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Messages - Mubashir

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General Discussions / 59:2
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:37:00 PM »
Salam Friends

59:2 [Asad] He it is who turned out of their homes, at the time of [their] first gathering [for war], such of the followers of earlier revelation as were bent on denying the truth. You did not think [O believers] that they would depart [without resistance] - just as they thought that their strongholds would protect them against God: but God came upon them in a manner which they had not expected, and cast terror into their hearts; [and thus] they destroyed their homes by their own hands as well as the hands of the believers. Learn a lesson, then, O you who are endowed with insight!

Question: The People of the Book believe in God. Why would they, then, think that they needed protected against God?

One would think  that their strongholds would protect them against their enemies? Or does it mean that their stronghold would protect them against the Muslim God (who they, perhaps, thought was different than theirs)?

General Discussions / Atmam Hujjat and freedom of belief
« on: November 29, 2012, 12:28:02 PM »
Javed Ghamdi explains his view about Punishment for Apostasy. He seems to be a big believer in "Atmam Hujjat" and says killing of those rejecting Islam and punishment of those who wanted to leave it is Quran-based, but limited to the era of the blessed Rasool. It is not applicable for all other times.

How are we, then to understand scores of verses of the Qur'an that show freedom for others to choose Islam or to reject it which were revealed to the blessed Messenger for the people he was dealing with.

Seems as if he is opening up Islam to the accusation that Muslims talk about peace and tolerance and freedom of religion only as long as they don't have power. Once they do, their story changes.

Javed Ghamdi believes that once a Messenger provides enough proof of his mission (Atmam Hujjat), people have two choices; To accept it or to reject it. If they reject it, they are liable to be punished. He rationalizes it by giving examples of those who were punished by natural disasters when they were warned by previous Messengers including Messenger Lot. In the case of the blessed Messenger Muhammad, he says sometimes Allah punishes the rejecters by believers once they have enough power.

Here is the relevant part from a long article (

2. The Punishment of Apostasy

The answer to the second question is that the punishment of apostasy has arisen by misunderstanding a Ḥadīth. This Ḥadīth has been narrated by Ibn Abbās in the following way:

مَنْ بَدَّلَ دِينَهُ فَاقْتُلُوهُ (بخاري، رقم: 3017)

Execute the person who changes his faith. (Bukhārī, No: 3017)

Our jurists regard this verdict to have a general application for all times upon every Muslim who renounces his faith from the times of the Prophet (sws) to the Day of Judgement. In their opinion, this Ḥadīth warrants the death penalty for every Muslim who, out of his own free will, becomes a disbeliever. In this matter, the only point in which there is a disagreement among the jurists is whether an apostate should be granted time for repentance before executing him, and if so what should be the extent of this period. The Hanafite jurists however, exempt women from this punishment. Apart from them, there is a general consensus among the jurists that every apostate, man or woman, should be punished by death.

In the opinion of this writer, this view of our jurists is not correct. The verdict pronounced in this Ḥadīth has a specific application and not a general one: It is only confined to the people towards whom the Prophet (sws) had been directly assigned. The Qur’ān uses the words Mushrikīn and Ummiyyīn for these people.

I now elaborate upon this view.

In this world, we are well aware of the fact that life has been endowed to us not because it is our right but because it is a trial and a test for us. Death puts an end to it whenever the duration of this test is over, as deemed by the Almighty. Commonly, He fixes the length of this period on the basis of His knowledge and wisdom. However, in case of the direct and foremost addressees of a rasūl (Messenger of Allah), once the truth is unveiled to them in its ultimate form after which they have no excuse but stubbornness and enmity to deny it, they lose their right to live. The Almighty had blessed them with life to try and test them, and since after اِِتْمَام الحُُجَّة (itmām al-ḥujjah6) this trial becomes totally complete, therefore the law of the Almighty in this regard is that generally such people are not given any further right to live and the death sentence is imposed upon them.

