urgently seeking advice regarding neutering/spaying pets

Started by Nura, January 20, 2014, 06:36:42 AM

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Shalom / Peace. I think there is a lot of dogphobia around in the muslim world. Even the companions mentioned in Surah kehf had a dog with them and they were good people!



Shalom Dauster,

Indeed, I agree. The phobia is not from the Quran. It is from unicorn books called Hadith and Sunna.   :D

Dispite of nothing prohibiting dogs and God talks about them in Sura the Cave and different verses onm hunting, many muslims take men written fiction over Allahs. Same about pigs, God said not to eat swine, he did not say do not touch a pigs, or have one for a pet.

I am told I am going to hell by some because I have a dog in my house. All this is having know knowlege in what the Quran says and their deen as far as I am concerned.

Here is the TRUTH about dogs that brother Joseph wrote


Kol Tuv


Shalom / peace Abbsrayray - I agree with you. Thanks for the link>> it was one the articles in the link I shared as well. There are some really nice things brother Joseph wrote in that link about dogs> pls see below.



Shalom Duster,

I have seen it a couple weeks ago. Written very beautifully God bless him.

If people are ignorant and blind to see the beauty God gives us on earth to share life with his creatures, that is their loss.

What I do not get from many many Muslims is why cats are clean vs dogs, if they do not ponder on the verses brother Joseph wrote about dogs that came right out of the Quran. Blind people have them to see for them. They alert individuals with impaired hearing to intruders or sounds, providing protection or rescue work, pulling a
wheelchair, or fetching dropped items among hundreds more I did not mention




It is clear from 18:17, that the cave remained open.

It is clear in 18:18, that the dog was at the entrance, separate from its masters.

Or at least, it might not have had any occasion to answer the calls of nature.

It was not like our pets creating nuisance inside closed doors.

For, "....God loves those who turn to Him constantly, and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean." (2:222)

A. Ismail Sait.


Salaam Ismail,

Can I just ask you, do you follow some Hadith and Sunna or just the Quran? I just want to see how and where you get your beliefs from as I noticed on several discussion.




Quote from: Ismail on January 23, 2014, 05:15:33 PM
It is clear from 18:17, that the cave remained open.

Shalom / Peace - can you please tell me how you have come to this conclusion? >>where does it say the cave was opened? Firstly tell me in Arabic please and then what is the point of laying in an open cave when they were all in hiding?


Shalom Duster

Telling Muslims who follow Hadith, sunnah or both that it is completely forbidden as Allah says in the Quran is like telling Christians that Jesus is not Gods Son, Not God, No Trinity.

Their response... "So 1.7 billion Muslims are wrong?
I respond, so 2.2 Billion Christians are wrong?

They say yes... I automatically give up because I get confused on how one is so blind to see it.

God is not short on words or left things out accidentally to have men put in the words for him. They do not get that!


Shalom / peace Abbbsray . I thought i would ask the q as I may have missed something as I am looking at this verse over and over again. I also asked the q as I thought Ismail was qur'anically minded. But I suppose he is best to confirm this. However it is so true what you say "so 2.2 Billion Christians are wrong?" true! - and it so easily said too!

I will wait for a response from bro Ismail first.