Why the Bible is not God's Words

Started by HOPE, February 23, 2013, 03:25:03 AM

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"Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark"


This thread is ancient, but I had to reply.

Hi Hope, I just want to say that we shouldn't go looking for "contradictions" and "inconsistencies" in other people's scriptures. A lot of people do this with the Quran and most of it is based on conjecture and mistranslations of certain verses. This is probably also true with the Bible contradictions: most of these alleged mistakes are probably mistranslations. Of course the Bible is considerably messed up, but we should be sure before we go around telling people about "mistakes" in it.

If we want to prove that the current Bible isn't from God, we should just talk about its central ideas and how they don't make sense, like Trinity. That's probably more effective than stuff like this, which is easily debunked and refuted.

No hard feelings, just advice :)



Also, Hope, you have a lot of good posts. I've been going through a lot of stuff on this forum and your threads are pretty interesting. :)

I can't begin to say how amazing everyone on this forum is. Nobody says mean things, argues maliciously, etc. It's reassuring to see that there are actually nice people out there.