Reciting Quran in Prayer

Started by munir rana, July 20, 2014, 04:02:30 PM

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munir rana

Dear All


One more question I would like to ask you.

All the necessary guiding aspects of prayer are mentioned by the Quran and  there is no mention to recite surah/ayat from Quran. Then why do we recite Quran in salat in a mandatory way?


Best Wishes.

Joseph Islam

Dear Munir,

Wa alaikum assalam

In general, traditions and practices of earlier generations can often become seen as 'mandatory' by later generations as they become blindly reliant on them. At times, some cannot even recall why they even engage in a particular practice and become somewhat distant from the original essence of why the practice was even instituted. A crude, somewhat unrelated example can be seen below which demonstrates the latter point [1].

However, it is important to remember, that there are arguably good practices, and bad practices and the Quran only seeks to challenge practices which are incongruent with the Quran's guidance (bad practices) and not to rid a community of their good practices. [2], [3], [4]

In answer to your specific question, from a Quran's perspective, it does not stipulate what should be read in one's salaat, although, passages read from Islam's holiest book 'in the voice of God' - the Quran, can be seen as 'best practice'. This point also finds some support in verses such as 18:27, where God says: "And recite that which has been revealed to you of the Scripture of your Lord..." and other verses such as 17:78, where there is an expectation for the Quran to be read at Fajr which is also a time for prayer.

For congregational purposes, it makes sense to read a narrative which everyone agrees upon. One can only imagine the disagreements that would ensue by reading a particular 'translation' of the Quran. The 'Quran only movement' should provide ample evidence to the vitriolic disagreements and exchanges which at times individuals succumb to, who at times cannot even agree on the meanings of fundamental words of the Quran.

Therefore, from a Quran's standpoint, there is nothing wrong with reading or reciting passages from the Quran as best practice. However, it is the responsibility of every believer to become acquainted with the meaning of the text as best they can (64:16; 39:18; 39:55) so that they can comprehend the Quran when it is being recited (4:43).

As I mentioned in another article [5] below:

  • "The Quran does not expect a fixed form or recitation. However, a fixed form and recitation also does not contravene the Quranic directives to pray which would be the most likely and logistically feasible way to conduct prayers if one were to assimilate with a prayer congregation" [5]

I hope this helps, God willing,


[2] Following Traditions:
[3] Quran-centric - a powerful position indeed!
[4] Is Hearsay Unquranic?
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

munir rana

Dear brother Joseph,


Thanks for your kind response. Its always helpful. (And, by the way, I use your posts frequently in relation with some of my facebook status. Hope you wouldn't mind.)

`From a Quran's standpoint', you said, `there is nothing wrong with reading or reciting passages from the Quran as best practice.' I agree. But when someone doesn't know the meaning what he recites, then wouldn't it be wise to utter something what he/she understands.

One more thing. In salat one have to say a lot to God. Sometimes the verses doesn't cover all the issues he want to express. (May Allah forgive me if I cross the limit). Then, is it ok if he/she says his own words alongwith recitation of the holy book. In that case (for own words) would it be mandatory to utter in intermediate voice, though it is not recitation.

One more to ask. Is there any problem if i recite diferent parts/verses of Quran (which all are prayer) at a stretch in one rakah.

Sorry, if I'm taking too much time.

May Allah grant you peace here and hereafter.


Joseph Islam

Dear Munir,

Please see my responses in red italics to your comments below.

Dear brother Joseph,

Wa alaikum assalam

Thanks for your kind response. Its always helpful. (And, by the way, I use your posts frequently in relation with some of my facebook status. Hope you wouldn't mind.)  I don't mind at all. The only thing I respectfully request the readership is to link / share to the original source of the article or post, which I trust that you do anyway.

