What is Mubahila?

Started by Sardar Miyan, May 09, 2014, 12:32:31 AM

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Sardar Miyan

فمن حاجك فيه من بعد ما جاءك من العلم فقل تعالوا ندع ابناءنا وابناءكم ونساءنا
ونساءكم وانفسنا وانفسكم ثم نبتهل فنجعل لعنة الله علي الكاذبين

3:61If anyone argues with you concerning him, after the knowledge has come to
you, then say, "Come! Let us call upon our children, and your children, and our
women and your women, and our people and your people to leave one another alone
knowing that God's condemnation is upon the liars."
Salam All, It is said that after revealation of this Ayah the Prophet went alongwith his family to face the Christians as Mubahila ( Mutual Cursing) The Shia say the Prophet went alongwith daughters & his grand kids.Can somebody explain if this is correct?Thanks
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light