:2 There is no doubt that this book is a guide for the pious).

General Discussions / Re: is quran crystal clear?
« on: August 16, 2016, 03:09:59 PM »
When determining if something is "clear" or not - is this subjective? yes/no

If it is subjective then it is not universal that means it is not crystal clear then.

and also your evidence of using this ayat missing one point. This ayat puts prophet in the center aiming him. We are not him. We are not the direct addressee of this sentence. So using this evident is pointless for us muslims who are more than a thousand years away from the historical context of the prophets time. So as we need history we need every bits of information to enlighten the meanings of quran for us. So missing context of both historical time frame of quran is the main obstacle stands in front of us to understand it.

Yes but first of all ask yourself do you have to? Are you forced to become a believer? Or is it a result of a choice? I mean you were born in a society which had fixed ideas and beliefs a religion and as you live among them you are shaped by them. Where is free will? So even your life adventure of reaching reality truth is also valuable i think. It is not just accepting the confort having the idea that you are in the winner side just because you were born in that society and accepted their all belief without any scrunity. So even at the end you turn up an atheist or teist or deist or a muslim or a budisth whatever if it is a result of sincere work it will pay off somewhere i believe. 

General Discussions / Re: is quran crystal clear?
« on: July 29, 2016, 05:57:24 PM »
yes i am familiar but that doesnt stop many diverse-opposite opinions about the muhkam ayats as well. so would you kindly visit the numbered articles and reply  or just forget it =)

Peace relearning.

What you say below contradicts Qoran, quote:

Just wanted to point out this: with historical, social and time context you can have a better understanding of quran. So using sensible hadeeth which arenot contradicting with qurans clear guidelines hadeeth can also help to some degree o understand its context. Rejecting hadeeth completely is kinda turning your back to an invaluble historical evidences.

Qoran claims that GOD s words are sufficient and no other source is needed:
وَاتلُ ما أوحِىَ إِلَيكَ مِن كِتابِ رَبِّكَ لا مُبَدِّلَ لِكَلِمٰتِهِ وَلَن تَجِدَ مِن دونِهِ مُلتَحَدًا

You shall preach/recite... what is revealed to you from your Lord. Nothing shall replace/abrogate His words. And you should not find/use any other source.

GOD bless you.

Salam good logic i disagree with you we need sources other than quran even to study quran. Turning to a dictionary will be even against the logic which comes from your interpretation of the ayat. its by the way 18:27 in my quran you stated 19:27. Quran only approach has its flaws which starts when you see that in order to understand quran you need mortal people's books, dictionaries and writers of such books even dont have to be saints or prophets or messengers they can even be non muslims. Quran asks us to use our mind, logic, to wander around the earth to see what happened old societies even this requires sciences such as history, Archaeology etc.

Sorry for writing in sequences but one final note which strikes me that when quran gives authority to male over her wife it lists three action that he can take as a measure towards disloyal wife.
1-Rebuke them
2-Seperate their beds
3-Hit them

I want to focuse on option 2. If it was a society in which monogamy was dominant then this sanction actually is against the male. It would be like punishing male instead of mean taking into notice of sexual desires of male and femaly anatomy. But if it is a polygamy it makes very sense because of jealousy between wifes in order to be his favour. (yes women nature again)

Just wanted to point out this: with historical, social and time context you can have a better understanding of quran. So using sensible hadeeth which arenot contradicting with qurans clear guidelines hadeeth can also help to some degree o understand its context. Rejecting hadeeth completely is kinda turning your back to an invaluble historical evidences.

Islamic Duties / Re: Is Using Miswak is Sunna do we have to follow?
« on: April 07, 2016, 07:51:10 PM »
Some say using Miswak before Salaat as was done by our prophet therefore we have to follow as Sunnah? Thanks for sharing.

It was a tool which was used at the time and before the Prophet by people for teeth cleaning. It was what was available for them for their time and technology. What you shouldnt miss is the aim of using this it is:cleaning ones' teeth before praying. Therefore main theme here is being clean as you are a muslim who lives in this century to clean your teeth you have very modern ways at your disposal. Though it is your personal choice and right to use either mswak or modern tools.