`From a Quran's standpoint', you said, `there is nothing wrong with reading or reciting passages from the Quran as best practice.' I agree. But when someone doesn't know the meaning what he recites, then wouldn't it be wise to utter something what he/she understands. Absolutely. That is why I said in my previous post "However, it is the responsibility of every believer to become acquainted with the meaning of the text as best they can (64:16; 39:18; 39:55) so that they can comprehend the Quran when it is being recited (4:43). Therefore, if the Quran cannot be understood, worshippers are better advised to either learn the meanings or utter something which they understand even if it is a translation in their own tongue."

One more thing. In salat one have to say a lot to God. Sometimes the verses doesn't cover all the issues he want to express. (May Allah forgive me if I cross the limit). Then, is it ok if he/she says his own words alongwith recitation of the holy book. In that case (for own words) would it be mandatory to utter in intermediate voice, though it is not recitation. As I have respectfully shared in many posts and articles, the Quran does not stipulate 'what to utter' in salaat. It leaves this open. Yes, verses from the Quran can be argued as best practice and congregational logistics , but there is nothing wrong in my humble view from a Quran's perspective, to utter words in a language that you understand, to best capture your feelings and sentiments. In other words, there is nothing wrong with uttering best choice words in your own tongue which are not a recitation.

One more to ask. Is there any problem if i recite diferent parts/verses of Quran (which all are prayer) at a stretch in one rakah. As mentioned and with a view to respectfully reiterate once more, the Quran does not stipulate what to utter and is open to choice words or selected Quranic narratives. Therefore, I cannot see a conflict with uttering chosen words whether it is from different parts of the Quran or utterances which best capture your own thoughts.

Sorry, if I'm taking too much time.

May Allah grant you peace here and hereafter.
And you too, Insha'Allah.

You are most welcome dear brother.
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

munir rana

Dear Brother Joseph

Salam and Thanks for your kind responses.

Just a side note. One of my freinds said that its nice to write `in sha allah' separately. Otherwise it could be meant differently. Is he right?

Best wishes.

Joseph Islam

Quote from: munir rana on July 22, 2014, 04:28:27 PM
Just a side note. One of my freinds said that its nice to write `in sha allah' separately. Otherwise it could be meant differently. Is he right?

Dear brother Munir,

Wa alaikum assalam

The very instance you transliterate a phrase from one language to another, there is no such thing as a 'mistake' as long as the word is properly represented 'phonetically' and is understood by the listener in the manner in which it was imparted and intended. I do not believe that anyone who writes 'Insha'Allah' intends nor is understood to mean 'Create God'. Create 'Allah' would be more closely transliterated as 'Insha'i'Allah / Insha-illah' which is rather different from 'Insha'Allah or InshAllah'.

With respect my dear brother, what irks me most is that while Muslims are being massacred around the world, when at a time there is a dire need to spread fundamental truths of the Quran's message to the population amidst heightened misunderstandings and falsehood; when people are dying of hunger, their homes and livelihood are being destroyed; when scarce time and resources should be spent on serious study of the Quran and dissemination; when there is a critical need for proactivity, philanthropy and charitable causes; some people have nothing better to do than to ask and debate ridiculous, meaningless questions and nit-pick conducting microsurgery on transliterated words! No wonder as to the plight of Muslims!

Dear brother, I hope that you will understand and appreciate my sincere sentiments on this, but may I respectfully and kindly say that I do not have time and resources to respond to what I deem are meaningless, petty questions such as the one your friend has asked. I am sure you will agree with me that there are more important things to do with our resources.

I of course, intend no disrespect to you or the sincerity behind your question. My comments intend to have a wider purport and sincerely attempt to address Muslims more generally.

With respect and warm regards,
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


peace munir,

There are many verses linking al salat (the bond) with al quran (the reading), see:

2:43-45, 4:103, 5:12-13, 7:169-170, 8:2-3, 19:58-59, 29:45, 31:2-7, 33:33-34, 17:78-79, 73:1-4, 73:20
Verify for yourself.

munir rana

Brother Wakas


The verses you mentioned are useful. thanks a lot.

Best wishes.