This punishment is enforced upon the direct addressees of a rasūl in one of the two ways depending upon the situation which arises. In the first case, after accomplishing اِتْمَامُ الحُجَّة (itmām al-ḥujjah) upon his nation, a rasūl and his companions (rta) not being able to achieve political ascendancy in their territory migrate from their people. In this case, Divine punishment descends upon their nation in the form of raging storms, cyclones and other calamities, which completely destroy them. The tribes of A^d and Thamūd and the people of Noah (sws) and Lot (sws) besides many other nations met with this dreadful fate, as is mentioned in the Qur’ān. In the second case, a rasūl and his companions are able to acquire political ascendancy in a land where after accomplishing اِتْمَامُ الحُجَّة (itmām al-ḥujjah) upon their people they migrate. In this case, a rasūl and his companions subdue their nation by force, and execute them if they do not accept faith. It was this situation which had arisen in the case of the rasūl Muhammad (sws). On account of this, the Almighty bade him to declare that those people among the Ummiyyīn who had not accepted faith until the day of Ḥajj al-Akbar (9th hijrah) should be given a final extension by a proclamation made in the field of ‘Arafāt on that day. According to the proclamation, this final extension would end with the last day of the month of Muḥarram, during which they had to accept faith, or face execution at the end of that period. The Qur’ān says:

فَإِذَا انسَلَخَ الْأَشْهُرُ الْحُرُمُ فَاقْتُلُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَيْثُ وَجَدْتُمُوهُمْ وَخُذُوهُمْ وَاحْصُرُوهُمْ وَاقْعُدُوا لَهُمْ كُلَّ مَرْصَدٍ فَإِنْ تَابُوا وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآتَوْا الزَّكَاةَ فَخَلُّوا سَبِيلَهُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ (5:9)

When the forbidden months are over, slay the Idolaters wherever you find them. Seize them, besiege them and every where lie in ambush for them. But if they repent from their ill beliefs and establish the prayer and pay zakāh, then spare their lives. God is Most-Forgiving and Ever-Merciful. (9:5)

A Ḥadīth illustrates this law in the following manner:

أُمِرْتُ أَنْ أُقَاتِلَ النَّاسَ حَتَّى يَشْهَدُوا أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَأَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ وَيُقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَيُؤْتُوا الزَّكَاةَ فَإِذَا فَعَلُوا ذَلِكَ عَصَمُوا مِنِّي دِمَاءَهُمْ وَأَمْوَالَهُمْ إِلَّا بِحَقِّ الْإِسْلَامِ وَحِسَابُهُمْ عَلَى اللَّهِ (مسلم ، رقم : 22)

I have been directed to wage war against these people until they testify to the oneness of God and to the prophethood of Muhammad, establish the prayer and pay zakāh. If they accept these terms, their lives will be spared except if they commit some other violation that entails their execution by Islamic law and [in the Hereafter] their account rests with God. (Muslim, No: 22)

This law, as has been stated before, is specifically meant for the Ummiyyīn or the people towards whom Muhammad (sws) had been directly assigned. Apart from them, it has no bearing upon any other person or nation. So much so, even the people of the Book who were present in his times were exempted from this law by the Qur’ān. Consequently, where the death penalty for the Ummiyyīn is mentioned in the Qur’ān, adjacent to it has also been stated in unequivocal terms that the people of the Book shall be spared and granted citizenship if they pay jizyah. The Qur’ān says:

قَاتِلُوا الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَلَا بِالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَلَا يُحَرِّمُونَ مَا حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَلَا يَدِينُونَ دِينَ الْحَقِّ مِنْ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ حَتَّى يُعْطُوا الْجِزْيَةَ عَنْ يَدٍ وَهُمْ صَاغِرُونَ (29:9)

Fight against those among the people of the Book who believe not in God nor in the Last Day, and who do not forbid what God and His Prophet have forbidden and do not accept the religion of truth as their own religion, until they pay jizyah out of subjugation and lead a life of submission. (9:29)

The foregoing discussion, outlines a law of the Almighty. There is a natural corollary to this Divine law as obvious as the law itself. As stated earlier, the death penalty had been imposed upon the Ummiyyīn if they did not accept faith after a certain period. Hence, it follows that if a person among the Ummiyyīn after accepting faith reverted to his original state of disbelief, he had to face the same penalty. Indeed, it is this reversion about which the Prophet (sws) is reported to have said: “Execute the person who changes his faith.”

