Thank you!!!!

Started by Reader Comments, August 03, 2015, 01:56:21 AM

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Reader Comments

Assalamu Alaykum, Joseph,

I just need to tell you that I stumbled upon your site and Alhamdulillah, it is as if I am reading my own thoughts! Except, not being able to master Arabic (albeit trying) I have to rely on the guidance of my heart which I know belongs to Allah.

I am a convert of 4 years, living in a Western country and society and am utterly comfortable representing my faith, without all the trappings that shout out: Look here, I am different now and I am better....

My life has not changed at all, neither have the convictions which are in harmony with what the Quran tells me is the way to try and live this time, but through your articles I am at last able to defend myself against many pin pricks and stronger weapons trying to discredit Islam and using Ahadith as proof.

I have even been told I am not a Muslim if I do not follow these books......

May Allah accept my efforts to be my best and continue to accompany me in this life which I enjoy so much and am grateful for.
And may He reward you for the valiant effort of study and dissemination and encouragement that comes to people like me through reading the articles on your site.

Shukaran jazilan!

Warm salaam,