Peace be with you my dear brother in faith,
I am a muslim young woman who lives in Balkans (Kosovo, to be precise), and as a thirsty-for-knowledge person I've had the chance to read the works of many authors, but it was only when I read your works and studies that I felt I love Allah, I love Islam, I love the prophets, and so on. I'm not saying I didn't love them before, but there were many theories that kept me confused and whom my logic always told me they contradict the Koran, and which prevail in the so-called Islamic states. (like for example the Rabia-ruled Egypt, or Isis state, and similar - what is your opinion on them being 'islamic'? I'd appreciate it so much!)
I don't know where you're from, and I don't know much about you (as you don't reveal much about yourself), but that much I know is enough to feel an immense admiration and respect and affection for you. I feel blessed by Allah to have been put to contact with your beautiful work. I don't know how much are you famous in Kosovo or Balkans, but I can guarantee you that I'm your number-one fan in both of them
may Allah bless you the same way he blessed us through you, and please, never let us without your help and guidance regarding the deen!