The relative pronoun “who” in the above quoted Ḥadīth qualifies the Ummiyyīn just as the words “the people” (al-nās) in the Ḥadīth quoted earlier are specifically meant for the Ummiyyīn. When the basis of this law as narrated in these Aḥādīth has been specified in the Qur’ān, then quite naturally this specification should also be sustained in the corollary of the law. Our jurists have committed the cardinal mistake of not relating the relative pronoun “who” in the Ḥadīth “Execute the person who changes his faith” with its basis in the Qur’ān as they have done in the case of “the people” (al-nās) of the Ḥadīth quoted above. Instead of interpreting the Ḥadīth in the light of the relationship between the Qur’ān and Ḥadīth, they have interpreted it in the absolute sense, totally against the context of the Qur’ān. Consequently, in their opinion the verdict pronounced in the Ḥadīth has a general and an unconditional application. They have thereby incorporated in the Islamic Penal Code a punishment which has no basis in the sharī‘ah.

General Discussions / Re: Prophet Abraham asked to sacrifice his son?
« on: October 31, 2012, 02:35:47 AM »
Good point Wakas. The great sacrifice also involved Ibrahim's separation from his wife and Ismail !!

General Discussions / Re: To defend the Hadith, attack the Qur'an !
« on: October 31, 2012, 02:01:22 AM »
Now someone knowing Arabic says that the word "sim" used in the Arabic text of the Hadith does not mean "Poison" but toxins that the body produces and the word Sahar can also mean an external element potentially harmful for the body.

In other words, the Urdu translation of the Hadith was way off!!

General Discussions / Re: Prophet Abraham asked to sacrifice his son?
« on: October 30, 2012, 11:01:23 PM »
Salam All

To consider a new perspective, some have suggested that this was not at all about slaughtering Ibrahim's son!! (Which is why Ibrahim asked his son's opinion). It was about a journey to a barren land where both father and son were to go and establish a House dedicated to Allah Alone. The sacrifice was about (they say) leaving all the comforts of home and migrating to an inhospitable spot! Do these translators have a case. Here is one by Dr. Kamal Omar who is mostly traditional (unlike Parwez or Dr. Shabbir):

37:102 So when he attained (reached the age of), ‘striving and effort along with him’, he (the father) said: “O my little son! I do see during the sleep that I will offer you in sacrifice (to some Cause of Allah), so look what you think.” He said: “O my dear father! Implement what you would be commanded; soon you would find me, in-shaa-Allaho [if Allah (so) willed] out of those who patiently persevere ."

37:103 So when both submitted (themselves), and he (Ibrahim) made him (Ismaiel) ready for Al-Jabeen [the forehead (i.e., , the events which Ismaiel would face as a sacrifice in the Way of Allah)] ,

37:104 instantly, We called out to him (saying) that: " O Ibrahim!

37:105 Indeed, you have fulfilled the vision (dream)!” Verily, thus We do reward the Muhsinun .

37:106 Verily, this (vision): indeed that (is) an obvious test and preparation!

37:107 And We interpreted unto him (the contents of the vision, and physically implemented Our Plan) through a Great Sacrifice .

37:108 And We established for him among the later generations —

General Discussions / To defend the Hadith, attack the Qur'an !
« on: October 30, 2012, 06:58:41 AM »
On Facebook, a Bukari hadith has been quoted where the blessed Messenger is supposed to have said that those who eat Aujora Dates, can stay safe from poison and magical spells.

