We call our Lord, The Merciful; then how can we support these...

Started by Mohammed, January 11, 2019, 10:05:30 PM

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I've been thinking about topic of animals, and diet.

As a baby I was fed a lot and was fat, and had big head. When I was a kid, I ate dairy, meat, and seafood. Then became skinnier with time as diet changed.

The diet I eat now is particular to my stage in life and the health issues I have made for myself because previous diet.

In documentary about Sahara, showed young women being fattened. Seems like another diet related change that occurs during stages of life.

Watching the documentary and seeing the diet of the nomadic desert people reminded me of the Qur'an and how it focuses on livestock (meat, dairy) as the main good thing. Yet also encourages eating dates and other fruit and vegetables to possibly encourage a balanced diet.

In the Bible, it talks about how it is our words that are more important than our food. Some stories make it look like dietary restrictions don't matter. I don't think this is what Jesus preached, because he is quoted saying that the body is the temple of God. Yet, he also is quoted questioning the purpose of tradition and wanting to establish the fundamentals, which are to treat others with empathy and to worship God. He is quoted saying to worship God secretly, hidden, with faith that God knows everything. He is quoted criticizing the people who look Godly and yet put people down, making rules and not following them themselves.

Food for thought.