Re: Glorification vs Salat

Started by good logic, May 09, 2015, 02:05:57 PM

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good logic

Peace Hope.

Please allow me to share my opinion about 24:58.
I believe GOD is talking about a right conduct during a period of privacy, not naming any salat.

1- We retire to our room ,in privacy and to rest after salat "Alisha" until before "salat "Alfajr" this is one period.
2- we also retire to our room in privacy and to rest during the "Dhahirati (Siesta,noon,,,) that is another period.

So the subject here is an instruction to others ,if they need to talk/ask/ to knock/get our attention...before entering the room.

The subject is not naming the salats!!! So it does not mean there are only two salats in Qoran.

Just because GOD happens to mention the two salat periods in this verse that is talking about another subject, does not mean there are only two salats.

If GOD wanted to name all the salats, He ( No gender intended)would have made naming the salats the subject and named all of them.

Qoran confirms five periods for the daily salats. Fajr= Dhahirati- Kabla ghurubi shams- Maghrib and Isha. The traditional Muslims call the two day prayers Dhuhr and Asr .I have not found find these  two words describing any period of the day in Qoran personally.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD

good logic

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