When someone challenged Ahl e Hadith to prove this by eating these dates and then consuming rat poison, a response came that said (quoting 8:65):

"First Let 20 Quranists (called Parwezis) challenge 200 Kuffars to a fight and prove that they can beat them. If they beat them, they have a point".

So, instead of admitting that the Hadith could have been misreported, they cleverly turn around and indirectly attack the Quran. What a a way to go!!

Women / Re: Results of Taliban's twisted application of Sharia !!
« on: October 17, 2012, 01:15:56 AM »
Salam Brother

I agree. The scary part is that when people commit such crimes in the name of God and His Messenger, they feel no remorse! They have pledged to kill her if she survives!! In their minds if they kill [or die in] in this process, they think they are still the winners!!

Discussions / Israeli General's son calls Israeli Army "Terrorist Army"
« on: October 15, 2012, 11:35:37 AM »
Please don't miss watching. A real eye opener!!

Women / Results of Taliban's twisted application of Sharia !!
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:22:53 AM »
: The banned militant organisation Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which claimed responsibility of shooting 14-year-old peace activist Malala Yousafzai in the head, issued a statement Wednesday, using Islamic Shariah to defend the attack.
In the statement sent out by TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan from an undisclosed location, the banned outfit said that although they do not believe in attacking women, “whom so ever leads a campaign against Islam and Shariah is ordered to be killed by Shariah.”
The assassination attempt on the life of the young National Peace Award winner has drawn widespread condemnation from the government, political parties and civil society groups, terming it a bid to silent voice for peace and education.
The statement says that it is “not just allowed … but obligatory in Islam” to kill such a person involved “in leading a campaign against Shariah and (who) tries to involve whole community in such campaign, and that personality becomes a symbol of anti-Shariah campaign.”
Malala had won international recognition for highlighting Taliban atrocities in Swat with a blog for the BBC three years ago, when the Islamist militants burned girls’ schools and terrorised the valley.
Her struggle resonated with tens of thousands of girls who were being denied an education by the militants across northwest Pakistan, where the government has been fighting the local Taliban since 2007.
The Taliban statement further challenges – with Quranic and religious references – condemnation of the assassination attempt on the tender-aged girl, adding that it is a clear command of Shariah that any female playing a role in “war against mujahideen” should be killed.
“If anyone argues that she was female, and then we can see the incident of killing of wife by a blind companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) because she used to say demeaning words for the Prophet and the Prophet praised that act,” it argues equating the TTP act with that of a the prophet’s companion.
The statement goes on to defend the attack with a reference from the time of Hazrat Khizar, a revered figure in Islamic history who was described as a righteous servant of God and endowed with the qualities of unmatched wisdom and mystic power.
“If anyone argues about her young age, then the story of Hazrat Khizar in the Quran (states that) while traveling with Prophet Musa (AS), (he) killed a child. Arguing about the reason of his killing, he said that the parents of this child were pious and in the future he (the child) would cause a bad name for them,” adds the statement.
Malala Yousufzai, who was also nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize by advocacy group KidsRights Foundation in 2011, had raised her voice against the militants’ ban on and threats against education for women in Swat.
The Taliban spokesman defends the education-ban in the statement, saying: “Tehrik-i-Taliban’s crime wasn’t that they banned education for girls. Instead, our crime was that we tried to bring education system for both boys and girls under Shariah. We are against co-education and secular education system, and Shariah orders us to be against it.”
The statement further defends the assassination attempt, blaming the media for spreading “propaganda against Taliban mujahideen with their poisonous tongues.”
“If anyone thinks that Malala was targeted because of education, that is absolutely wrong, and propaganda of media. Malala was targeted because of her pioneer role in preaching secularism and so called enlightened moderation. And whomsoever will commit so in future too will be targeted again by TTP,” it adds.
Zahir Shah Sherazi contributed to reporting for this article.

General Discussions / Re: Our Way or Allah's Way?
« on: September 28, 2012, 12:38:20 AM »
Dear Brother Salam

We can produce all kinds of videos while making sure we do not include material that exists in Hadith and Seera books that paints the blessed Messenger in a bad way.

