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Offline chadiga

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touch or grasp the Quran?
« on: April 13, 2012, 05:08:23 PM »

after I read the article, I now have two questions. The first is that it existes also another interpretation or  explanation of the aya, which says that  only the pure * godly, believing in the Koran can *
to gather , record,. to capture,to embrace, to seize,to conceive ,to apprehend ,to comprehend,to acquire ,to appreciate
to grasp
the Qurans message.

what do you think?

second question is specifically for the following statement?

No doubt, the oral and the written transmissions have both played a crucial role in the Quran's preservation. This is also vouched by the following Quranic verse which separates the reminder in its oral form (dhikr) from the Quran in its book or scriptural form indicating the coexistence of the two transmissions working in tandem.
"We have not instructed the (Prophet) in poetry, nor is it befitting for him. This is no less than a reminder (Arabic: Dhikr) and (Arabic: wa) a Quran making things clear"

The verse says not al quran, but only Quran * reading * recited*, it is not a link for the written  Kitab .
we see in the Quran many times the term Al Quran for the Quran (our Book), but i think quran is more in general and seems to point here for the revelation and this was oral. Allah says also many times Al Kitab why , if this a mark for the transmission (oral and written) not here also?
thanks for clarification. salam and peace

Offline Joseph Islam

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Re: touch or grasp the Quran?
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2012, 01:39:11 PM »
Salamun Alaikum Chadiga,

Thank you for your questions which I have answered as response 1 and 2 respectively.


I find no support for this interpretation from the Quran. The 'Protected Book' in verse 56:78 is not directly a reference to the Quran. Rather, the reference in my humble opinion is to the source Book - The Umm-ul-Kitab (Mother Book 13.39; 43.2-4) and the Luh-e-mahfuz (Guarded Tablet 85.21-22) which remains the ultimate source that is with God and which remains protected from any corruption. It is this source tablet which can only be accessed by the very pure (such as those tasked to deliver the message for example Gabriel but not limited to him).


I am sure we both agree that whenever the noun 'Quran' is used (whether in its definite or indefinite noun form), it still refers to the revelation that Prophet Muhammad received. The noun 'Quran' does not refer to anything else unlike 'book' (kitab) which is a reference to any book or 'the book' (al-kitab) which is a reference to a particular book.

The Quran can also exist as a 'recitation' from memory or a 'reading' from sheets of paper. It is also clear that the Quran (reading / recitation) also existed in the form of a Book at the time of the Prophet as can be seen by the two verses combined.

"We have not instructed the (Prophet) in poetry, nor is it befitting for him. This is no less than a reminder (Arabic: dhikr) and a Quran making things clear"
"Alif Lam Ra. These are the verses of the Book (Arabic: al-kitabi) and a Quran that makes (things) clear"

So if one juxtaposes 36:69 with 15:1, the 'reading' existed as a Book (al-kitab) and a 'recitation' from memory (dhikr) at the time of the Prophet at the same time. There are also other examples that the Quran was in written form such as 80:13-16.

"(It is) in sheets / pages held (greatly) in honour (Arabic: fi suhufin mukarrama), Exalted (in dignity), kept pure and holy (Arabic: marfu'atin mutahhara), (Written) by the hands of scribes. (Arabic: bi'aydi safara), honourable and pious and just (Arabic: kiramin barara)"

However, I do think you have a valid point which suggests that further elaboration of 36:69 would be beneficial. This I certainly acknowledge and appreciate. I have therefore updated the article with this in view to assist the readers further. I thank you for bringing this to my attention as a clarification question.  Jazak Allah Khair.

Your brother in faith,
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell