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Topics - Reader Questions

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Dear brother Joseph Islam,  Assalamu alaikum WR WB & Ramadan Kareem!

Have you written any article on when a day begins in Islam (whether at Magrib or Fajr)?  Or can you provide brief notes on this question based on Quran (at your convenience only)

Take care always

Thanks, regards

Hello Joseph,
I came across your site while searching. I am interested in Islam and need some questions answered to help me understand better.
a. Where is Allah?
b. What does Allah look like?
c. What is his history?
Thank you so much for your time.
Very best regards

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Fasting Whilst Pregnant
« on: July 02, 2014, 09:33:02 AM »
Salaam brother Joseph.

I wanted to ask you what the ruling on fasting is for an expectant mom. I'm in my 3rd trimester and I always keep fast in Ramadan sincerely but I can't this time. So I paid another person to do it for me but I'm told I need to make up these 30 day fasts later when I can. Is that correct as per the Quran? Also am I supposed to fast in this condition or even when I'm breastfeeding my child? Because that would be quite difficult too. Please help. Thank you.



I personally have no problems joining the Tarawih prayers for the sake of God, in His remembrance alone and most importantly, as another opportunity to listen to the Quran with a view to continue to extract its pearls of wisdom and instructions. It is a good practice.


I only see a particular practice of a people as 'Unquranic' if

  • It contravenes explicit Quranic narratives or the overarching guidance of the Quran.
  • It is practiced as an authoritative part of religion (i.e. prescribed by God for His Servants) when there is no proof of this from the Quran

Ultimately, in my humble view, it comes down to intentions. If you are joining Tarawih prayers because you understand it to be prescribed by God on His servants in the same manner as say, fasting, or regular prayers, then this thought is 'unquranic'. If however, you are joining such prayers as good practice in the remembrance of God, or as an opportunity to refresh your knowledge of the content of the Quran, then I see no problems with this from a Quran's perspective.


One is not responsible for the thoughts or theological understanding of others. It may well be the case that their intention is good and that their theological position is based on the best manifestation of knowledge that has reached them at that moment in time. We are not to judge them.

Even in the Quran, a Christian community invented 'monasticism' as a part of religion to please God, but which God did not prescribe. However, the Lord Almighty did not dismiss them, but promised to reward them from the good of their actions, even though it was an invention. (57:27).

The Quran has no intention to strip one of a culture and their traditions or to make humans into a monolithic community. It recognises variances amongst us as we have been created a diverse people (49:13. 30:22). The Quran only seeks to guide by providing a tool for discernment so that existing practices do not conflict with the basic tenets of its teachings. Hence, the primary purpose of the Quran was to remove such customs and beliefs of the Arabs which were incongruent with its teachings and not necessarily forbid those that were not. [1] Please see verse 2:158 as an example.


This is part of a wider problem within the Muslim community whose native language is not 'Arabic'. Arguably, more often than not, children are taught the Quran in rote fashion and not the 'Arabic language' as a necessary component to understand the message of the Quran in parallel.

Muslim communities can only benefit if they address this problem at source and devise a method where Arabic is taught as a second language alongside any other native tongue they are taught. Much of this responsibility inevitably resides with the parents in the first instance and wider community.

If you are a parent of young children, it is an easy fix. Teach them Arabic and when the Quran is heard, they will inevitably extract its meaning in the future.

However, for those that have reached adulthood and find it difficult to learn a new language or do not have the wider resources to enable this, there are ways to make the most out of a congregation dedicated to listening to the Quran such as 'Tarawih':

  • Read the surah or content that the Imam is expected to cover in a language you understand before you join the Tarawih prayers.
  • Take the Quran with you to Tarawih prayers, or make use of other aids which do not disturb others to make the most out of the Quran's listening.

In the end, many people use this opportunity to think of God alone and to thank Him with congregational solidarity. It is foremost an opportunity to replenish one’s spiritual capacity. Ultimately it comes down to the individual as to how they make the most out of Ramadan and any practices which are performed during this month.


As many as one can manage with concentration, focus and ease. There is arguably no point in robotic performance with no spiritual connection. One should always respect the understanding of the congregation of the particular mosque in question. One's purpose is to worship God for His sake alone and not necessarily be concerned with the theological position of others, unless the nature of the worship contravenes the Quran's explicit guidance.

I hope this helps, God willing.


[1] Culture and Traditions Should Be Understood and Not Simply Dismissed
[2] Quran-centric - a powerful position indeed!
[3] My Humble Advice
[4] Following Traditions:
[5] Is Hearsay Unquranic?
[6] Reassessing Your Traditions in Light of the Quran - A Case in Point (To God We Belong)

Hello Joseph, I've been reading the quran a lot recently and one thing that i can't help but notice is that when i read the quran in english translation it always seems to me as though it speaks directly to the male reader, very rarely the female. However a reason for this could be because the verses were revealed to prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who was a male. I would really appreciate it if you clarified this matter for me as your knowledge of Arab literature is greater than mine.
Thank you very much,

Marhaba brother,

My name is [Name removed] from Turkey. I stumbled upon your site

When i read the article about you there state believers of Islam must not make any distinction between prophets. Although I agree with you in that but in Quran the command which prohibits  not to make any distinction is given with the context in believing to them and their message such in sura bakara  (1-136). And as for their status between there is ayat Isra (17-55), Bakara (1-253) Those messengers some of them we caused exceed others. So what I understand is as a Muslim we don't make any distinction in believing all prophets of Allah. But I also believe because of Quran Allah made some prophets exceed others and as for the sura Saba(34 - 28 ayat) we sent down you for all people as a messenger... and also  Anbiya (21-107) we sent you as a source of mercy for all creatures.

As a conclusion one ayat cannot be used to deduct a general idea instead we have to take into consideration of other ayats.