Problem is that now we will be accused of producing a sanitized version by those who know about their existence.

We need to drain the swamp to get rid of the mosquitos. This is easier said than done as long as majority feels that Hadith is "other part of Wahi" and is essential in explaining the Qur'an. They have the same devotion to Seera Books and often quote them as thought they were authentic just because of their being "original sources".

Those wishing to punish others for insulting the blessed Messenger often quote the following from the Qur'an in support of their actions.

5:33 It is but a just recompense for those who make war on God and His apostle, and endeavour to spread corruption on earth, that they are being slain in great' numbers, or crucified in great numbers, or have, in l' result of their perverseness, their hands and feet cut off in great numbers, or are being [entirely] banished from [the face of] the earth: such is their ignominy in this world. But in the life to come [yet more] awesome suffering awaits them-

This contrasts with numerous verses advising the Messenger to deal with those insulting him with dignified patience.

How best should 5:33 be interpreted and for what situations it came into effect or comes into effect?

Thanks in advance

General Discussions / Re: Wahi and 33:62 ?
« on: September 25, 2012, 11:40:32 PM »

Let us see what the verse (33:62) says:

33:62 Such has been God’s way with those who [sinned in like manner and] passed away aforetime - and never wilt thou find any change in God’s way!

If we read the context, then clearly it is referring to Allahs Way of dealing with those who oppose and misbehave. Let us start from 33:60

THUS IT IS: if the hypocrites, and they in whose hearts is disease, and they who, by spreading false rumours, would cause disturbances in the City [of the Prophet] desist not [from their hostile doings]. We shall indeed give thee mastery over them, [O Muhammad] - and then they will not remain thy neighbours in this [city] for more than a little while:

33:61 bereft of God’s grace, they shall be seized wherever they may be found, and slain one and all.

Judging from the above is is not clear Allah is referring to His Law (which He never changes) is about human (mis) behaviour and not laws concerning physics and science?

Based on the above misinterpretation, many have rejected the possibility of miracles in Qur'an thereby end up with strange interpretations of certain verses like birth of Jesus and the rod of Moses.

That said, to be honest, I sometimes have difficulty in understanding certain verses like Birds dropping stones from the sky, ants and birds talking like humans. I suspect, these may be related to having a proper understanding the way certain things are allegorically explained in the Arabic language, but I am not sure.

An ancient scrap of papyrus makes explicit reference to Jesus having a wife, according to a renowned expert in Christian history.

Harvard divinity professor Karen King unveiled the 4th-Century Coptic script at a conference in Rome.

She said researchers had identified the words "Jesus said to them, 'my wife'", which might refer to Mary Magdalene.

Christian tradition holds that Jesus did not marry - but Ms King said in early years it was subject to debate.

The provocative find could spark debate over celibacy and the role of women within Christianity, she added.

But the announcement sparked scepticism from some theologians.

Jim West, a professor and Baptist pastor in Tennessee, said: "A statement on a papyrus fragment isn't proof of anything. It's nothing more than a statement 'in thin air', without substantial context."

Ms King said the fragment, written in ancient Egyptian Coptic, is the first known scripture in which Jesus is reported to cite his wife.

She said several experts agree the yellowish brown papyrus is authentic, but that "final judgment on the fragment depends on further examination by colleagues and further testing, especially of the chemical composition of the ink".

'Worthy disciple'

A video filmed by Harvard University reveals experts were "sceptical" before examining the ancient scrap of papyrus
Although the script is not proof of Jesus's marital status, Ms King said it revealed concerns early Christians faced with regards to family and marriage matters.

"This fragment suggests that some early Christians had a tradition that Jesus was married," she said.

"From the very beginning, Christians disagreed about whether it was better not to marry, but it was over a century after Jesus's death before they began appealing to Jesus's marital status to support their positions.

"What this shows is that there were early Christians for whom sexual union in marriage could be an imitation of God's creativity and generativity and it could be spiritually proper and appropriate."

According to Ms King's research team, the text also quotes Jesus as telling his followers that Mary Magdalene is worthy of being his disciple.

This, in turn, casts new doubt on the long-held belief that Jesus had no female disciples, and raises issues about Mary's biblical role as a sinner, they said.

Ms King presented the document at a six-day conference held at Rome's La Sapienza University and at the Augustinianum institute of the Pontifical Lateran University.

The faded papyrus is hardly bigger than a business card and has eight lines on one side, in black ink legible under a magnifying glass.

The private collector, who owns the fragment, has asked to remain anonymous because "he doesn't want to be hounded by people who want to buy this", Ms King said.

Full Story at:

General Discussions / Re: Our Way or Allah's Way?
« on: September 19, 2012, 08:20:55 AM »
Salam Sister Saba, Here is the complete article by Tawfik Hamid complete with references:

Underlying Factors behind Muslims Riots
By Tawfik Hamid

The film" Innocence of Muslims" which denigrates Islam's prophet Muhammad has sparked violent protests in many Muslim countries. Violent demonstrations initially erupted in Cairo followed by Libya in which the U.S. ambassador was killed. Later on, the furious demonstrations of Muslims spread globally. This problem can affect future relations between the U.S. and several Muslim countries. Additionally, the angry Muslim reaction can affect the handover of power in Afghanistan.

It is vital to understand the underlying causes that led to such furious reactions against the U.S.

The following components played a role in creating such a reaction:
 Religious Factors

Mainstream sources of Islamic law establish the principle that anyone who insults the prophet Mohamed MUST be killed without even giving them a chance to repent. The existence of such laws creates a mindset among many Muslims that justifies the use of violence against those who are perceived as insulting the Prophet. The violence in such cases may not be limited to those who are directly engaged in the insult, but it also affects those who gave them the freedom to do this. Thus, for instance, the U.S. is seen by many Muslims as a co-conspirator to insulting the founder of Islam.

Love to the Prophet

According to traditional Islamic teaching, in the Day of Judgment, Allah will order the Muslim sinners to go to hell. As related in one of the most reputable, classical collections of the sayings of Mohamed, the Hadith of Al-Bukhari, Muslims will then go to the prophet Mohamed to complain. The Prophet will do intercession (or 'Shafaa') to ask Allah to change his decision and allow them into the Paradise. Allah - according to the story - will do this for the sake of Mohamed. This creates unparalleled love to the Prophet and makes many Muslims ready to defend him or his name with their lives as they feel that if they did not show anger toward those who insult him they may not be qualified to get his personal intercessions. The vivid descriptions of the torturing methods in Hell in Islamic core texts create a level of fear in Muslims' minds that partially explain this fury to support the prophet just to avoid Hell.

Lack of important Cognitive Associations
Appeasement of the Islamists has impeded a vital cognitive process in human minds that is vital to prevent such furious reactions.
The human mind learns via creating certain associations. For example, if a student did not study and thus failed an exam, their mind will realize that this failure is their fault. This may lead the student to study hard to avoid failure in the next exam. If someone persuaded this student that their failure is NOT because of negligence, but rather because someone hates them, the student will not develop the vital association between a lack of studying and failure and will thus likely do the same mistake and fail again.

A similar problem exists in dealing with the Muslim world.
 If Muslims had learnt that the negative image of Islam in the West is NOT the result of unconditional hatred to Islam as they think, but rather a consequence to the violent deeds of Radical Muslims all over the world, their brains would have created the vital mental association that would have encouraged them to fight radicalism in their own societies and thus improve the image of Islam.
Apologetic attitudes toward Radical Islam that tried to blame the West for the development of Islamophobia instead of blaming the Radical Islamists have actually made things worse as they prevented the development of such vital mind links. As a result, the Muslim world keeps blaming the West and the U.S. for the negative image of their religion instead of engaging in efforts to reform their religion, reduce or eliminate violence, and thus decrease the criticism of Islam.