I should also add that in divorcing process firstly men are given the order when you divorce your wifes.. (it firstly addressing male sexes because they are in charge they are the main addressee of the quran this feeling you will get when you read quran throghly. Also it states it never sent female prophets 016:043) so it has a male centric view which coincides with the fact that arabs were and are a male dominant society.

Without historical and social context you cant understand
1-beating wifes in case of their being disloyal 4:34 It was a man dominated society it was given authority over women.

2-and maidens with swelling breasts, like of age, 78:33 Arabs used to marry girls at their very early puberty ages.

3- They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearl, and their garments therein will be silk. 22:23 wearing gold and silk favoured for arabs.

4-Companions restrained (as to their glances), in (goodly) pavilions (tents) 55:72; Arabs lived in tents.

5-and all the river descriptions main theme being water which arabs lacked in deserts.

6-jinn: arabs already have a belief of jinn it was not introduced by quran as a new type of God's creature. It was believed and was seen as a source of power or to explain some phenomenons in the nature. Allah just corrected their wrong belief of seeing them as a source of power or authority beside God.

What i mean generally without understanding the context of quran which speaks to arabs at a given time and location we will lost the coordinates namely meanings of quran. Seeing quran as a timeless and locationless position giving it a situation over history of human kind is false position and it even goes against the qurans' order of to use our minds.

I dont agree with the point "a" because it is against the development. It creates dogma fixed ideas and it is the end of change both in the good and bad sense. We try to close the history of humankind by a false assumption that quran is a seal ended every dispute and again assume quran as clear as that anyone with average mind would benefit from. It is not, it's just a revelation reflected through Arabian customs and an Arabian prophet. It is not the end of human progress and development. Instead its showing us the general guidlines that we must take notice and derive from new insights which will accomodate today's needs. So any approach to quran accepting its ultimate end of human history and taking it literally will end up a great failure attempt of civilization experiment.

I agree with point "b" because everything can be expressed with relative to something. There must be a frame that something must relate and find its place so that it can have a meaning. Quran without its historical and cultural aspects wouldnt be understood. And that doesnt make it less valuable. Quran for example is in Arabic so language is a context frame a dictionary is a tool in that sense hadeeths and any historical evidence are also required to understand Quran. Again that doesnt mean to take what hadeeth and historical context say as ultimate truth.

Women / Re: Is Head covering compulsory according to Quran?
« on: April 04, 2016, 05:55:10 PM »
Salam all Head covering is not ordained by Quran it says cover your bosoms with a piece of cloth that's all. Don't go into any Hadith but follow only Quran.

you can indeed follow a hadith if it is not contradicting with Quran's clear prescriptions, orders, directives. Total rejection is as wrong as total submission.

Peace relearning.
How are humans being tested? What is a test?

Only GOD has the choice of how to test us.

The main message is the same in all the scriptures. Submission and total loyalty to GOD Alone.
Since Qoran was the last scripture ,GOD has made sure all the generations that follow will have access to it.

GOD bless you.

What are you saying about that only God has the choice of how to test us is factual or normative?

As for if the message was same then what i say why their sources werenot protected to that level of Quran so what you are claiming that all the message being same would be followed by all generations easily from all different religions. Because at the current picture religions doesnt seem to unite in this very core point but even a religion itself is being dividing into sects which increase with each day passes.

Our brains do funny things to us. Even though we say we don't follow the later Islamic traditions, we read everything through a lense.

The text says nothing about corruption of previous scripture, but because our minds have been formed by traditions, we read it as if it does.

The Qur'an being "A Guardian" implies the opposite to what is being interpreted here. Guarding something assumes that it is not corrupted. Why would the Qur'an Guard something that is corrupt? That is an insult to the Qur'an.

We can be Qu'ran centric, but reading with a starting mindset, we can be far from the Qur'ans message.


I dont mean the Quran must guard corrupted texts etc. I meant why this favour bestowed on us looking at the situation Quran contains ayat that it is under the protection of god and as it seems in the world we have one text mainly regarding quran but for other inspirations they are not given priviledge of being preserved in their original states many bible text including old and new its like through the eyes of a third human being i dont see any god talking there. Lots of canonizations gospels a diversity of sayings from old times. They are just reflections of what is left from inspirations and transferred from generation to generation like legends fables. I mean would not you envy Quran's physically being guarded if you were a jew or christian? Or what i understand from being guarded regarding quran is wrong and there is no promise for text to be guarded by god?

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