Yours sincerely.

Salaam Joseph sir

Might I ask you a question?

The Quran speaks of him reaching the setting of the sun and also the rising of the sun. I read your article on what it means to see the sun setting in a spring

But how do I understand expressions like Maghrib ash-shams?

Q&As with Joseph Islam - Information Only / Alimony
« on: May 29, 2014, 08:50:28 PM »
Dear brother,

As salaamu alaikum

Do you have any posts or articles on alimony that a wife demands after divorce?

Salam brother

Thank you for accepting my friends request on Facebook.

Firstly, why is it that you tend to stay hidden i.e no details about your studies or your background. The reason I am asking is that someone's background is important to know their validity...

Dear Brother Joseph Islam

Assalaamo Alaikum,

I am confused over a topic mentioned below. I 've read few places you make references from Old & new testament. ( previous books) also. So am assuming you also believe that previous scriptures are not "entirely" abrogated or corrupted.

Now most of the muslims outrightly say the previous books are corrupted and completely reject them whereas the core of Islamic belief calls us to believe in the previous books( torah, zaboor and Injeel). Question 1. How can we be asked to belief a thing which is corrupted? Are we actually believers if we deny the message in previous books? Question 2. Is it not tantamount to making distinction between the prophets? As the books revealed to Musa(p.b.u.h) & Isa(p.b.u.h) are looked down by many muslims. Why will Allah say that he would judge jews in what they got if the book they had is corrupted.

Many places(verses) it is mentioned that "the message" is protected. I fail to understand why the message(liz zikre) is referred to Quran only and not previous scriptures. Allah also mentioned among jews and christians are righteous people as well. How can their be righteous people if the very source of religious guidance to them previous books are corrupted as most muslim thinks.

Yes, I do agree certain practices and beliefs are corrupted like christians belief Jesus christ was crucified and will come back this has been clarified in the Quran, the son of god is clarified in the Quran in surah Ikhlaas not the case.

My question is does these corrections only apply to various beliefs/practices of jews and christians... I fail to understand this cannot tantamount to coming to the conclusion that the previous scriptures are wholly corrupted. If thats the case, I would ask which parts are abrogated? Is anyone aware of it? Why is it left to human beings to decide? Are the previous scriptures not the word of God the same logic that applies to its preservation is upon Allah only confined to Quran, indeed Quran is the criterion for us. the previous books were also referred to as criterion(Furqan).
If we disbelief previous scriptures claiming they are corrupt, it violates an important article of faith mentioned in Quran, Oh you who believe believe in previous messengers and previous scriptures.

In leviticus it say woman are unclean to go to a sanctuary, it isnt clearly mentioned they should not pray, but barred from religious place and anything she touches become unclean f i chose to pray am i violating what one source of word of god(Genesis) says being unsure about Quran doesnt reflect any clarity, it also calls it impurity only barring physical relations only during that time in all scriptures so i chose to pray.
Can I be argued on a ground what made you conclude that opinion when i said belief in previous scriptures too which clearly contradicts your assumption impurity isnt necessary a condition not to pray, whereas I also argue quran being the furqan says follow whats has being specifically said than our assumption i guess more clear message is believe the previous books... probably thats why the topic of menstruation isnt too elaborated in the Quran rather a line mentioned believe in previous messengers and books with other articles of faith.

Brother Joseph Islam I kindly request to clarify my doubt what to follow here with a rationale please. what is a right thing to do? God am so confused!!

Please help

Thanks & Regards

another point Quran says follow the religion of Abraham...borther circumcision mentioned in previous books not mentioned in quran? what to follow belief in previous books or quran as a final criterion? when previous books are referred to as criterion too.

woman while menstruating are barred from going to religious sanctuary as they are unclean for 7 days, now one can argue not explicitly mentioned u cant pray, and can be counter argued we go to religious sanctuary to pray/meditate what else? is there any other ppurpose of that place? barring from that place could imply do not pray during that unclean period so what to follow which final criterion without violating the basic belief that we are asked to believe in it , the previous books
a big favor if you could respond


Salaam brother Joseph

I hope all is well

I have a few questions which need some light shedding on as I was talking to a non Muslim friend he pointed out that Allah has called himself al-mudel now he tells me that it the the deceiver I wasn't sure as I haven't come across this yet, is this assumption true ?

And there's a popular phrase repeated many times in the quran If god GUIDES no one can misguide and if god MISGUIDES then no one can guide... Brother is this not implementing that god misguides people ???

Please response brother I'm just a student looking for answers !!

Thanks bro

Dear br. Joseph. aslaamolaikum

There is often confusion by some as to what or who exactly the nasara were. Are these really the Christians from the al-Qur'an? Pls can you clarify from the al-Qur'an. Thank you so much!

Brother Joseph,

How can these 2 verses contradict each other? Is it possible that Allah is referring to Jews and Christians of Moses and Jesus time alone? And is it possible that current day Jews and Christians are not real and instead should follow islam alone? I am puzzled!

"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good)."
ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين
[Quran 3:85]

"Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."
إن الذين آمنوا والذين هادوا والنصارى والصابئين من آمن بالله واليوم الآخر وعمل صالحا فلهم أجرهم عند ربهم ولا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون
[Quran 2:62]

Salaam Joseph,

I hope you don't mind me asking, can you explain salah to me. My brother is a fundamentalist, he wakes his 5, 9,11 yr old daughters to read in the morning, how can this be acceptable when children that age do not understand prayer but just the actions, surely a child at that age would not be happy to be woken up. I hope you don't mind me asking. I don't have any religious friends and talking to my brother is hopeless because we are all going to hell.


Salaamun Alaikum Brother,

[The bulk of the email has been redacted due to its very sensitive and private nature]

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