Wa alaikum salam Ajnum,
I think you are making life difficult for yourself. Personally, i do not think We need to take ablution to hold/read the Quran.
There are many reverts that have embraced the Quran and Islam without knowing about ablution and other detailed practices prior to reading the Quran.
I use my Iphone which has a Quran app for me to read and do not take ablution just to hold my phone which contains the Quran.
Also from whatyou typed: "Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you, abstain from it"...so according to this verse...are we commanded to follow hadeeth?...tats wat...these hadeeth following people claim..i guess...so..should we follow hadeeth?..well...m jus asking...sorry for such a silly question...
I do not see anything in that verse that mentions Hadith. But more importantly, those verses you mentioned and the ones that came before it are in context of a certain War.The division of booty from the war which is entrusted to Muhammad to divide accordingly to the poor, wayfarer, orphans are what the verse is talking about. whatever the Prophet gives you from the booty and whatever he forbids from the booty.
There is no need to insert meanings that are not there ie hadith, sunnah, etc that sectarians are so fond of telling.
On a different note - one to do with oaths, I really do think God does hold your word to it, as i have experienced before. But there is always wisdom behind this that I cannot explain nor understand fully.
I keep telling my friends and family, that your intention is important. Your intention (niat) is what comes from the depths of your heart. It is the truth of what you feel, want, need and so on. Whether you break an oath or not, I feel Good intended deeds will always override the mistakes or bad deeds. Not to mean it wont be counted for. But you must trust God and His infinite capacity to forgive and provide mercy to those that truly repent.
Hope this helps.