Confrontation between Delusions and Reality
On one hand, many Muslims strongly believe that Mohamed is the best human being in everything and the best role model for mankind {Quran 33:21 There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often}. In some Muslims' minds, these feelings can reach the level of delusions. On the other hand, mainstream Islamic books teach that the Prophet married a child of 6 consummated marriage at 9 years old [1,2], used to have sex with 9 wives in one night [3,4], had romantic feelings toward the wife of his adopted son and that a Quranic revelation made his son in law divorce his wife so that Mohamed can marry her[5]. Furthermore, authentic Hadith books mentioned that Mohamed killed all the men of some Jewish tribes, took the wife of the Jewish leader to have sex with her after killing her husband [6,7,8], and that he encouraged the killing of a respected old lady called Um-Querfa [9,10] in an extremely brutal manner because she criticized him.
Many Muslims feel disgusted of such stories, but they have to suppress their feelings and live in their 'Delusions' that Mohamed is the best role model for the world. The recent film depicted these stories in a way that released the suppressed conscious from its inhibition - and thus created a confrontation between the 'Reality' (as described in authentic Islamic books) and the 'Delusions'. It is known that confronting Delusions with Reality can cause severe agitation. This complex mental phenomenon may explain the aggressive and furious reaction of some Muslims in response to the film.

 To a great extent, anti-Americanism in the Muslim world stems from the supremacy feelings of the Islamists that the Muslim world must be the most superior power in the world - as it used to be at some stage of history. These feelings of supremacy have been nourished by the media, education, and religious teachings in several parts of the Islamic world. The film was an opportunity for Islamists to achieve a false feeling of 'victory' over the U.S. - as many radical Muslims feel that invading the U.S. embassies, removing its flag and replacing it with the Islamic flag is a sign of victory (or superiority) over America. In fact, some Islamists in Egypt called the attack on the U.S. embassy "Gazwat Al-Sifara" which means the Islamic raid of the (U.S.) embassy. This description makes Islamists live again in the spirit of the early Islamic conquests and victorious raids against the "Un-believers".

To conclude, the violent reaction of Muslims against the U.S. is the outcome of several factors. Understanding these factors is vital to developing effective approaches to deal with the Muslim world - profuse apologies and appeasement will not work. The US need to stand for its core values of freedom and liberty and must work on developing more comprehensive strategy to confront the phenomenon of Radical Islam.

[1] Sahih Bukhari Narrated Aisha: The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age. Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234
[2] Sahih Bukhari Narrated 'Aisha: I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fateh-al-Bari page 143, Vol.13) Volume 8, Book 73, Number 151
[3] Narrated Qatada:
Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men) to do sex." And Sa'id said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven). (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268)
[4] Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet used to visit all his wives in one night and he had nine wives at that time. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 5, Number 282; see also parallel hadiths in Vol. 7, Book 62, Numbers 6 and 142)

[5] See Tafeer Al-Shawkani [in Arabic] for {Quran 33: 37-40} Published by Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi p. 510. Tafseer Al-Shawkani described that after the Quranic revelation {Quran 33: 37-40} Mohamed entered the room of Zeinab to have sex with her without permission, without contract, and without dowry....

[6] Sahih al-Bukhari Narrated Abdul Aziz: Anas said, ".....We conquered Khaibar, took the captives, and the booty was collected. Dihya came and said, 'O Allah's Prophet! Give me a slave girl from the captives.' The Prophet said, 'Go and take any slave girl.' He took Safiya bint Huyai. A man came to the Prophet and said, 'O Allah's Apostle! You gave Safiya bint Huyai to Dihya and she is the chief mistress of the tribes of Quraiza and An-Nadir and she befits none but you.' So the Prophet said, 'Bring him along with her.' So Dihya came with her and when the Prophet saw her, he said to Dihya, 'Take any slave girl other than her from the captives.'" Anas added: "The Prophet then manumitted her and married her." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 8, Number 367)
[7] Sahih MuslimBook 008, Number 3329:

Anas, (Allah be pleased with him)reported: Safiyya (Allah be pleased with her) fell to the lot of Dihya in thespoils of war, and they praised her in the presence of Allah's Messenger (maypeace be upon him) and said: We have not seen the like of her among thecaptives of war. He sent (a messenger) to Dihya and he gave him whatever hedemanded.

