Reward in the paradise

Started by Beyond Tradition, September 01, 2019, 03:54:41 AM

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Beyond Tradition

Dear Brother Joseph
As salamualikum , Hope you are doing fine by the grace of Allah .
I want to know that what Quran clearly states about Jannah .

1. In the Quran there is a verse for man to enter Jannah with his wife
My question , then husband and wife both should be righteous ? If the man married 4 times then
which number of wife will be his companion ? Regarding this issue there are numerous Hadith which always contradictory and can not satisfy the people of who are asking on this issue. I want to know what Quran describe on this specifically ? I have read many articles and know that the life in Jannah will be a new creation and may not be the same emotion , sex , love in earthly period. Then why Quran mention the relation to enter into

2. Pls tell me what the life will be in Jannah as per Quran's perspective .
   If a man rewarded as righteous but his wife and child not the righteous then who will be his companion ?

Truth Seeker


1. If he had more than one wife and they were righteous, then maybe they will all be companions in Jannah. We know that souls will be recreated into a totally different creation so their form and function will most probably be completely different.

2. Then he would have other companions.