On Changing Churches to Mosques

Started by adam, August 25, 2014, 10:19:53 AM

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Dear Readers,

As Salam Mualaikum,

Can anyone help me with locating information about converting churches into mosques?
Is this a permissible act? or is it not condoned according to the Quran?

Take Hagia Sophea as an example, We all know Sultan Mehmed II converted it during his reign. Does this mean that it is permissible?

Look forward to some good replies.


Oh, And sorry i think i added this question on the wrong thread.


All places of worship belong to Allah.....Mosques, Churches, Synagogues, Monasteries  etc. So it doesn't matter if one is converted to another...as long as no other name is mentioned besides Allahs.

"And the places of worship are for Allah (alone): So do not invoke anyone beside Allah (in them)." (Qur'an 72:18)

"(They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right,- (for no cause) except that they say, "our Lord is Allah". Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. ..." (Quran 22:40)

good logic

Greetings adam.

Qoran does not like "aggression"-WALA TAATADU..-.

Also Qoran allows freedom of choice  -LA IKRAHA FI DEEN..-.

I suppose if you drive the Christians out of their land and turn their church into a mosque by force, then this is wrong .

However if they willingly embrace Islam, there is nothing wrong in turning the church into a mosque.

In the case of Mehmed the conquerer,GOD is aware of how it was done. GOD s justice will prevail.

Various civilisations were going along "invading " one another. GOD is their final judge.

Also a good point was made by 8pider. All places of GOD should be for worshipping GOD Alone.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


I recently read a verse which stated that if Allah had not made arrangements through His Divine planning, places of worship of different people where Allah's name is mentioned would not have remained unharmed (sorry forgetting the verse). Another verse asks believers not to bad mouth other peoples deities as it would only provoke them to respond in kind.

Which may mean not to take down or convert or destroy places of worship of different faiths. Which leads me to ask:

1. Why did the Muslims build a Mosque over Solomon's temple in Jerusalem
2. Why did they convert a Church in Istanbul to a Masjid
3. Why did Mahmood of Ghazna loot/detroy the temple of Somnat

Kindly correct me if I have misunderstood.