Bible is mistranslation

Started by Saya, April 10, 2012, 04:25:01 AM

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The bible as been mistranslation to proof

1 divorce is a sin

2. Women are inferior to men

3. Women submit to you husband

Here what it actually said

1 . God hate putting away.
Divorce and putting away are two different things

Putting away is kicking out the wife without writing a document of divorce and if she remarriage she commit adultery because her husband hasn't written a document of divorce. Same the male.

2.Eve is called Adam ezer kenegdo which mean co equal and not helper.

3 women are to hupotassomai their husbands and husband Are to Agapao their wives

Hupotassomai and Agapao are the same.

They both mean support of another

Truth Seeker


The words you mention are Greek and are are matter of debate in the academic world, with some people equating the two and the majority saying that they have a distinct difference.

yielding or submitting either to a person in authority or to wise counsel.

to welcome, to entertain, to be fond of, to love dearly of things,to be well pleased, to be contented at or with a thing

The key here is that the system of marriage had a hierarchical structure that was conveyed through the use of these words. A husband would be incomplete without the support of his wife but ultimately he was the head of the household.

So her submission (Hupotassomai) would be in this context and not as a child who is told what to do and when to do it. At the same time, a husband is to love (Agapao) and care for his wife because she is his valued companion.

I think that we will have to understand the hierarchical significance that is alluded to in the Bible and also the Quran when is comes to the positions of spouses.


the word Hupotassomai is hupotasso in it's middle voice. there a different when a word is it's middle voice. Hupotassomai is a voluntary action. It wouln't d make sense if the two are the same meaning.

1. Geneis is the a example of how god want marriage

adam called eve his ezer kenegdo
which mean his equal.

Truth Seeker


I have not found the word ezer kenegdo to mean equal. The word 'helper' however does not do the phrase justice though.

She will help him when he faces situations on so many different levels. Her support and caring will have a positive effect on the marriage and her husband would respond by loving her more. The marriage is a two way process.

Yet I still see that the Bible puts the husband in charge of the household and he will have specific duties in that respect. Their positions are different, not equal.


What about the female judge . She was marriage. She had a 40 year peace reign. Also phobeo was a diakonos a masculine word which Paul also use to call himself. She was a minister
Kephale is orgin or source.