[8] Book of Tabaqat by Sad (andIshaq)"

Safia was groomed and made-up forthe Prophet by Umm Sulaim, the mother of Anas ibn Malik. They spent the nightthere. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari guarded the tent of the Prophet the whole night.When, in the early dawn, the Prophet saw Abu Ayyub strolling up and down, heasked him what he meant by this sentry-go; he replied: "I was afraid foryou with this young lady. You had killed her father, her husband and many ofher relatives, and till recently she was an unbeliever. I was really afraid foryou on her account". The Prophet prayed for Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (Ibn Hisham,p. 766)
[9] Tabari: Allah's Messenger sent Zayd to WadiQura, where he encountered the Banu Fazarah. Some of his Companions werekilled, and Zayd was carried away wounded. Ward was slain by the Banu Badr.When Zayd returned, he vowed that no washing should touch his head until he hadraided the Fazarah. After he recovered, Muhammad sent him with an army againstthe Fazarah settlement. He met them in Qura and inflicted casualties on themand took Umm Qirfah prisoner. He also took one of Umm's daughters and Abdallahbin Mas'adah prisoner. Zyad bin Harithah ordered Qays to kill Umm, and he killed her cruelly. He tied each of her legs with a ropeand tied the ropes to two camels, and they split her in two. Tabari Vol.8:Page.96...
[10] Ibn Ishaq continues: Then they brought Umm Qirfa's daughterand Mas'ada's son to the apostle. The daughter of Umm Qirfa belonged to Salamab. Amr b. al-Akwa who had taken her. She held aposition of honor among her people, and the Arabs used to say, "Had you beenmore powerful than Umm Qirfa you could have done no more". Salama asked theapostle to let him have her and he gave her to him and he presented her to hisuncle Hazn b. Abu Wahb and she bare him Abdul-Rahman . Hazn. Ibn Ishaq 980

General Discussions / Re: Our Way or Allah's Way?
« on: September 19, 2012, 02:16:22 AM »

We also need to acknowledge the fact that people who are attacking Islam get their ammunition from books of Seerah and Hadith ! Clean them up. Muslims find some material there unsuitable but since they can't seem to explain it, they would rather people shut up under threat of violence.

I recently read an article by Tawfik Hamid. Attempting to understand why Muslims react to real of perceived insults to the Messenger, he says:

"....Confrontation between Delusions and Reality

On one hand, many Muslims strongly believe that Mohamed is the best human being in everything and the best role model for mankind {Quran 33:21 There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often}. In some Muslims' minds, these feelings can reach the level of delusions. On the other hand, mainstream Islamic books teach that the Prophet married a child of 6 consummated marriage at 9 years old [1,2], used to have sex with 9 wives in one night [3,4], had romantic feelings toward the wife of his adopted son and that a Quranic revelation made his son in law divorce his wife so that Mohamed can marry her[5]. Furthermore, authentic Hadith books mentioned that Mohamed killed all the men of some Jewish tribes, took the wife of the Jewish leader to have sex with her after killing her husband [6,7,8], and that he encouraged the killing of a respected old lady called Um-Querfa [9,10] in an extremely brutal manner because she criticized him.
Many Muslims feel disgusted of such stories, but they have to suppress their feelings and live in their 'Delusions' that Mohamed is the best role model for the world. The recent film depicted these stories in a way that released the suppressed conscious from its inhibition - and thus created a confrontation between the 'Reality' (as described in authentic Islamic books) and the 'Delusions'. It is known that confronting Delusions with Reality can cause severe agitation. This complex mental phenomenon may explain the aggressive and furious reaction of some Muslims in response to the film. ...."

In support of his views above, he provides references to Seerah and Hadith Books.

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