Dear Zack,
As-salamu alaykum
Thank you for your post and I do share
in the main, what I understand to be the the gist of your sentiment.
I am sure you and other readers are aware of my continuous endeavour to ensure that the Bible is not dismissed, but viewed as an integral part of the wider Quranic message and context.
I have persistently countered suggestions of wholesale corruption of the Bible by many traditionalists
[2] and have even responded to Quranists that appear to dismiss the Biblical record as a necessary context establishing component to understanding many of the Quranic narratives
[3]. I have also committed to many writings on various platforms insinuating the importance of both scriptures.
However, I would kindly add that as far as the Quran being a later document or a revelation
‘550 years after’ this does not by inference preclude the Quran as the primary authoritative source of interpretation for believers. For believers, the author of the Quran (God) is not subject to time.
As I trust that you will appreciate, in contrast to human writings that may suffer in authenticity and authority over the passage of time, a 'later' scripture by a timeless God would arguably be most authoritative and most authentic especially if Gods own commitment to protect its message is accepted (15:9).
Furthermore, it is within God' remit if it is His will, to dispense with certain directives from the previous scriptures (such as specific law) for subsequent communities (2:106) or to clarify those matters which ‘may’ have become obscure / misinterpreted over time. (5:15)
"Any verse / message (Arabic: ayatin) which, We cancel / abrogate or consign to oblivion We replace with a better or a similar one. Do you not know that God has the power to will anything?"005:015
"O People of the Book, surely there has come to you our Messenger, making clear to you much of what you used to conceal (Arabic: tukh'funa) of the scripture and overlooking / forgiving much (Arabic: wa-ya'fu an kathiran). Surely has come to you from God a light and a clear book" Please note: The Arabic word
'tukh'funa' comes from the root KHA-FA-YA which carries the meaning of what is unapparent / has become imperceptible / has become dim to the sight / or suppressed, or obscured to the mind. It also carries the meaning of something which has become 'concealed'.
I share my comments that you kindly noted in a related thread,
- "It remains an undisputable fact, that the Quran dedicates a plethora of verses to support Biblical narratives and identities (musaddiqan). It clearly expects its audience to be familiar with Biblical notions and goes out of its way to ratify the general integrity of the Torah and the Books of the prophets (Tanakh) (2:136). It is important to remember that the Quran's purpose is not to rewrite the Bible (5:15) but to confirm and also act as a 'furqan' (25:1). It protects the essence of the message of the previous scriptures, whilst also acting as a discerner of its truth (muhayminan).
Thus the blanket rejection of any source ‘Biblical’ is wholly unsupportable from a Quran's perspective. It serves no other purpose but to precariously dismiss a large portion of the Quran’s verses which contain tremendous wisdom. Such an approach is not only intellectually and academically unwarranted, it can also be argued as disingenuous." [6]
Thank you for bringing this matter to the fore.
REFERENCES:[1] LAMBASTING THE BIBLE[2] 'BETWEEN HIS HANDS' OR 'BEFORE IT' (MA BAYNA YADAYHI)[3] Critique of Br J Islam's article on Baca and Makka[4] Studying the Bible as Another Source for GuidanceStudying the Bible as Another Source for Guidance