There are communities in this world who eat dogs, there are others who eat horses. Sharks and frogs are part of regular diet for billions of people in China and Japan. In the large forest areas there are tribal people who live on all sorts of wild animals. We have become so blind-sighted in our prejudices that we believe these people are acting beyond their human nature - in other words we consider them sub-human - Allah does not bless them, nor their food - as if they are surviving for generations based on mercy of devil! This is a sorry pathetic state of our community.
Kindly update us if you have any information whether in any remote jungles tribal people eat rats and cats. This is just to check if you have a practical confirmation for something you consider as Islamic. What is actually pathetic is to bring up those strange examples to confirm something Islamic. These examples are only fit for a tv shows like BELIEVE IT OR NOT.
We have become so blind-sighted in our prejudices that we believe these people are acting beyond their human nature
They definitely go against instruction in the Quran to adhere to the Fitrah in which God has created human being. One does not need good logic to understand this point brother Arman. Forget about rats and cats, this irrespective of any culture and nations, all people will start vomiting if they see a dish prepared from the meat of rats and cats on the table, the Quran does confirm the Fitrah (natural predisposition that exists at birth in all human beings) when it states in 6.142 "
Of the Anaam are some for burden and some for meat". Furthermore, verse 16.8 "And (He has created) horses, mules, and donkeys, for you to ride and use for show. It is clear these animals are not meat for food. Even people who do not have a divine guidance don't eat their meat which further confirms
فِطْرَتَ اللَّهِ الَّتِي فَطَرَ النَّاسَ عَلَيْهَا Regards