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Offline Seraphina

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This article has been transmitted a lot recently in my homeland, and in my native language, but I managed to find it in english for you.
It seems to confirm a hadith of our prophet pbuh, in which he says that there is fire inside the earth and sea under that fire, and it also seems to confirm a quranic verse. I can't recall the hadith exactly, but here's the quranic verse: "Allah is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the earth a similar number." (At-Talaq, 12, Yusuf Ali translation).
Dear brother Joseph (and other forum members), what is your opinion? I am aware of the Quran-centric approach, but I'm asking because this is often being used as a fact to prove the equality of the ahadith with the holy Quran: science confirms the facts mentioned in Quran, and it also confirms the facts mentioned in the ahadith, so ahadith are equally divinely authoritative as the Quran.
Selam :)
"Say:"O my slaves who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

Offline ahmad

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Re: Discovery confirms 65:12 and a hadith - does it prove Quran=Hadith?
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2014, 11:58:39 AM »
Salam Seraphina,

In my humble opinion, I believe that these kinds of issues are not that straightforward. There is a big room for wishful thinking and selective perception. Furthermore, I'm sure that if you search for a rebuttal for this claim, you will probably find one. (Probably by a non-Muslim and probably convincing).

I'm asking because this is often being used as a fact to prove the equality of the ahadith with the holy Quran: science confirms the facts mentioned in Quran

Furthermore, I find the premise of proving the divine origin of the Quran by simply relying on the scientific consistencies it has with modern science questionable. Scientific miracles alone, in my opinion, do not prove a lot. There has been scientific breakthroughs in ancient civilizations before the Quran.

However, this does not mean that the scientific references in the Quran have no purpose. On the contrary, I believe that it can increase the faith of a believer. (But, arguably faith was already present before diving deeper in these references from studying the main arguments the Quran presents.)

If one is to proof the divinity of the Quran, I believe one must take the Quran as a whole,  including its main arguments and "scientific miracles". The latter alone, in my humble view, is not sufficient. Which is why I find it hard to prove  the divinity of a Hadith using this line of thinking.

Hope this helps.
Peace.  :)