Nisa and Zawja and the meaning of Nisa

Started by Reader Questions, November 27, 2011, 09:28:41 PM

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Reader Questions

Salam Alaykum,

What is difference between nisa and zawja as used (in 33:32-33 & 33:59 - as both has been referred as wives of prophets)?

I have noted even Nisa are wives, women, old women , widows etc etc but what is meaning in Arabic as as per Quranic context.

- Some people argue that nisa does not mean women and may also include men.

Joseph Islam

Walaikum salaam.

'Nisa' has a plural context and means women. The fact that 'nisa' means women is clear from numerous verses, in particular verse 2:222 which shows that they menstruate.

Verse 4:11 indicates that 'nisa' means 3 or more women (more than two (fawqa ithnatayni) = nisa). Therefore, 'nisa' does not have a singular derived from its root. One could argue that it could be seen as a befitting plural of another word 'amrata' (woman) which of course does not have the same root.

In your chosen examples, 'nisa' (women) is used in a more general sense and 'wives' (azwajika) in a more intimate sense if the address is more relevant in the capacity of a matrimonial relationship.

So, in my humble opinion whereas 33:32 intends to portray a general comparison of one group of women with another, 33:59 separates the 'women' of the Prophet into wives and daughters for the purposes of the verse as it deems fit to elucidate.

I hope this helps,
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

Reader Questions

Dear Mr. Joseph,

Can you please explain how nisa = more than two women?

I also felt as per translations it is beneficial of inherittance between male & female.


Joseph Islam

Salamun Alaikum.

We have no singular for 'Nisa'. It is plural (women).

I suggested 'indicates'. This is admittedly by no means a confirmation. But in the absence of a definitive, it is best implication on my part from a Quranic analytical perspective.

One woman - imra-atun - 4:12, 27:23
Two women - imra-atayni 28:23

Therefore, I made use of 4:11 as a guiding verse.

The feminine dual in 4:11 is represented as 'unthayayni' and not as nisa x2, but when it spoke of more than two females, it referred to it as 'nisa'. 

'nisa fawqa ith'natayni' (women more than two)  or 2 + females  = nisa (women).

I hope this helps, God willing,

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell